Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Read it fully

Here's are some reasons :

1.Integrated Facebook Doesn't work properly (check-in occasionally doesn't work , Facebook chat couldn't connect at times and sent messages sometimes not received by others).

2."Other Storage" issue is still not fixed properly , Nokia cleaning app or shrink storage app only help to solve the problem to some extent.

3.Notifications : Main issue I face is , Buggy notifications especially toast notifications.Lets say that I am doing something on my device and a toast notification came out , I press that and I go straight to the app but when I come back to the homescreen , I still see "1" or some number on that app.It shows as if there is 1 notification which need to be seen.
Lot of apps behave this way.and Lastly If an app is not pinned to start , there is no way to know if there is notification for that.

4.Apps and Games : Some would be saying "This client is better than the first party app" , Yes I agree. Some clients are more beautifully designed than original apps and also work well.
But here are two issues : Clients get new features much later than original apps and second is you must pay for some (example : Official Youtube on iOS and Android are free while Metrotube is Paid)

But I am fine with clients but still there is a need for official apps like Pulse , Flipboard (coming soon) etc. Some are arriving but still there are lot of apps which need to come.

Late Updates : Lot of games/apps get new features much later on WP. I play simple games like cut the rope , subway surfers , ski safari , pudding monsters etc.Cut the rope got updated on iOS for new levels while WP8 version still in old version.Instagram Video feature also came out much later because client's dev needed time to update the app.

Too late arrival : Cut rope time travel still hasn't arrived WP8 yet. Pudding Monsters also haven't arrived on WP yet.

Poorly Optimized Apps : For example , WP8 Asphalt 7 graphics are a joke , Many effects are missing. It looks like "high graphics" instead of being "Ultra Graphics" (Not a fan of these kinds of games but couldn't stop noticing it)

5.Store Updates are not at all notified , Even with medium size "store tile" on homescreen . Store tile gets updated in batches (for example , it suddenly shows 14 app updates , while no updates are shown 1 hour ago)

6.Network Bug : I switch from 2G to 3G and network won't switch at all and remains on "E" . Sometimes when I switch to 3G , it immediately shows "H+" while some other times it doesn't......
To solve this , I have to reboot the device.

7."Chat App" Bugs : On 3G , Occasionally I don't receive any updates even when I am inside the app , It says "connecting" but never connects.While on Wifi , connection is instantly connected.

8.FM Radio : OK , Coming in GDR2

9.No Equalizer on Bluetooth Streaming : WTF MS/Nokia ? Why can't I use Equalizer on Bluetooth streaming , Only possible via earphones.

10.Lock Orientation

11.--Terrible Music Player : Can't display Lyrics , Sometimes Music Duplicates , No Scrubbing and Unified Media Controls w/ Ring Volume...
---Terrible Video Player : Can't choose between Multiple Audio Streams in a Video , Doesn't display Subtitles (Tried purchased iTunes movies from my library and even pirated ones etc.) and terrible thing is "Capacitive Keys" glow in full brightness when Video is playing during night/dark places while in Day-time capacitive keys are turned off when playing video (this is probably the most "basic" thing of all)....
--Photos App : No Slideshow option , Photos stored in very Low resolution.

12.Cannot attach Multiple docs on a Mail. Cannot forward the Mail w/ attachements until all attachments are fully downloaded. All Received Mails never download pictures or anything.I must go into Mail and then "download full content" to view "Entire Mail".

I waited till now because I was under the impression that "next update" (which turned out to be GDR2) will solve most of the issues but it didn't , it turned out to be a small update.

I will not say that other platforms are perfect or better but Android/iOS platforms got most of the "basics" rightly implemented while WP concept/design is superb but implementation is terrible.
This is probably the first time I am going to sell a device within 6 months of usage.I used many devices for a minimum time of 4-5 years actively and some of them are working nice even now.

Thanks for all being so supportive here.

If there are any suggestions , Please do give them.

I am thinking of getting HTC One or Galaxy S4 from my current Lumia 820
Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

I'm currently on Windows Mobile and have been waiting for Windows Phone to get its act together. It was sad to see so many features lost when they came out with WP7, and it's been almost 3 years now and still the features most important to me are still missing:
- User file system (almost impossible to deal with local files on WP8)
- Professional email client (can't choose font, no SMS sync, no tasks tile, folder view secondary, Comparison of Exchange ActiveSync clients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

The lack of standard modern features like orientation lock and notification center is also a problem.

I admire some of the technology behind WP:
- .NET languages and C++, much better than other platforms
- slick, easy to manage user interface

But WP still does not have the basic OS features in place and these are the most important.

So I'm going to Android+Touchdown, and it's somewhat amazing Microsoft couldn't keep me as a customer as my main uses of a phone are to interact with MS services (Exchange, Office, Skype).

I'll check back when WP9 comes out, but I think Microsoft will never make phones suitable for professional/prosumer use unless they get other people on the job: the Windows division, the Office division. Currently it's a good OS for casual users and technophobes.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

I don't blame you. I love the OS and have no thoughts of moving at all, but MS needs to press their foot on the pedal.
They wonder why they're not making any ground; here's a tip: Standing absolutely still, sitting idle and immobile will not gain you any distance MS.

Step your game up and actually start participating in this race. Instead of *minor* updates releasing 6 months apart that add very basic features, start rolling them out quicker. People will tire of stagnation and inaction.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

i'm right behind you, i'll wait until the end of the year to see their move, then if the keep the same like this, i'll jump
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

^ Me too! Cant even personalize calling tunes for different people. Or a media player with MKV and CC support.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

Curious as to why you bothered creating an account just for this one rant. I'm actually calling BS here.

Take your one post and be gone troll!
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

I am switching to Android from WP8

Lot of basic features are missing and apps as well.Yes apps are coming but not at the pace I expected them to come when I first bought the device.

Main reason to switch is not because of features or apps but due to lots of bugs and malfunctions.

This is the first I am selling a device within six months of usage.Almost every other device I bought , I used them for minimum of 4 years and some are still working perfect.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

I am switching from WP8 to a Jitterbug because WP doesn't have the super gigantic text feature.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

- searching for an address on desktop bing map and waiting for my phone to synchronize(it won't).
- waiting for mobile ie to synchronize my bookmarks from the desktop ie (it won't).
- setting wp lockscreen to facebook lockscreen and waiting for it to display anything else than an 'f' lost in a middle of a blue wallpaper.
- setting a notification on the lockscreen that actually displays something useful
- setting an alarm and having not the next alarm displayed if you choose to pin the small tile
- having half-baked applications comparing to other os
- trying to sync my podcasts properly
- having some picture editing application that do not appear on the application list when I click 'modify' on the photo application
- etc.

But I've choosen wp8 nevertheless. Go figure. :wink:
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

No no no... you're doing it all wrong, that is not a proper hate against WP8...

You need to get the proper flow and the right tones, here's a guide:

1) Complain about lack of updates
2) Complain about lack of features
3) Complain about lack of apps
4) Complain about MS being too slow
5) State doom of WP as MS is being too slow
6) State why other OS platforms are better than WP
7) State why you're moving there
8) Be sure to say that you like WP but it just doesn't 'do it for you'
9) Promise to come back to WP if MS gets its act together
10) Deride other people in coming posts and explain your position again
11) Leave WPC
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

- searching for an address on desktop bing map and waiting for my phone to synchronize(it won't).
- waiting for mobile ie to synchronize my bookmarks from the desktop ie (it won't).
- setting wp lockscreen to facebook lockscreen and waiting for it to display anything else than an 'f' lost in a middle of a blue wallpaper.
- setting a notification on the lockscreen that actually displays something useful
- setting an alarm and having not the next alarm displayed if you choose to pin the small tile
- having half-baked applications comparing to other os
- trying to sync my podcasts properly
- having some picture editing application that do not appear on the application list when I click 'modify' on the photo application
- etc.

But I've choosen wp8 nevertheless. Go figure. :wink:

I'll bite...

- I'm assuming you're referring to Google's "creep-your-life" feature where you can search for an address on Google Maps/Search, and then go into your Android phone and Google Now, and the address you searched is waiting for you to click on it? I joke about "creep-your-life" but this was pretty neat. However, after the novelty of it wore off, I didn't miss it. I think Nokia Maps/Here+ actually do a great job. I have no problem speaking my address...even if I searched it on Bing. Also, this is pretty exclusive to Google. Not even iPhone users have this benefit.
- mobile/desktop bookmark syncing...again, this is pretty exclusive to Google and Chrome. You *might* be able to do this via 3rd party app on iOS. But again, I have no problem searching the address and storing it as a bookmark. Not a deal breaker for me.
- Facebook lockscreen. People use this? When I had a Galaxy Nexus (yes, I gave up a Nexus for my L928) I tried the Facebook Phone Rom. It was cool for about 4 hours. But I found getting notifications for calendar events, missed calls, missed messages, and weather was far more important than which one of my friends just ate chocolate covered calamari and got sick over it.
- notifications on lockscreen. How can you not find this useful? I use Amazing Weather HD and my lockscreen has the Bing image of the day (which are awesome), the current weather and forecast, time, day of the week, day of the month, next calendar event, missed calls, and missed messages. What's not useful about any of that?
- alarm issue... third party app? But again, is this *really* a deal breaker?
- while I can't argue the fact that WP8 market is lacking and that some of the devs just should not be making apps because of how horrible they are...I do have to say that at least *someone* is making something. Also, I don't code, so I can't really complain. Also, some of the devs make apps better than the original! There are some apps I miss, but at the end of the day, am I really bummed that I can't post a 6-second video? And really...how many of you have started using Vine and use it *religiously* everyday? I used Vine all of maybe 2 or 3 days until the novelty wore off. What I'm finding is that I wonder how many people *need* a certain app versus how many people *want* a certain app just because others have it. I really think a lot of the apps issues come down to the fact that we complain because others OS's have it and we don't - even though we would never really use it. I can't number how many apps I downloaded because I thought it was cool - only to uninstall later because I found myself saying, "when was the last time I used this? Do I really need it?"
- you got me on the podcasts.
- photo editing apps not showing up from within the native photo app... This is the apps fault. Android and iOS suffer from this too. That part of their code is missing. The dev should implement that. That's not MS's fault.
- etc. Yes, God, yes are their lots of "etc" points. But I'll leave you with this: when I decided to leave my beloved Galaxy Nexus for my L928, I researched *EVERYTHING*. I read forums, articles, watched videos, and went into the store to play with it. I even perused the WP Market to see what was there/missing. What I value most in my smartphone are these: phone calls, sms/mms, picture taking (c'mon how many of you actually carry a smartphone AND a point-and-shoot?), Outlook work email, Google mail, calendar, Skype, navigation, and a good task list app. And honestly, I found all of that. I don't have any problems with phone calls. I actually like this messaging app (aesthetics and use) over the Android and iPhone apps (I've owned both). Picture taking is awesome (I still amaze everyone with the low-light photos and I'm loving this Refocus app). Outlook is seamless. So is Google mail and calendar. I have Skype. Here+ and CityMaps are great apps - and even recently, so is MapQuest. And for my task list, I'm loving TinyDo. Everything else is a benefit.

What I *would* like is better playlist workability, banking apps (I use BB&T), the WP Market to have a wishlist feature (I'm using App-2-Date to tackle this right now), and dammit, I wish you could attach files from WITHIN the email app when you reply.

Sorry for the long post, but I felt compelled to stick up for WP - even though you still said you chose to stick with it. But I feel WP8 is getting a bad rap...and mainly because a lot of people don't do their homework before they buy or because they have app-envy (even though half would never use the app once they had it).

Just my two cents.

Oh, and to the original poster: the grass isn't *always* greener on the other side. Well, sometimes it is, but you never know, you could have grubs and moles in your nice green grass and not even know it. Good luck.
Re: Tired of waiting for features, moving to Android

^ Me too! Cant even personalize calling tunes for different people.
You are joking, aren't you? Or maybe, you haven't looked into the personal settings in your address book?
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Read it fully

Here's are some reasons :

1.Integrated Facebook Doesn't work properly (check-in occasionally doesn't work , Facebook chat couldn't connect at times and sent messages sometimes not received by others).

2."Other Storage" issue is still not fixed properly , Nokia cleaning app or shrink storage app only help to solve the problem to some extent.

3.Notifications : Main issue I face is , Buggy notifications especially toast notifications.Lets say that I am doing something on my device and a toast notification came out , I press that and I go straight to the app but when I come back to the homescreen , I still see "1" or some number on that app.It shows as if there is 1 notification which need to be seen.
Lot of apps behave this way.and Lastly If an app is not pinned to start , there is no way to know if there is notification for that.

4.Apps and Games : Some would be saying "This client is better than the first party app" , Yes I agree. Some clients are more beautifully designed than original apps and also work well.
But here are two issues : Clients get new features much later than original apps and second is you must pay for some (example : Official Youtube on iOS and Android are free while Metrotube is Paid)

But I am fine with clients but still there is a need for official apps like Pulse , Flipboard (coming soon) etc. Some are arriving but still there are lot of apps which need to come.

Late Updates : Lot of games/apps get new features much later on WP. I play simple games like cut the rope , subway surfers , ski safari , pudding monsters etc.Cut the rope got updated on iOS for new levels while WP8 version still in old version.Instagram Video feature also came out much later because client's dev needed time to update the app.

Too late arrival : Cut rope time travel still hasn't arrived WP8 yet. Pudding Monsters also haven't arrived on WP yet.

Poorly Optimized Apps : For example , WP8 Asphalt 7 graphics are a joke , Many effects are missing. It looks like "high graphics" instead of being "Ultra Graphics" (Not a fan of these kinds of games but couldn't stop noticing it)

5.Store Updates are not at all notified , Even with medium size "store tile" on homescreen . Store tile gets updated in batches (for example , it suddenly shows 14 app updates , while no updates are shown 1 hour ago)

6.Network Bug : I switch from 2G to 3G and network won't switch at all and remains on "E" . Sometimes when I switch to 3G , it immediately shows "H+" while some other times it doesn't......
To solve this , I have to reboot the device.

7."Chat App" Bugs : On 3G , Occasionally I don't receive any updates even when I am inside the app , It says "connecting" but never connects.While on Wifi , connection is instantly connected.

8.FM Radio : OK , Coming in GDR2

9.No Equalizer on Bluetooth Streaming : WTF MS/Nokia ? Why can't I use Equalizer on Bluetooth streaming , Only possible via earphones.

10.Lock Orientation

11.--Terrible Music Player : Can't display Lyrics , Sometimes Music Duplicates , No Scrubbing and Unified Media Controls w/ Ring Volume...
---Terrible Video Player : Can't choose between Multiple Audio Streams in a Video , Doesn't display Subtitles (Tried purchased iTunes movies from my library and even pirated ones etc.) and terrible thing is "Capacitive Keys" glow in full brightness when Video is playing during night/dark places while in Day-time capacitive keys are turned off when playing video (this is probably the most "basic" thing of all)....
--Photos App : No Slideshow option , Photos stored in very Low resolution.

12.Cannot attach Multiple docs on a Mail. Cannot forward the Mail w/ attachements until all attachments are fully downloaded. All Received Mails never download pictures or anything.I must go into Mail and then "download full content" to view "Entire Mail".

I waited till now because I was under the impression that "next update" (which turned out to be GDR2) will solve most of the issues but it didn't , it turned out to be a small update.

I will not say that other platforms are perfect or better but Android/iOS platforms got most of the "basics" rightly implemented while WP concept/design is superb but implementation is terrible.
This is probably the first time I am going to sell a device within 6 months of usage.I used many devices for a minimum time of 4-5 years actively and some of them are working nice even now.

Thanks for all being so supportive here.

If there are any suggestions , Please do give them.

I am thinking of getting HTC One or Galaxy S4 from my current Lumia 820

Please forgive the forthcoming sarcasm, but here's the best suggestion anyone is going to give you on this or any other forum. Please, take this suggestion and use it wisely, and by all means, pay it forward! If you haven't seen the movie, Pay It Forward means to give someone else the kindness you just received.

Are you ready for it?

Do. Your. Research!

Did you seriously just go into a store and buy the first Windows Phone you saw? Did you not check CNet or YouTube or this site or...I don't know...Google it? Did you not go into the store and actually look at the phone or ask questions?

This gets me every time. The ones who complain the loudest about WP8 fall into two categories: those who have religiously stuck with WP since inception [they have every right to b!tch about things], and those who saw a commercial and went out and bought a WP without any real research [you have *zero* right to b!tch]. For the latter, before you say you did your due diligence in researching the WP you're about ready to ditch...did you really? Because if you did, you'd have known EXACTLY what you were getting into. The only thing you *might* be able to complain about is that you thought the update that was promised in June would be here. But even that's a stretch. Do you think that the very day that KeyLime Pie hits the Googlesphere that your shiny new Android phone is going to get it? Nope. First Google will have to release it. Then Samsung/Motorola/HTC will have to get their hands on it and put their flavor on it (TouchWhiz, whatever Motorola has, or Sense). Then do you think you'll get it? Nope. Next Verizon or AT&T, or whoever will have to get it and put their crapware on it and then make you sweat a while in hopes you'll get bored of waiting and decide to get the LATEST phone (which is now only several months newer than yours). After all of that...then you can hope for a release date. Once you have that release date...go ahead and add another 4 to 6 months on that. It's like that for each OS. Do you *REALLY* think iOS7 is going to drop for everyone by October? Really? Do you?

So there you have it. The best advice you're going to receive on this forum. Did you miss it? Let me give it to you again...

Do your research and know what you're getting into *BEFORE* you buy it. That way you don't look like a D-bag when you complain.
Why this 900 owner won't become a 1020 owner (stubborn)

My 900 contract ends in early November. Will I get a 1020? Absolutely not. Why? Because when the 920 was released, my 900 was suddenly dated and irrelevant. I along with all other 900 owners had major 920 envy & a growing resentment against Microsoft for this pre-meditative shafting.

Although Microsoft has vowed not to do this again to consumers, I still don't want to purchase a 1020 & see a next generation Nokia/Windows phone hit the market w/ a much faster processor, making my phone feel once again inferior. It will depress me. The whole 'fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me' thing.

Another thing... as a hardcore evernote user, I've never experienced more lag in an app. It's borderline frustrating to use because of the loading time.

I'll either ride hard w/ my 900 till the next generation 920 is released or get the next iPhone to experience a new OS. Yes, this is on me... but I happen to hold a grudge against Microsoft for making my 900 seem like mincemeat for 13 months. Simply tired of waiting. I think developers are inherently wired to hate Microsoft. Tough facts of life. Until this plays out however, I'm enjoying a game called 'I Am Box' to no end. It's a simple and genius game and I'm surprised it's not more popular.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

So there you have it. The best advice you're going to receive on this forum. Did you miss it? Let me give it to you again...

Do your research and know what you're getting into *BEFORE* you buy it. That way you don't look like a D-bag when you complain.

It's almost impossible to find out all you need to know about something as complicated as a smart phone by simply 'googling' or reading forums like this. The problem is not that the information isn't there, it's that you really don't know what problems and shortcomings you'll face and, therefore, don't know what to search for. Before I bought a Windows Phone I DID do a lot of research, including through those avenues you recommended in you post. But this simply didn't forewarn my about the issues I'd personally face in day-to-day use.

For example, there is no way to turn off the sound the phone makes when you plug it in to charge bar putting the whole phone on silent mode. This is a real PIA for me as I use my phone as an alarm clock and when I plug it in at night it wakes my wife (who often works shifts, so is often in bed earlier than I) if I forget to put the phone on silent. Now this is something that I didn't come across in reviews of the phone, nor was it mentioned (and why would it be) when I asked questions about the capabilities of WP on forums like these.

Even the lack of separate volume control for media and ringtone is not something that is obvious to someone who isn't aware of the problem in the first place. Even though I'd browsed through some forum threads, they tended to be ones where the title looked interesting or relevant to me. I wasn't 'searching' for info on separate volume controls because I never would have considered that WP didn't allow this. Equally it's not something you find out about when you play with a phone in a shop because you typically don't plug in headphones and listen to music or videos in this sort of environment. And even if you did, you probably wouldn't notice that the headphone volume couldn't be set discretely from the ringer. You'd make the assumption that the feature's there somewhere, you just don't know the system well enough to find it.

I'm sure a lot of people posting in this thread did do quite a bit of research before they purchased a Windows Phone. But even those that didn't are entitled to expect that WP would have what most people would consider fairly 'basic' features that a 'smart' phone operating system today should have. The fact is that it does lack some really basic capabilities, and this does more often than not come as a surprise to even those who have done their research. Most people are time-poor, so there's very few phone buyers who have the time to immerse themselves in the Windows Phone 'community' and learn all the pros and cons of an unfamiliar operating system before we buy. Typically we read a bunch of expert reviews (which never mention any of these 'gotchas' 'cause they're usually pretty superficial and focus on specs and performance), a few user reviews (which are a real mixed bag where it's hard to sort out the useful info from the ignorant speculation), and browse through a few forum threads (which can be hit and miss and tainted by the knowledge that most people posting are the minority that have problems so the overall message is biased). We mostly simply don't have time to try to find out if the basic things that we expect will be there are there.

So my advice to you (in case you missed it in the subtext) is to be a little more tolerant of people's b!tching, particularly given the title of this thread, lest you be labeled a D-bag yourself.
Re: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here

Even the lack of separate volume control for media and ringtone is not something that is obvious to someone who isn't aware of the problem in the first place. Even though I'd browsed through some forum threads, they tended to be ones where the title looked interesting or relevant to me. I wasn't 'searching' for info on separate volume controls because I never would have considered that WP didn't allow this. Equally it's not something you find out about when you play with a phone in a shop because you typically don't plug in headphones and listen to music or videos in this sort of environment. And even if you did, you probably wouldn't notice that the headphone volume couldn't be set discretely from the ringer. You'd make the assumption that the feature's there somewhere, you just don't know the system well enough to find it.

I just found this out for myself today in Starbucks; I was like hmm I'll turn the ringer down in case a call comes, didn't want to mute because of texts----then my music went down in volume---i laughed

I am using my first WP, the new 1020, leaving galaxy land behind.

So far I like it.
Each OS will have its quirks, no way around this; it is a fact of life; there will be no perfection.

Overall I really enjoy Windows Phone; the layout is very unique and completely new, not just a rehash of desktop computing models of folders and files and apps.
Windows has truly made a GUI that is different; and Nokia has made a phone that is not a phone, but is a camera.
Pair this new tech with WP8 and one has quite the gadget that pushes boundaries in regards to phone tech. Whilst more processors and cores are added to plasticsung and pixels to fruitPhone, these additions don't do too much to increase the experience we have with our devices. Pretty much any phone today can handle our present tech needs. The only thing remaining was pictures.
So great pictures + a great OS has made me very happy.
Sure i was a little miffed when I found out about the volume thing, and I am sure some more things will pop up since I am on my 7th day with windows phone.

But i highly doubt it will be anything that makes me hate the phone & OS (unless it is battery consumption.)

So in the end, I do not understand why people b***ch so much when whichever OS they use can do the same sh** as everyone else's (cept photos). My iPad collects dust, the 80 or so apps on it never get used. The core functions are covered no matter if you use windows, iOs, or android.....so people need to come to terms that their d*ck isn't bigger than anyone else's and realize the only thing left are megapixels, sensors, and apertures. Until the other main companies jump on this bandwagon Nokia gets to keep using the Magnum condoms for a while...............

- bizz :angel:

Oh and I totally read the title of this thread as all those switching to WP. Sorry.
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