Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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This one is good as it is. We (I) always want the latest and greatest, but I don't know what else I would want from the SE. If I had to do something, maybe 3D touch and waterproof, or a little bit bigger screen in the same overall size, but I don't like the new tall skinny screens on the G6 and S8, so there really isn't that much bigger they could go in the same aspect ratio.
This one is good as it is. We (I) always want the latest and greatest, but I don't know what else I would want from the SE. If I had to do something, maybe 3D touch and waterproof, or a little bit bigger screen in the same overall size, but I don't like the new tall skinny screens on the G6 and S8, so there really isn't that much bigger they could go in the same aspect ratio.

I agree with you on that about the new screen trend. Idealistically, I would like an improved front camera and better radios, but aside from that, it's very nice and hits majority of the spots for me.
This one is good as it is. We (I) always want the latest and greatest, but I don't know what else I would want from the SE. If I had to do something, maybe 3D touch and waterproof, or a little bit bigger screen in the same overall size, but I don't like the new tall skinny screens on the G6 and S8, so there really isn't that much bigger they could go in the same aspect ratio.

Kinda feeling the same myself. Had the Galaxy s8 Plus and got the G6 just now and although the 18:9 screens are great to hold and put in a pocket, I do miss the 16:9 aspect ratio and hope this new trend is just a quickly passing phase. People argue that you get to see more text etc when scrolling Web pages or Facebook etc but you really don't as the skinnier screen means sentences carry over to the next line a lot sooner so you still get the same content on the screen at any one time
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Does it have the Amazon app store? How do android apps run on it?

BB OS10 phones come with the Amazon Store out of the box and with the Android Runtime update from the BlackBerry World it cures a lot of the early issues. Apps that don't require Google Play Services run as if they're native. A Crackberry member that goes by the name of Cobalt has published a set of hacks that allow you to run apps with GP dependency negated.
^Basically what fatclue said. I personally don't run Cobalt, relying instead on BlackBerry's own apps for my daily task. Most of what I need can be done on the web, with banking being the most important.
BB10 is very similar to W10M where you need to have workarounds for certain aspects. Fans will defend it because they love the Hub, etc. It is a very capable OS that has lost support unfortunately.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Re: Done with Windows Central and Windows phones

The tech world is about phones. Keep your head in the sand...thanks for coming
For consumers, maybe. For those of us in tech, phones are an annoying distraction. I mean, think about all I have to do to ensure my staff and the 600+ others I support don't accidentally email possibly harassing material or send a secure document outside out network. Yes, I can do this, but it is a pain.

Out of my $6M budget, I probably spend a few ten thousand on mobile devices. (My phone bill is about $100,000 per month, just for land lines, and that isn't part of my budgeted expenses.)
BB10 is very similar to W10M where you need to have workarounds for certain aspects. Fans will defend it because they love the Hub, etc. It is a very capable OS that has lost support unfortunately.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

That's partly true. If you don't need apps that require access to Google Play Services they run every bit as well as if you had an Android device. The problem was the ART that didn't get updated until most users had already moved on. Then they updated it and told NO ONE. By the time John Chen took the reins it was hopeless. Much like Nadella, he wasn't left with much to work with from a PR standpoint.
Well it has been about a week since I got a Galaxy S8 and unfortunately I couldn't be happier....

I held on as long as I could or believed I needed too in till eventually my 950xl quit. Looked at my Windows options.....well I could get what I had for more than a year.....or a GO elite X3....unavailibilty of the X3 eventually made me just give up and not for the S8.

First impressions....did not have to change any if my hardware....ny wireless charging pads still works,including a JBL speaker one and odours the use type C....great.Secondly,weirdly,frustratingly....the microsoft app on Android are more polished then they were on WP....WTF is up with that.

Ok...so the app store gives me 100 results when I only want one,but I have got my banking app back,result.

Oh and what is this?My phone now works with my cars radio unit?I can use the maps on it to display in the 9" display.....must be magic.Not just calls and text...

The only inconvienice is that I travel a lot and used to take Continuum with me....now will have to buy the Samsung equivalent to keep all my work crap up to date.But right now I am thinking that is a small price to pay for a piece of hardware that is working....software that us up to date and in general a experience that just feels like it is working....

Come on Microsoft.....do you know how difficult it is to loose a customer like me....I have been with you for such a long time that had you just gotten something out remotely new you would have had me for another 2 years......
I've liked Windows Phone for being different to iOS/Android, nice to use, nicely integrated into the MS ecosystem, and efficient on low power/memory devices with excellent battery life and tightly controlled data use.

However my allegiance is mainly with Nokia. All but two mobiles I've had since the 90s have been Nokia essentially. Even the 640 I've got now is essentially Nokia despite the Microsoft branding (having worked for/with them I recognise the Nokia product codes under the hood, and it's still loaded with Nokia apps). I dabbled with a feature phone Sony way back and hated it, going straight back to Nokia and later tried a Samsung Galaxy S2 which had all kinds of problems with bugs, bloated data hungry apps and I hated the battery life. The rest have been Nokia.

So the next phone may be one of the new Nokia. Yes they're made by a third party start up, but it's ex-Nokia staff really and Nokia input. Android though, but maybe things have finally come on. Still think linux kernel based OS aren't geared up for efficiency and low power devices, hence many Android phones just size up, use powerful processors and stick a massive battery in them to cope. Symbian was efficient. Just a shame it was basically crap, or at least it was shown up badly once iPhone came on the scene. Though I still miss an OS with a decent integrated SIP stack.

Had the Nokia name stuck with Win Phone I may have stuck it out, but still there needs to be devices. Microsoft have nothing on offer until 2019 at least and even then that's just a vague rumour of a Surface Phone, and rumours now that it might even be an Android phone! (though I suspect they may ditch the Surface Phone and go with promoting Microsoft powered Android devices, i.e. that are loaded with MS apps).

Shame as it's a much nicer platform to develop for and much nicer tools to develop with. It's a shame mobile developers couldn't see that or at least be convinced to switch the MS tools and develop cross platform.
While I have moved to an iPhone SE as my main device (due to CU messing up my Idol 4S and making it virtually unusable) that doesn't mean I'm leaving the platform. Still have a laptop running Windows 10. Still have an SP4. Still visiting this site and hoping things work out for mobile soon. I still think MS has a good plan moving forward, it just takes time.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
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