Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: Why this 900 owner won't become a 1020 owner (stubborn)

My 900 contract ends in early November. Will I get a 1020? Absolutely not. Why? Because when the 920 was released, my 900 was suddenly dated and irrelevant. I along with all other 900 owners had major 920 envy & a growing resentment against Microsoft for this pre-meditative shafting.

Although Microsoft has vowed not to do this again to consumers, I still don't want to purchase a 1020 & see a next generation Nokia/Windows phone hit the market w/ a much faster processor, making my phone feel once again inferior. It will depress me. The whole 'fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me' thing.
lol while everyone else is complaining that MS isnt innovating quickly enough, you're leaving the platform because they are innovating too quickly and making your purchases obsolete??

Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Please forgive the forthcoming sarcasm, but here's the best suggestion anyone is going to give you on this or any other forum. Please, take this suggestion and use it wisely, and by all means, pay it forward! If you haven't seen the movie, Pay It Forward means to give someone else the kindness you just received.

Are you ready for it?

Do. Your. Research!

Did you seriously just go into a store and buy the first Windows Phone you saw? Did you not check CNet or YouTube or this site or...I don't know...Google it? Did you not go into the store and actually look at the phone or ask questions?

This gets me every time. The ones who complain the loudest about WP8 fall into two categories: those who have religiously stuck with WP since inception [they have every right to b!tch about things], and those who saw a commercial and went out and bought a WP without any real research [you have *zero* right to b!tch]. For the latter, before you say you did your due diligence in researching the WP you're about ready to ditch...did you really? Because if you did, you'd have known EXACTLY what you were getting into. The only thing you *might* be able to complain about is that you thought the update that was promised in June would be here. But even that's a stretch. Do you think that the very day that KeyLime Pie hits the Googlesphere that your shiny new Android phone is going to get it? Nope. First Google will have to release it. Then Samsung/Motorola/HTC will have to get their hands on it and put their flavor on it (TouchWhiz, whatever Motorola has, or Sense). Then do you think you'll get it? Nope. Next Verizon or AT&T, or whoever will have to get it and put their crapware on it and then make you sweat a while in hopes you'll get bored of waiting and decide to get the LATEST phone (which is now only several months newer than yours). After all of that...then you can hope for a release date. Once you have that release date...go ahead and add another 4 to 6 months on that. It's like that for each OS. Do you *REALLY* think iOS7 is going to drop for everyone by October? Really? Do you?

So there you have it. The best advice you're going to receive on this forum. Did you miss it? Let me give it to you again...

Do your research and know what you're getting into *BEFORE* you buy it. That way you don't look like a D-bag when you complain.

How are people supposed to detect "Other Storage" ? How come anyone thinks integrated FB fails ? How about Missing or Buggy Notification system ? None of them can be detected unless you use the device for a month or two.

3 years back , I bought an iPod Touch and I never even ran into forums for help , everything worked so nice as if nothing is wrong and even today never faced a single issue except once where I wanted to know how to put location based reminders just to see how they worked.

Bought an iPad last year , Never went to forums asking for help , I did visit forums but only for discussions or seeing what's going on in the community.

In WP ? I visited forums to solve issues atleast once in a week , remaining times I just follow news/discussion but like I said , Every week I run to forums to resolve this or that.

Theverge gave 9.3 score for the iPad and I was like "wtf ? that's ridiculous" , while for surface below 8 I think (lot of websites same thing) and after using WP , I now understood why reviewers give high ratings for Android or iOS in general.

I like WP concept and Ideas but Implementation is terrible.

Integrated FB on iOS 6 works super fine , never ran into troubles.On WP8 ? So many troubles and issues.It doesn't work at unpredictable times.

Even the most advertised features never worked nicely.


In verge , one of the commentators gave excellent comment :

does not own WP device – If you owned one you’d know it’s actually quite nice, way better than iOS/Android! You can’t say anything if you don’t own one.

does own WP device – You should have known. Don’t’ worry wait for next update. Stop whining.
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I totally agree with Sanjay Chandra. The fact that I've installed wpcentral app and visiting forums just to see if there are new updates or how to resolve issues on wp or to know forthcoming wp system launches.
Then i also drown myself lol reading other peoples opinion on how wp needs improvement. There are plenty of threads on that, and mostly those threads appear to be on top lol..
If i was on android or ios i wouldn't have to be reading any of the threads because everything is already working on respective platform.
Ms needs to take wp seriously if they want to grow beyond 3% market share. Its quite ok for a basic os, but very buggy(wp8), needs alot more features to compete against android, ios, nokia is making good hw, but software seems to be a huge let down for some folks after they decide to try out wp8 like myself, etc. I don't need to mention the missing or minor useful features as there are 100s of threads here.
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Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Microsoft and Nokia are two dinosaurs facing extinction in the smartphone market. Nokia may still be viable, but in Microsoft's case the sooner the better!
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Microsoft and Nokia are two dinosaurs facing extinction in the smartphone market. Nokia may still be viable, but in Microsoft's case the sooner the better!

That's quite a statement.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

It's almost impossible to find out all you need to know about something as complicated as a smart phone by simply 'googling' or reading forums like this...

For example, there is no way to turn off the sound the phone makes when you plug it in to charge bar putting the whole phone on silent mode...

Even the lack of separate volume control for media and ringtone is not something that is obvious to someone who isn't aware of the problem in the first place...

I'm sure a lot of people posting in this thread did do quite a bit of research before they purchased a Windows Phone. But even those that didn't are entitled to expect that WP would have what most people would consider fairly 'basic' features that a 'smart' phone operating system today should have...

So my advice to you (in case you missed it in the subtext) is to be a little more tolerant of people's b!tching, particularly given the title of this thread, lest you be labeled a D-bag yourself.

So because you can't remember to turn the phone on silent or didn't check first to see if this feature was there and because there is no separate volume control for media/phone - this means WP8 is crappy enough to leave it? That's the whole gist of this forum...either you love it and keep it, or you hate it and can't wait to get rid of it. But volume control is something that is a deal breaker? And in all fairness, the iPhone didn't have this feature until iOS 6 of last year. So I wonder how many people said they'd ditch the iPhone because it didn't have Do Not Disturb - which, you know, should have been a "basic feature" of all smart phones. I mean, if iOS doesn't have, does that mean it shouldn't be considered basic? And pull-down notifications. Android was the ONLY major OS which had this. It sure didn't stop people from shoving their money down Apple's throat for a new iPhone. Again, it all comes down to app envy.

And I *did* do all of my homework. Because WP is not the same as Apple or Android, I knew there'd be a lot of short comings. I browsed this site for a good few weeks reading what other people complained about. In fact, I knew it didn't have separate volume controls within a few minutes utilizing the search box at the top of this window. Is everyone as diligent as you or me to do suitable research - no. But I've bought enough phones in my time that I know what I'm looking for. You know you're going to be stuck in a two-year contract unless you have excess cash to throw around. So it only makes sense that the phone you're going to be stuck with for the next few years meets your needs. You knew Android and iOS have separate volume controls and other things like pulldown notifications, global phone search, playlist management, etc...why wouldn't you check first if WP had the same functions? And really, how much of those are deal breakers?

App/function envy, dude. That's all this is.

Are you right? Of course. Should WP have these "basic" functions? Yes. Hell yes. But dang dude, if you *really* went in and messed with this phone, you'd have known quickly it didn't have certain things. And if those missing features are that important to you, you'd have looked for those first. Obviously, something about this phone drew you to it. So either you didn't bother to check out the volume and it wasn't *that* important as you claim, or you saw something else that made you look passed it's flaws and now you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

How are people supposed to detect "Other Storage" ? How come anyone thinks integrated FB fails ? How about Missing or Buggy Notification system ? None of them can be detected unless you use the device for a month or two.

3 years back , I bought an iPod Touch and I never even ran into forums for help , everything worked so nice as if nothing is wrong and even today never faced a single issue except once where I wanted to know how to put location based reminders just to see how they worked.

Bought an iPad last year , Never went to forums asking for help , I did visit forums but only for discussions or seeing what's going on in the community.

In WP ? I visited forums to solve issues atleast once in a week , remaining times I just follow news/discussion but like I said , Every week I run to forums to resolve this or that.

Theverge gave 9.3 score for the iPad and I was like "wtf ? that's ridiculous" , while for surface below 8 I think (lot of websites same thing) and after using WP , I now understood why reviewers give high ratings for Android or iOS in general.

I like WP concept and Ideas but Implementation is terrible.

Integrated FB on iOS 6 works super fine , never ran into troubles.On WP8 ? So many troubles and issues.It doesn't work at unpredictable times.

Even the most advertised features never worked nicely.


In verge , one of the commentators gave excellent comment :

does not own WP device – If you owned one you’d know it’s actually quite nice, way better than iOS/Android! You can’t say anything if you don’t own one.

does own WP device – You should have known. Don’t’ worry wait for next update. Stop whining.

Honestly, I agree with you on all points. Those are things that you can't detect. And for those things, if they're important to you, I can see why people would complain. I actually knew about the "other" storage problem before I bought it because I read about it here first. But I suppose I can see where some would not have looked at that. I also knew that FB was having some problems with getting notifications. For me, this wasn't a deal breaker. But again, I can see where if FB is important (or just merely for convenience) this would be frustrating. So really, I can't argue your points.

However, besides the "other" storage problems, again I have to ask...is a crappy FB experience (which, if you've owned an iPhone, it suffers the same plague) a reason to call WP a failure enough to make you want to ditch it? And what do you mean a buggy notification system? I seriously must be missing something because (besides FB notifications) I always get my sms/mms, email, work email, etc notifications on time.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Are you right? Of course. Should WP have these "basic" functions? Yes. Hell yes. But dang dude, if you *really* went in and messed with this phone, you'd have known quickly it didn't have certain things. And if those missing features are that important to you, you'd have looked for those first. Obviously, something about this phone drew you to it. So either you didn't bother to check out the volume and it wasn't *that* important as you claim, or you saw something else that made you look passed it's flaws and now you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.

if everyone follow what you said then I think not so many people will pick a Windows Phone device, really!
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I totally agree with Sanjay Chandra. The fact that I've installed wpcentral app and visiting forums just to see if there are new updates or how to resolve issues on wp or to know forthcoming wp system launches.
Then i also drown myself lol reading other peoples opinion on how wp needs improvement. There are plenty of threads on that, and mostly those threads appear to be on top lol..
If i was on android or ios i wouldn't have to be reading any of the threads because everything is already working on respective platform.
Ms needs to take wp seriously if they want to grow beyond 3% market share. Its quite ok for a basic os, but very buggy(wp8), needs alot more features to compete against android, ios, nokia is making good hw, but software seems to be a huge let down for some folks after they decide to try out wp8 like myself, etc. I don't need to mention the missing or minor useful features as there are 100s of threads here.

And yet you still bought one...

You just proved my point. "There are plenty of threads on that, and mostly those threads appear to be on top lol.."

You can't tell me that if you decided to buy a Samsung Galaxy S4 or Note II or HTC One or even (God forbid) an iPhone 5 or 4S that you wouldn't look it up first. Doing a Google search will give you lots of information. And on forums, people tend to express when things aren't working right - just look at this site. So if you did a quick search for "iPhone 5 reviews", "Samsung Galaxy S4 reviews", "Samsung Note II forums", etc. within minutes you'd know a lot about that phone. And it's not like you have to find some secret passage forum or something buried deep within a post. Just go to the Nokia Lumia 928 forum on this site and browse the headings and you can get a good idea of what's going on with the phone. THAT's what I'm talking about. And on just about every Lumia forum there are headings regarding the "other" storage problem.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

if everyone follow what you said then I think not so many people will pick a Windows Phone device, really!

You could very well be right. I fall into that "not so many people" category. I knew about the "other" storage problem, FB notification problem, volume control problem, etc. and yet I still bought one because the pros outweighed the cons for me. Again...for me.

I will say this though, I agree with every one of you in the fact that you shouldn't *have* to do such extensive research when purchasing something so expensive. But, unfortunately, if that were not the case, CNet and other gadget review forums wouldn't exist.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

From iPhone 5 to Lumia 925... Coming from a mature platform like iOS I think I expected certain things, which was slightly unfair given the age of WP8. Sound profiles is one of those for instance.

I *really* want to like this and want to switch fully from the iPhone to WP8. My Google reliance is making the process hard. Email, contacts and calendar etc. I am persevering though!

One disappointment was the scratches the screen has picked up. No idea where from, I have take care of this thing like its an egg. Bit disappointed on that front.

Definite highlights, other that the customisation and smooth OS, are the camera and the music player. Not as fully featured, but generally speaking MP3 playback sounds amazing.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

You could very well be right. I fall into that "not so many people" category. I knew about the "other" storage problem, FB notification problem, volume control problem, etc. and yet I still bought one because the pros outweighed the cons for me. Again...for me.

I will say this though, I agree with every one of you in the fact that you shouldn't *have* to do such extensive research when purchasing something so expensive. But, unfortunately, if that were not the case, CNet and other gadget review forums wouldn't exist.

hmmm i get the point, i'm also like you and after more than 2 years, moving from wp7 to wp8 and keep my hope for the OS, now i'm totally tired of the promising, planning,...The worst thing now is that Microsoft still cannot give me (and others) anything to keep us be happy with the OS
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

hmmm i get the point, i'm also like you and after more than 2 years, moving from wp7 to wp8 and keep my hope for the OS, now i'm totally tired of the promising, planning,...The worst thing now is that Microsoft still cannot give me (and others) anything to keep us be happy with the OS

And to me, you have every right to complain. You've been with the OS and know about just about every short coming and are frustrated.

I honestly can't say that I'm 100% happy coming from my Galaxy Nexus because of things I was used to. However, there are some things I like better about WP. I miss the pull-down notifications, but I'm loving the live tiles. Volume controls were nice, but really, I barely used it. Full volume. Silent. Really, those were the only two that I used. However, sound profiles would be nice. FB notifications worked fine on Android and iOS - but for me, I didn't get upset if I didn't know the exact moment when something happened. Although, the FB chat problem with the People Hub is quite annoying when you're trying to carry a conversation.

And while I did know already that everyone has been waiting for an update - this wasn't a surprise to me. I bought Verizon's firs flagship 4G/LTE phone...the HTC Thunderbolt. It was supposed to be the latest and greatest of Android and Verizon. I bought it the day it came out. But here's what you need to know about Android - fragmentation. Less than 4 months after the Thunderbolt, the Galaxy Nexus came out. And now, the HTC, Verizon's flagship LTE phone, was left out in the cold. It was announced that it *might* see the next iteration of Android. After a year a few months, it got one update. After that, no more support from Verizon. So then I get the Galaxy Nexus. Same problem. The only thing that saved me was rooting it. And now, even with root, the Galaxy Nexus likely will not see anything passed Jelly Bean.

So, if you're looking at jumping ship and going to Android, my advice to anyone would be to get a straight Google phone...from Google. You stand a better chance of those getting upgraded. Because, as we all know, once your phone doesn't have something someone else's phone has, you're going to complain.
I've had phones and devices from all three, Google/Android, Apple & WP8, now have a Surface RT. In every case I enjoyed certain features on some didn't like some with others and all were buggy, some more than others.

In every case, I always came back to Windows. The aesthetics are impossible for me to ignore. WP8 is clean, fluid, fast & EASY. I love simplicity and WP8 has me covered. I like many aspects of Android and they do have premium hardware as does Apple, however it all comes down to preference to me. I am well versed in what each system can offer and ultimately I choose WP8/Metro. It simply does what I need it to do and gets a little better everyday. That works for me.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

And to me, you have every right to complain. You've been with the OS and know about just about every short coming and are frustrated.

I honestly can't say that I'm 100% happy coming from my Galaxy Nexus because of things I was used to. However, there are some things I like better about WP. I miss the pull-down notifications, but I'm loving the live tiles. Volume controls were nice, but really, I barely used it. Full volume. Silent. Really, those were the only two that I used. However, sound profiles would be nice. FB notifications worked fine on Android and iOS - but for me, I didn't get upset if I didn't know the exact moment when something happened. Although, the FB chat problem with the People Hub is quite annoying when you're trying to carry a conversation.

And while I did know already that everyone has been waiting for an update - this wasn't a surprise to me. I bought Verizon's firs flagship 4G/LTE phone...the HTC Thunderbolt. It was supposed to be the latest and greatest of Android and Verizon. I bought it the day it came out. But here's what you need to know about Android - fragmentation. Less than 4 months after the Thunderbolt, the Galaxy Nexus came out. And now, the HTC, Verizon's flagship LTE phone, was left out in the cold. It was announced that it *might* see the next iteration of Android. After a year a few months, it got one update. After that, no more support from Verizon. So then I get the Galaxy Nexus. Same problem. The only thing that saved me was rooting it. And now, even with root, the Galaxy Nexus likely will not see anything passed Jelly Bean.

So, if you're looking at jumping ship and going to Android, my advice to anyone would be to get a straight Google phone...from Google. You stand a better chance of those getting upgraded. Because, as we all know, once your phone doesn't have something someone else's phone has, you're going to complain.

actually i'm using both iOS and Android besides Windows Phone. Currently i have to face the truth that we don't stand a chance to compare with them, that's why i'm feeling very bad and always want to scream to Microsoft :(
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

And yet you still bought one...

You just proved my point. "There are plenty of threads on that, and mostly those threads appear to be on top lol.."

You can't tell me that if you decided to buy a Samsung Galaxy S4 or Note II or HTC One or even (God forbid) an iPhone 5 or 4S that you wouldn't look it up first. Doing a Google search will give you lots of information. And on forums, people tend to express when things aren't working right - just look at this site. So if you did a quick search for "iPhone 5 reviews", "Samsung Galaxy S4 reviews", "Samsung Note II forums", etc. within minutes you'd know a lot about that phone. And it's not like you have to find some secret passage forum or something buried deep within a post. Just go to the Nokia Lumia 928 forum on this site and browse the headings and you can get a good idea of what's going on with the phone. THAT's what I'm talking about. And on just about every Lumia forum there are headings regarding the "other" storage problem.

Reading a Lumia review does not tell anyone about the innate WP8 shortcomings or problems associated with the OS!!! They just simply mention the hardware review of it, there's no software review of OS. Of course, all the Windows Phones will have a common con "apps are few aka not comparable to IOS/Android .

Regarding your point, I bought the phone before I deep dived into WP forums!! I'd buy an S4 or a Note II or a S III(I'm not an apple fan, so no apple products) or even an HTC one(though their service in my country is questionable) eyes closed, I dont need to read anyone's reviews, I already know it comes with just 9GB of available internal memory, but it does have SD card(for external storage).
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Reading a Lumia review does not tell anyone about the innate WP8 shortcomings or problems associated with the OS!!! They just simply mention the hardware review of it, there's no software review of OS. Of course, all the Windows Phones will have a common con "apps are few aka not comparable to IOS/Android .

Regarding your point, I bought the phone before I deep dived into WP forums!! I'd buy an S4 or a Note II or a S III(I'm not an apple fan, so no apple products) or even an HTC one(though their service in my country is questionable) eyes closed, I dont need to read anyone's reviews, I already know it comes with just 9GB of available internal memory, but it does have SD card(for external storage).

True, CNet most likely will not give you an OS review...but as you pointed out, forums will tell you in a heartbeat if they don't like something. And that, my friend, IS a software review. Word of mouth trumps a paid advertisement/review any day of the week.

Android has been out a long time and has been all over the news. WP is not near as popular as Android or iOS. So yeah, I'd buy a S4 or Note II in a heartbeat because I know Android. However, I'd still review it to see what people were saying about battery life or if there were rumors of how often it'd get updated. But because WP is not popular and Windows Phone 8 hasn't been out that long, you don't know what you're getting into, and therefore, I would think you'd treat it differently from Android. Because you know all of these things about the Android phones, you've either owned them or read about them. So if you thought WP was the same as Android, again, that's poor investigation. Everyone already knows iOS is not the same as Android (they didn't have pulldown notifications or Do Not Disturb or live wallpapers, etc). So why would people think WP should be the same as both Android and iOS?!
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

So why would people think WP should be the same as both Android and iOS?!

Who think that WP is same as Android or iOS ?

If thats what people thought , WP would have had far greater sales.

Its different , that's why nobody is interested.

"Abnormally different" is not same as "different" , WP is abnormally different
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

So because you can't remember to turn the phone on silent or didn't check first to see if this feature was there and because there is no separate volume control for media/phone - this means WP8 is crappy enough to leave it?

Yes, among other shortcomings.

But volume control is something that is a deal breaker?

Yes, it's one of a number of deal breakers.

And I *did* do all of my homework.

Which says quite a lot about you.

In fact, I knew it didn't have separate volume controls within a few minutes utilizing the search box at the top of this window.

Shows that the old adage, "you don't know what you got until you lose it" is quite sage. Why search for something if you are not aware that you should be searching for it? Most people in the world buy iPhones or Android devices. Separating control of media volume from ringtone volume is standard on these devices (for good reason - it's sensible), and has been for some time. So most people in the world probably wouldn't think to search for the absence of that feature when investigating WP for the first time (you are obviously an exception to that) because they would expect it to be there.

App/function envy, dude. That's all this is.

If by that you mean envy of phones that can do the things that are smart, convenient, automated and fit the way I want to use a phone, then yes.

And if those missing features are that important to you, you'd have looked for those first.

I can only repeat, "you don't know what you got until you lose it". Unless, of course you are advising that people should search for every feature and function that may be important and useful to them, even if they think it is something all smart phones should be able to do.

Obviously, something about this phone drew you to it. So either you didn't bother to check out the volume and it wasn't *that* important as you claim, or you saw something else that made you look passed it's flaws and now you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.

Or perhaps I did a reasonable amount of due diligence, as most people would do. And if complaints upset you, perhaps you should steer clear of online forums, or just stick to the "Why I love WP" threads.

BTW, if you're going to quote me in your posts, please either quote my entire post, or break it up so it's more obvious that there's bits missing or that you're only partially quoting paragraphs.
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Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

I have to say, despite the snarky comments on both sides :) I agree with this. Coming from a mature platform its unfair to compare to a year old OS, but you suddenly realise what you have taken from granted in Android/iOS. This doesnt make win phone 8 bad, but the disappointing feeling can linger and works against your want to give the phone its fair shot.

To me: not having a feature isnt a deal breaker - but sizable bugs are pretty bad. I would like to see smaller and quicker iterations of the OS to plug some issues I found, and have seen on these forums. I think its a consensus, even from Nokia that MS isnt moving quick enough on that front for improving the OS...
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