Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Quick question - I'm on Day 3 of my switch from the HTC One to the HTC 8XT. I have multiple gmail accounts, 3 to be exact, 1 personal, and 2 for clubs I'm in and help support.

I am assuming there's no easy way to switch between them when in 1 gmail account to another, I have to exit out, and open up the next gmail account, correct?

Also instead of the tile label 'Google Mail', 'Google Mail 2', 'Google Mail 3', how can I rename those so it actually makes sense? Anyway to change the Tile icon/picture so they don't all look the same?

Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Quick question - I'm on Day 3 of my switch from the HTC One to the HTC 8XT. I have multiple gmail accounts, 3 to be exact, 1 personal, and 2 for clubs I'm in and help support.

I am assuming there's no easy way to switch between them when in 1 gmail account to another, I have to exit out, and open up the next gmail account, correct?

Also instead of the tile label 'Google Mail', 'Google Mail 2', 'Google Mail 3', how can I rename those so it actually makes sense? Anyway to change the Tile icon/picture so they don't all look the same?


Very easy to change the name. Go to settings, then email/accounts, then tap on the one you want to change.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Very easy to change the name. Go to settings, then email/accounts, then tap on the one you want to change.

TY! Like I said...day 3...still learning the ropes.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

After reading some more posts in this thread..of people switching to Windows to Android, Android to Windows, iOS to Android or Android iOS, there is no perfect operating system or device to be had. No matter which device or operating system you choose. It's sad, but there will be some issue that you're gonna have, some feature that you want but don't have or a feature that you have but don't like. People complain about Windows because of the lack of apps, specifically Instagram. Which I don't know how one app could decide the faith of a device...but most people base the life of Windows Phones on instagram..smh. If Instagram doesn't come to Windows, then Windows will fail...blah blah blah. There is other Instagram alternatives out there people :). And then there's Android, which has issues too. One of the biggest complaints with Android is that you can buy a device today and in the next 4 months it could stop being supported. Sure you can root it or whatnot, but that gets old and sometimes something ends up not working correctly and then you have to troubleshoot and find the issue. With iOS, its the lack of customization. Heck, it's been looking the same since day one..lol

And for people complaining of apps not being the best on WIndows, Android is no better imo. Sure they have some of the big name apps like iOS, but they sometimes force close and freeze up as well.

All I'm saying is that the grass is not always greener on the other side. Just because Android has more apps, doesn't mean that the apps work great. Remember Windows is somewhat still new in my eyes. When Android first came out, people was stating the same issues about it when people compared it to iOS.

If you get a device that is fine and works best for your needs, then go for it, do what makes you happy.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

we still need this thread though so people can tell us their cool stories.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

we still need this thread though so people can tell us their cool stories.

The whole point of this thread is for people to tell their stories. If you don't like reading them then nobody is forcing you to click on this thread. Some people actually like reading the stories.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

don't get me wrong...i like reading this thread. That's how I switched to the Lumia 928...lol.

I was just basically clarifying that no one device is perfect....at least in my opinion.

Keep the thread open...it might help me get my next device..lol
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Will be going back to androiud to the Galaxy S4.

Unfortunately the inability to turn of TOAST notifications even on a passworded lock screen just won't work for me from a business standpoint and from a personal one.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Yeah! It can be a turn off for some people I guess. Imagine your friends reading incoming toasts without you knowing about it! I. Hope Nokia will address this in their updates.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using WPCentral Forums mobile app
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Well if you go by some peoples logic its your own fault for having bad security practices and leaving your phone out of your sight.. Always assumed thats what lock screens and passwords were for..

:rolls eyes:
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

we still need this thread though so people can tell us their cool stories.

Dude, can you be more of a ******? Everyone is stupid and not worth their stories being heard because they are leaving your beloved mobile platform? Maybe people are starting to realize that WP8 isn't a finished product and lacks tons of functionality that can already be had on other platforms. So they are leaving....can you blame them?

I spent two stints on WP8, and finally just gave up for now and went back to Android. It just simply isn't ready for primetime yet IMO. I hope that it will be some day, but in its current state, it simply is not. And don't act like "lack of updates" only affects Android. Look at your own beloved platform and the same thing is going on. It's been almost a year and some basics still haven't been addressed. For a platform that is trying to hit 5% market share and beyond, that's not a good way to go about things. There is still one universal volume for the phone....really? Little things like this are making people switch over to other platforms. If they can't get the small things right, it's just not worth the battle.

I went from an 8X to a Droid DNA and then the (disastrous) Lumia 928 to a Galaxy S4 and I can't be happier. Just knowing that I can do everything that I want to do with ease, use all of the official apps as they were intended and control my phone how it should be controlled is just a breath of fresh air. And the Android is "laggy" argument is so outdated. With Jelly Bean, things have been just fine. And of course WP8 is smooth....it is square tile images that scroll up and down and long-winded animations that enhance that "smooth" experience. Not saying it's a bad thing, but there isn't much going on to lag the system.

While you might think I'm bashing WP8, I'm really not. I'm actually frustrated because I really wanted WP8 to be my daily driver, but it just isn't ready for me yet. It's a really good, smooth and well integrated OS....it just needs more work for me to use it daily. I'm definitely rooting for it to succeed.

Also, at the end of the day, you need to be happy and use the platform that works for YOU. Whether it's iOS, Android, WP8 or Blackberry. There is no wrong answer and I think it's silly when people get blinded by one platform or another and bash people. They are all good in their own ways, it just comes down to personal preference and what you want to use it for. I will be following this thread, there are some interesting opinions going back and forth.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I've litterally spent 24 hours with WP8 and I agree with everything you just said Wize.

I have used every other platform except WP8 extensively and to be honest I really really really want to love WP8, its intuitive in most aspects, its smooth as butter no matter what you are doing and I just enjoyed the experience for the most part however the lack of google Apps (curse me for loving the google ecosystem) the crappy SMS system (I can't stand where the send button is) and the all time dumbest thing being toast notifications I just cannot bare to daily drive it...

It really is a great platform, kind of wonky if you're not used to it but honestly I just loved the feel of it. However there are some basic thigns that EVERY OTHER PLATFORM does that this does not.. honestly if that was fixed and you handed a person a windows phone for a day or two I bet they'd make the switch.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Well if you go by some peoples logic its your own fault for having bad security practices and leaving your phone out of your sight.. Always assumed thats what lock screens and passwords were for.

Passive-aggressive much? :D

Yes, security begins with the user. If a user knows that a system works a given way and that given way might expose people to sensitive or confidential data the user doesn't want those people exposed to, it is the user's responsibility to protect that data. You *know* that Windows Phone throws up Toast message notifications, you *know* that you've been chatting with your wife about your coworkers, and yet you still put your phone in your coworker's hands? Yeah, that's on you, pal.


Getting back on topic, when the WP8 devices were first released last November, I snagged a Lumia 920 in the first week. Unfortunately, that 920 was problematic; it would randomly drop connection (and not reconnect until a reboot) and overheated frequently. So I swapped it for an HTC 8X, which was a good phone, but after a few days use I hated the form factor. So I swapped it for a Lumia 820. My 820 was a great device but at that point the store was missing some crucial apps that I needed. I hung on for a couple of months hoping they'd show up, but they didn't. So I sold the 820 and picked up an iPhone 4s. Not one of my smartest moments especially considering that I really like WP8, way more than I do iOS or Android (for what it's worth, personally, I really dislike Android. I've had a Samsung Captivate and a Nexus 7 tablet... it's just not for me.)

Two weeks ago, I noticed that the apps I needed were available on WP8, so I picked up a Lumia 520. I figured that I'd be able to put my regular AT&T SIM into the phone and it would work properly. It did... sort of. Non HTTP data was problematic; I figured it was because of the iPhone data plan on my account, so I called up AT&T and had them change it. However, the visual voicemail wouldn't work (they no longer offer visual voicemail on grandfathered unlimited 4G plans, only LTE). So, ultimately, I upgraded to a new Lumia 920 and I'm happy. For the first time in my life, I'm "all in" with Microsoft; while I've always been a Windows Server administrator, I hated XP and Vista. Windows 7 was good, and I really dig Windows 8 and run it both on my work desktop and my home laptop. I've got a Surface RT tablet which is - for me - far superior to the iPad and Android tablets, and I have my Windows Phone.

So yeah, there's my "switching (back) to Windows Phone" story, heh.
Goodbye Windows Phone...it's not you, it's Microsoft.

It's that time cycle for an upgrade again, and sadly to say I won't be picking up another Windows Phone again. Don't get me wrong, if there are any bigger supporter of Microsoft's products through out the decade, I would like to hear from you. I've been using Microsoft mobile offerings since the days of Pocket PCs and PDAs. I'm sure most of people here can't claim that.

My first smart device was the HP iPaq h4150 running on Pocket PC 2003 edition. Back then, if you don't charge your PDA in time (within 30 mins of reserve backup battery), your whole PDA would reset to factory condition and wiping out all your data. Simply because flash memory wasn't prevalent back in those days and so the user profile was stored entirely on RAM! How far smart devices have come since then.

I followed through with Microsoft fumbled re-branding of Windows Mobile with an HTC Wizard and Samsung BlackJack, et etc. When I watched Belfiore's introduction of Windows Phone Series 7 in early 2010, I though it was going to change the entire smartphone paradigm. Too bad things didn't played out that way. I bough a Samsung Omnia 7 at launch in late 2010, which I still have and think it's one of Samsung best built smartphone ever. I later upgraded to the Nokia 820.

So after a decade long of cheering Microsoft, why jumping ship now? Well partly because I see there are better fish out there in the ocean so-to-speak. But mainly, it's because of Microsoft's becoming totally incompetent at their job. They've been fumbling around like an giant goofball and totally misusing all their assets to make a compelling case for the consumers. This reason, I think, is mainly why Windows Phone is where it is today, at 3.7%.

Maybe I have a things for imagination, but I always come up with cool things Microsoft could do to uniquely define WIndows Phone and create a must have mentality in the consumers.

Imagine in a perfect Microsoft ecosystem where your Xbox Live is wholly integrated between your Xbox console and your WP8 devices. Imagine that you can play for example Mass Effect on the console in epic battles and story. Then, when you're away on a train ride or whatever and bust out your Lumia to play a Mass Effect mini-game that could mine for material for upgrading your weapons, or just doing various mini-games that could level up your characters level etc. When you get home and turn on Mass Effect again, all your characters' level and weapon upgrades would be transferred over and you're ready to do epic battles again without having to hassle leveling up.

Imagine you would have a web player for your Xbox Music account and play music anywhere wanted to? Microsoft did invented the all-you-can-eat music model with Zune Pass after all, why is Spotify stealing the spotlight? Imagine you have all the apps and the niche ones too with all that evangelize resources at Microsoft's disposal?

Wouldn't all those be awesome? It could have happened beginning in 2011, but sadly it did not because Microsoft is at war with themselves in their various departments.

That graphic perfectly depicts what is going on and still is despite re-org at Microsoft.

In fall 2011 when when Mango was about to ship, I though that too was going to put Microsoft on equal footing with Apple and Google. Around late 2011, I contacted some people working at the Windows Phone department pitching my idea for the Mass Effect mini game. Mass Effect 3 was of course a popular franchise and scheduled to release in early 2012. It could've been a perfect promotion for Windows Phone as a gaming platform I think. But Microsoft was not going to have any of it. I got a message back saying I should contact the Xbox department instead, which I did, but I never heard back from them. So there goes my pipe dream.

Anyone paying close attention to Microsoft would've become frustrated with Microsoft a long time ago. I stick around for that slimmer of hope, but I too learn to accept the fact that Microsoft never disappoint to disappoint. I'm sure GDR3 will probably be a nice upgrade, but don't expect anything to lift up Windows Phone to double digit anytime soon. Nokia is probably as frustrated with Microsoft as I am. The 1020 is still luring me, but people can live without it.

As for my next phone, I've already narrowed to 2 phones, and none of it is Window Phones. I think in a couple of years, 2015-ish, Windows Phone will probably be in good footing, but two years in technology is a long time. Who know what new technologies will come along and render smartphone obsolete.

Wearable computing is where it's going to be I think. Good thing Microsoft Research is hard at work with its speech AI and synthesizer.
Re: Goodbye Windows Phone...it's not you, it's Microsoft.

It's that time cycle for an upgrade again, and sadly to say I won't be picking up another Windows Phone again. Don't get me wrong, if there are any bigger supporter of Microsoft's products through out the decade, I would like to hear from you. I've been using Microsoft mobile offerings since the days of Pocket PCs and PDAs. I'm sure most of people here can't claim that.

My first smart device was the HP iPaq h4150 running on Pocket PC 2003 edition. Back then, if you don't charge your PDA in time (within 30 mins of reserve backup battery), your whole PDA would reset to factory condition and wiping out all your data. Simply because flash memory wasn't prevalent back in those days and so the user profile was stored entirely on RAM! How far smart devices have come since then.

I followed through with Microsoft fumbled re-branding of Windows Mobile with an HTC Wizard and Samsung BlackJack, et etc. When I watched Belfiore's introduction of Windows Phone Series 7 in early 2010, I though it was going to change the entire smartphone paradigm. Too bad things didn't played out that way. I bough a Samsung Omnia 7 at launch in late 2010, which I still have and think it's one of Samsung best built smartphone ever. I later upgraded to the Nokia 820.

So after a decade long of cheering Microsoft, why jumping ship now? Well partly because I see there are better fish out there in the ocean so-to-speak. But mainly, it's because of Microsoft's becoming totally incompetent at their job. They've been fumbling around like an giant goofball and totally misusing all their assets to make a compelling case for the consumers. This reason, I think, is mainly why Windows Phone is where it is today, at 3.7%.

Maybe I have a things for imagination, but I always come up with cool things Microsoft could do to uniquely define WIndows Phone and create a must have mentality in the consumers.

Imagine in a perfect Microsoft ecosystem where your Xbox Live is wholly integrated between your Xbox console and your WP8 devices. Imagine that you can play for example Mass Effect on the console in epic battles and story. Then, when you're away on a train ride or whatever and bust out your Lumia to play a Mass Effect mini-game that could mine for material for upgrading your weapons, or just doing various mini-games that could level up your characters level etc. When you get home and turn on Mass Effect again, all your characters' level and weapon upgrades would be transferred over and you're ready to do epic battles again without having to hassle leveling up.

Imagine you would have a web player for your Xbox Music account and play music anywhere wanted to? Microsoft did invented the all-you-can-eat music model with Zune Pass after all, why is Spotify stealing the spotlight? Imagine you have all the apps and the niche ones too with all that evangelize resources at Microsoft's disposal?

Wouldn't all those be awesome? It could have happened beginning in 2011, but sadly it did not because Microsoft is at war with themselves in their various departments.
View attachment 39608

That graphic perfectly depicts what is going on and still is despite re-org at Microsoft.

In fall 2011 when when Mango was about to ship, I though that too was going to put Microsoft on equal footing with Apple and Google. Around late 2011, I contacted some people working at the Windows Phone department pitching my idea for the Mass Effect mini game. Mass Effect 3 was of course a popular franchise and scheduled to release in early 2012. It could've been a perfect promotion for Windows Phone as a gaming platform I think. But Microsoft was not going to have any of it. I got a message back saying I should contact the Xbox department instead, which I did, but I never heard back from them. So there goes my pipe dream.

Anyone paying close attention to Microsoft would've become frustrated with Microsoft a long time ago. I stick around for that slimmer of hope, but I too learn to accept the fact that Microsoft never disappoint to disappoint. I'm sure GDR3 will probably be a nice upgrade, but don't expect anything to lift up Windows Phone to double digit anytime soon. Nokia is probably as frustrated with Microsoft as I am. The 1020 is still luring me, but people can live without it.

As for my next phone, I've already narrowed to 2 phones, and none of it is Window Phones. I think in a couple of years, 2015-ish, Windows Phone will probably be in good footing, but two years in technology is a long time. Who know what new technologies will come along and render smartphone obsolete.

Wearable computing is where it's going to be I think. Good thing Microsoft Research is hard at work with its speech AI and synthesizer.

In my opinion, you are making a wise decision. Which two phones are you pondering if you don't mind me asking?
12 days with a WP8 device, why i didnt keep it...

Hello, first of all this is not a ''why my other device is better type of thread'', just my impressions of the Nokia 925, WP8 and why i decided to pass at least for now.

This was my first WP experience, before i had used and played with other Wp devices but no more than 5-10 mins from time to time.

First i want to start with things i liked... some of which almost made me stay with the phone.

1.Pictures at low light, altough i wasnt as impressed as i thought i would be.
2.Live tiles, i absolutely loved how my favorite pictures shuffled on my main screen.
3.Big screen, bright colors, gorgeous HD video playback.
4.People and Me Hub, a bit confusing at first but i get the idea and i like it, kind of.

Things i disliked, too big of a factor for me to decide to return the phone. (in no particular order)

1.Using the phone with one hand is almost impossible, atleast for me. Ive always been able to use my iphone with my right or left hand with no problem.

2.Camera position, i dont know why but it hard for me to take a picture without my fingers showing on the picture, even when my hands where not in front of back camera lens, had to hold phone oddly in order for it to work, phone almost fell twice.

3. 16g only, I got the USA tmobile version and i just cant make this my primary phone with only that space, i atleast need 32, i know i knew this from the beginning but since this was going to be my secondary phone i decided to get it anyway. But then i start to see ''other'' filling up my phone, erased everything and still ''other'' is there using much needed space.

4. Volume is universal, if i lower the volume on a video it lowers for the ringtone too... this is a big shame, i would expect this on a phone from 2008 but not in 2013. Sounds like somthing small but a Big let down.

5. Iphone has Facetime integrated, very easy to use, i thought a windows phone would implement something similar since they own skype... but no, skype app is not that great, i find it even better on IOS.

6. I have over 250 apps on my iphone 5, yes i use most of them, not everyday but i do. And no, i dont have any ''fart'' apps. WP8 has its decent amount of apps and some third party ones that replace instagram, youtube, etc etc... but for some reason many apps feel like a beta or an app that isnt there yet finished. In the end i felt i had to adapt, sacrifice what works almost perfect for something that looks similar but dosent perform as well.

7.I know and i believe the screen is responsive, but for some reason sometimes i had to swipe the screen twice in order for it to respond, im not saying it was laggy because it wasnt but maybe it wasnt really detecting my finger or something, i dont really know how to explain.

8. I had to enter wifi password everytime i powered off the phone, why? i dont know as i chose it to connect automatically, also eresaed pictures kept showing at Photos Tile and when i added new ones on favorites i would had to some re installing the tile and power cycling the phone in order for them to start showing.

In conclusion, Nokia is classy, hardware is pretty, . But WP isnt doing a good job if they want to really compete with android or IOS, it felt limited, sometimes messy, unfinished. Like i said, i now people can adapt and use this as their primary phone and even learn to love it, i cant, not for me at this time, i dont want to sacrifice something useful for something that at this time can only be described as a phone with a lot of potential but not that good yet. Having said that, everyone is different, we all have different needs/expectations and i will surely recommend this phone to some people.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Xbox music will probably drive me back to iPhone in the near future. The Xbox cloud match service is so incredibly bad that I can't believe MS actually has the nerve to charge people for the service. I never thought I would see the day where I actually miss iTunes, but there it is.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I am switching to galaxy S4 just tired of the black background behind live tiles. I have a HTC 8X and I think they could have done a lot better then the current live tile format and they are taking a long time to update just too many good features on S4.I have been using windows phone since windows phone 7 with HTC radar. Also I don't like the black bezel around windows phones.
Re: Why won't be getting a win 8 phone

Had a win 6.1 on Asus P750 for years then switched to Android ( Huawei G300 ) when microsoft left the market. I use my phone / contacts /calendar many times a day to talk with my customers ( I am a consulting engineer ) then back home sync with outlook on my PC ( don't have exchange ). OK I admit I'm a dinosaur - brought up programming PDP-11's - in the 70's. I use my phone to do calls and emails. Android does all of that with MPE ( free app ) to do the sync by usb or local LAN/wifi.

I was looking for a backup handset and thought I'd try Win 8 phones. Huawei have a cheap but very good Windows phone - W1 - which looked as if it would do fine. I thought - OK - its windows so I don't need to bother about office apps ( though Kingsoft on android works well for me ) and it will sync with outlook easily like the Android or win 6.1 Asus. Ha Ha - Ok I see you can do it via the cloud but really - when did microsoft deem it a GOOD IDEA to dump the simple functionality of activesync via a cable ( you remember the funny bit of wirey thing with a plug on each end ) for the hassle of adding yet more accounts and diving through hoops which anyone, from anywhere in the galaxy, would expect microsoft to do out of the box ?

I like the look of windows phones - I don't need many apps and those I do I get on one of my tablets ( PIPO M8pro or 7 inch S1). For me a phone is a business essential and . since its only me doing the work, I don't have a corporate infrastructure nor can I afford outlook exchange. The Huawei W1 does everything I want except for the minor problem of functionality.

Guess I'll just get another android - the Huawei y300 is only 70 GBP in the UK.


I must be a sucker but, in spite of what I said, I changed my mind and just picked up a Huawei W1 refurb for 69 GBP from O2 in the UK. We'll see .....
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

My company pays for our phones and for a long while they provided just BlackBerrys. Recently, they started allowing us to choose a device. So, everyone jumped on the iPhone 4 bandwagon. Everyone that is except me. I kept my Bold 9930 waiting to see how the new BlackBerry 10 OS would work. While the BB 10 OS is great, it does not integrate with our Outlook Exchange Server as well as my Bold 9930. I did a little research on the Lumia 928 and discovered that it would integrate just as well as my Bold. I then went to 3 different Verizon stores to put my hands on the Lumia 928. Since this is a work phone, I need to be productive. My biggest fears were not being able to see the screen to type (I could just feel the keys on the Bold 9930) and being able to copy/cut & paste. I was able to type well on the touch screen keyboard and the copy/cut & paste feature works well for me. I'm not as fast at typing on the Lumia 928 as I was on the Bold 9930 because the punctuations are in different places. I'm sure once I learn them, they will become 2nd nature. I've had my Lumia 928 for a week now and I love it - and so do others who look/use it. In fact, I was in a bar with some friends, explaining how well it syncs with our Outlook, how wonderful MS Office is on the device and how smooth the software runs. All the while, there was an iPhone user next to us who kept trying to look over the shoulder of one of my friends to get a glimpse of my Lumia 928. I believe he was jealous.

FYI - I have Yahoo Mail and Google Mail accounts on this Lumia 928. They are working for me - including the Google Calender! I love how I can see my Outlook Calendar and my Google Calendar on the same display without having to use a 3rd party app or use the internet browser.

My first weekend with the Lumia 928 the battery lasted more than a day. Granted I was not loading it up with apps (waiting for software Amber update Re: Other Storage issue) nor was I watching Netflix movies for hours and hours. The first few work days, the battery was working all day long. Then I had the app IM+ running all day. That was a battery hog so, I uninstalled it. The next day, the battery lasted all day easily. If you set the battery mode to "Battery Saver" all the time, I noticed that I don't receive emails as often as when in the default mode. So, I would dare say that if you are having battery issues, find the app that is the hog and make some setting changes. I've have Internet Explorer hang up a couple of times but I just create another Tab and close the tab that is stuck - simple work around. I've not loaded Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn on my Lumia yet as the pages display good enough for me via Internet Explorer. I did load the app "I heart Google Maps" because the default maps show my street with a different name (go figure). I've only taken a few photos but I do like the ones that I've taken. With the Perseid meteor shower this weekend, I will use my Lumia 928 in hopes of capturing a few night time shots. Regarding the app gap, I say "Apps, schmapps..." I'm coming from a BlackBerry Bold 9930. I didn't have apps on that device (well, a couple) so, having access to apps on the Windows Phone is just icing on the cake. I've ordered a Beyond Cell Duo-Shield Hard Shell & Silicone Skin case for my phone from Amazon. Speaking of cases, I've read reviews on several sites where people ordered colored cases and the case color around the lens creates a halo around pictures of that same color, e.g. - if you have a pink case, you will have a pink halo around photos. That is why I ordered a black case just to be safe.

As I said, I've only had it a week; however, I don't see myself returning this for another brand device. So, if you use Windows 7 for desktop/laptop software; use MS Office for productivity and use Outlook with an exchange server as email client, then it is a no-brainer. You have to go with a Windows Phone. And for just a penny (see Amazon), how could you go wrong? FYI - My wife is on AT&T and she is thinking of dumping her iPhone 4 for a Lumia 920.
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