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Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Animations are weird?

The animations are different from the same animations I've been seeing on my iCrap device since 2007.

Actually, maybe yeah that's I think of it. But tbh, android and iOS are still far ahead than WP. Still I believe WP is a better choice as compared to the android. No lags, at least. I enjoyed my experience with the windows phone but I needed applications which make my tasks easier and comfortable to handle.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

meh ...

Windows Phone certainly lacks the "app of the day," but it doesn't lack apps in general. In fact, there are a number of apps on WP that keep me away from iPhone because a non-jailbreak iPhone lacks those specific capabilities. For example, easily being able to play videos embedded through PutLocker or SockShare, or (as of yesterday) being able to torrent large files to my phone, and Halo, or even regular games (that were already on iOS/Android) that let me build up Achievements on XBL.

Honestly, when it comes to multimedia and fun, I think Windows Phone is a superb platform. But if it's being up with the latest/stupid fads, then yeah, you're "better off" on iOS, even if it means wasting time on stuff you wouldn't take on if it weren't popular. Don't get me wrong, there are some key apps that WP is missing, i.e. Flipboard, Canadian banking apps and other crucial stuff. But when people bring up Vine, Path, Instagram, Insta-this and Gram that, OMG, how did you live without that stuff before? And can you really let the lack of those timewasters force you to overlook what's good about WP?
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

I don't see how ios is more customizable than WP

The one and only, JAILBREAK. It's the best thing that ever happened to iOS and after you jailbreak, I believe you get equal amount of customization as compared to android without any lags or stuff. WP is too simple. Live tiles are good but thats pretty much about the customization thingy. Maybe they should at least give out updates for auto rotation locks and stuff which will make the phone use-able while on bed or a sofa at night.

The applications which are available on the windows store are too buggy. Developers should pay attention to the apps and make them work flawless just like the OS. WP is a really good OS, but there is nothing to support that OS.

When I got the lumia 920, people used to stare at me with great disgust and used to say, ''You off your rocket to buy a windows sh** and giving iPhone away?''. Anyways, WP does not gets the respect which it should get. People don't know much about it but the mistake is on the both sides. People are ignorant and so are the app developers of WP OS.
I tried the iPhone after getting windows phone 8 and while they had the popular apps.....the os is simply boring to me. So I came back to the windows phone side.

Funny how that works. Best of luck with your iPhone .
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

The one and only, JAILBREAK. It's the best thing that ever happened to iOS and after you jailbreak, I believe you get equal amount of customization as compared to android without any lags or stuff. WP is too simple. Live tiles are good but thats pretty much about the customization thingy. Maybe they should at least give out updates for auto rotation locks and stuff which will make the phone use-able while on bed or a sofa at night.

The applications which are available on the windows store are too buggy. Developers should pay attention to the apps and make them work flawless just like the OS. WP is a really good OS, but there is nothing to support that OS.

When I got the lumia 920, people used to stare at me with great disgust and used to say, ''You off your rocket to buy a windows sh** and giving iPhone away?''. Anyways, WP does not gets the respect which it should get. People don't know much about it but the mistake is on the both sides. People are ignorant and so are the app developers of WP OS.
In that case, why are you on iOS? Get Android.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

In that case, why are you on iOS? Get Android.

Android? No thanks. Android is too laggy and buggy for me with big phablets sort of phones having quad cores and still lagging. I'd rather go for iPhone.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Android? No thanks. Android is too laggy and buggy for me with big phablets sort of phones having quad cores and still lagging. I'd rather go for iPhone.
Not if you know what you're doing. My brother has been using a Nexus 4 and doesn't seem to be having any real trouble with it, the key is to avoid junkware and maintain your phone as though it were a PC. A bit more challenging than using an iPhone, sure, but you're sporting a jailbreak device -- which isn't as simple and clean as vanilla iOS.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Good luck with your next device

Sent from something UHMAYZING using Tapatalk
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Not if you know what you're doing. My brother has been using a Nexus 4 and doesn't seem to be having any real trouble with it, the key is to avoid junkware and maintain your phone as though it were a PC. A bit more challenging than using an iPhone, sure, but you're sporting a jailbreak device -- which isn't as simple and clean as vanilla iOS.

Nexus 4? Yeah it's a pretty smooth device as compared to all other android phones because it has zero bloatware but I need a phone which simply works for me. Android gets laggy after a while and has more security issues as compared to iOS. It's just not as smooth as iOS and WP.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Nexus 4? Yeah it's a pretty smooth device as compared to all other android phones because it has zero bloatware but I need a phone which simply works for me. Android gets laggy after a while and has more security issues as compared to iOS. It's just not as smooth as iOS and WP.
I don't know... I found it to be pretty smooth IMHO, just overwhelming and chaotic. There's way too much you can and should do on it, and it should only appeal to an enthusiast who loves to set and customize a lot of different things in the phone. As for lagging after a while, that's what I mean by taking care of it as though it were a PC. Not convenient, but that's the price for having an OS you can literally turn upside down and inside out at your will.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

I don't know... I found it to be pretty smooth IMHO, just overwhelming and chaotic. There's way too much you can and should do on it, and it should only appeal to an enthusiast who loves to set and customize a lot of different things in the phone. As for lagging after a while, that's what I mean by taking care of it as though it were a PC. Not convenient, but that's the price for having an OS you can literally turn upside down and inside out at your will.

I needed something balanced. Customize-able plus smooth with everything that just works perfectly. So iPhone was the answer.
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

The one and only, JAILBREAK. It's the best thing that ever happened to iOS and after you jailbreak, I believe you get equal amount of customization as compared to android without any lags or stuff. WP is too simple. Live tiles are good but thats pretty much about the customization thingy. Maybe they should at least give out updates for auto rotation locks and stuff which will make the phone use-able while on bed or a sofa at night.

The applications which are available on the windows store are too buggy. Developers should pay attention to the apps and make them work flawless just like the OS. WP is a really good OS, but there is nothing to support that OS.

When I got the lumia 920, people used to stare at me with great disgust and used to say, ''You off your rocket to buy a windows sh** and giving iPhone away?''. Anyways, WP does not gets the respect which it should get. People don't know much about it but the mistake is on the both sides. People are ignorant and so are the app developers of WP OS.

As a former iPhone user myself, I never understood all the hubalub about jailbreaking. What's the point? If you want to customize to that extent, go with Android like others have said. The last thing I would want is to have unauthorized apps on my phone that could possibly contain malware or spyware.

Also, who cares what other people say or think about your phone?? I could care less about what people think of mine. My boyfriend's roommate made some dumb remarks about my 810 back when I was using it. In reality, even though he's a database administrator who uses Windows a ton on computers, he knows nothing about WP. Heck, he uses an iPhone 5 and only used BlackBerry for work in the past, so what would he know?
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

As a man who sells the competition and has used all modern makes in amounts that would make even some of you cry (that is the rate at which I switch out devices) the Lumia 920 has been the only phone I actively wanted to keep.

iOS? Even with iOS 7 it has been very boring. I don't use my 4S/5 anymore and even the iPad gets a lot of neglect because its just boring. Android? I love the HTC One, I'd recommend it to anyone who is in the market for a new phone at all. Samsung is way too into the plastics, I wish they'd go polycarb if not to metals entirely. Blackberry? Nice hardware, the OS was intuitive but thats a wait and see right now. I don't want to buy into a as of yet unproven OS. WP8? It beats Apple at their own game of simplicity in the OS while retaining way more open software than Apple will ever release, that is just a fact.

Here is this to consider, I have 300+ apps on my iOS account. Enough that I don't want to cut out Apple cold turkey since I still use a lot of apps and hey, why would I ditch thousands in spending? Here is the rub however, I haven't found WP8 to be lacking for what I really want to use. Of those 300 apps on my iPhone, ~30 of them sit in 3 folders on my main screen that I actually and actively use. Everything else? I slowly started deleting because it was just fluff that served no purpose. Coincidentally, that number is exactly what it is on Android and on WP8. I only have what I actually use, so saying iOS or Android have more apps isn't somehow a better thing.

What I really mean is pick what makes you happy and sod off. We don't need explanations or good buy posts or what have you. I don't get that mentality, no one really cares at all.

P.S. LOLOLOL at the 920 being too heavy. Do you even lift bro?
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

The OP and others like him are "interesting". It really is absurd that full grown adults call devices "heavy" that are measured in GRAMS!!! Grams ppl.....g-r-a-m-s. So let's get real here and completely eliminate that as being a reason of any sort, on any planet, using any logic, for someone to thumb their nose at the L920.

And hacking and modding a device in jail breaking an iPhone is a simple admission, either consciously or not, that iOS out of the box is too walled off, too restrictive, and too boring. Because why else would someone need to fundamentally change anything about an OS that is perceived (or brainwashed) to be " the best"? Doesn't quite add up.

And then there's the ever glaring app disparity which the OP brought to light. First and foremost he is 1000% correct about that. But wait (here comes the sarcasm!) aren't we comparing an App Store that has been around for FIVE friggin YEARS to an OS that came out roughly 8 or 9 months ago?!!!!!???!! So if that's not an apple to oranges (yes, i know) comparison I seriously don't know what else is. That's like giving the Windows Phone platform sh*t bc they dont have the 120,000 clock and farting apps that iOS has had 5....F-I-V-E.....effing years to acquire. Oh wait, I guess it would've been more useful if I would've used a similarly comparative example to further drive home my point, instead of the actual scenario itself. Oh well....

But overall I can respect the freedom of choice bc there isn't a "right" OS or carrier or manufacturer that fits everyone and their needs. But giving WP a slap on the wrist for not having the life altering apps that are Instagram or Flipboard for example is extremely short sighted imo. While I agree that apps nowadays do drive an OS forward or can also subsequently hold an OS back if they are absent, I think the OP might benefit from not being a prisoner of the moment and making rash decisions based on not having a more robust Facebook chat app available to him and unilaterally low balling WP in defense of that "logic".
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

Grams ppl.....g-r-a-m-s. So let's get real here and completely eliminate that as being a reason of any sort, on any planet, using any logic, ...

I'm not sold on the planet angle. On Jupiter the Lumia 920 would weigh nearly a pound, so if the OP regularly visits there, he may have a point. :wink:
Re: Why I went back to iPhone after using Lumia 920: Reasons

All the best with your iphone.
I never bothered to even check out an iphone or an android phone.
Directly jumped the Windows Phone wagon!
Hell yeah, i'm loving it. Can't complain as I've never used any other smartphone.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

To be honest....

While I acknowledge there is a "gap" in Windows Phone compared to the other competitors, there's also something different that it brings that the other platforms can't (for me). I've revisited iOS twice (iPhone 3GS and the 5), and I've also tried out Android three times (Samsung Transform, MyTouch 4G, and the LG Optimus G). Both have their advantages and their disadvantages, but I didn't feel like they represented who I was.

iOS was great because every app you could want was available, but I was really tired of just launching apps with so many red notifications across my homescreen. While my Android experience was better with each trial, the endless customizations was something that didn't appeal to me. I don't want to work that hard to make my home screen reflect what kind of user I am (Have you tried some of those home screen tutorials? Trust me, even with a step by step instruction, every device doesn't wield the same result), and even after going through all of that work of setting it up, I still don't like how I have to open a lot of apps to scroll through endless amount of junk to see what my friends are up to.

Windows Phone keeps everything centrally located, and for me that works the best. I have my groups to filter out who I want to see updates about, I can bing search and hit the music note if I want to know what song is on the radio (vs. scrolling for that Shazaam app to catch the song before it ends), I don't have to blindly tap the onscreen camera button to take a picture with my friends, AND I have the choice of different devices like I would on Android. Before I was upset that apps like Instagram wasn't available, but like with most applications I wanted, alternatives or official apps came in time. For me, this is it. My main device will never be anything other than Windows Phone unless they do something to make me dislike it. If I want to test out other platforms, I won't waste an upgrade or sell my Windows device to support that curiosity cause I'm just going to return back to this platform.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

To be honest....

While I acknowledge there is a "gap" in Windows Phone compared to the other competitors, there's also something different that it brings that the other platforms can't (for me). I've revisited iOS twice (iPhone 3GS and the 5), and I've also tried out Android three times (Samsung Transform, MyTouch 4G, and the LG Optimus G). Both have their advantages and their disadvantages, but I didn't feel like they represented who I was.

iOS was great because every app you could want was available, but I was really tired of just launching apps with so many red notifications across my homescreen. While my Android experience was better with each trial, the endless customizations was something that didn't appeal to me. I don't want to work that hard to make my home screen reflect what kind of user I am (Have you tried some of those home screen tutorials? Trust me, even with a step by step instruction, every device doesn't wield the same result), and even after going through all of that work of setting it up, I still don't like how I have to open a lot of apps to scroll through endless amount of junk to see what my friends are up to.

Windows Phone keeps everything centrally located, and for me that works the best. I have my groups to filter out who I want to see updates about, I can bing search and hit the music note if I want to know what song is on the radio (vs. scrolling for that Shazaam app to catch the song before it ends), I don't have to blindly tap the onscreen camera button to take a picture with my friends, AND I have the choice of different devices like I would on Android. Before I was upset that apps like Instagram wasn't available, but like with most applications I wanted, alternatives or official apps came in time. For me, this is it. My main device will never be anything other than Windows Phone unless they do something to make me dislike it. If I want to test out other platforms, I won't waste an upgrade or sell my Windows device to support that curiosity cause I'm just going to return back to this platform.

Yes i completely agree! I constantly surprise my friends with some of the things WP8 can do...for instance if i want to show someone a friends cover photo on their facebook..on IOS or Android i have to launch Facebook..wait for it to load up...type their name...go to their profile and then click their profile picture
with WP8 I just go to Photos..click on people..click on my friend..and viola! all their pictures of all their albums appear

Reason why I got the 810 when my 8x was stolen...thats the other good thing, equal experience regardless of lowend or high end devices, unlike android
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Well I have used windows mobile from the beginning days to when it moved to WP7 Using my HTC Titan II then to WP8 using a Lumia 920. Now I have to say I have given up on the platform. How do make a new mobile platform and it lacks basic features WP7 I don't know. Then you ditch it for a newer platform called WP8 and still you lack basic features. Then for all the updates MS is slow and it still lacks basic features. MS has burned my reputation as far as phone advice goes and I don't recommend Windows Phone period now. I see folks here always waiting for the next update, the next update, the next update. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times I am a fool.

I've cut my loses and refuse to play this game anymore. I have since passed along my Lumia 920 to my brother and moved on back to Googles side of the house. I now have an LG optimus G Pro and couldn't be more happier. I did have Galaxy Note II but sold it because I didn't want to have a samsung phone anymore. My wife has also moved back to android. She had a Galaxy Note II as well be also is tired of samsungs crap as well. Now she has a Sony Xperia and couldn't be any happier.

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