Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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How do you type on that?? I bought my 14-year-old one. I was using it the other day to test Outlook and found it next to impossible to use such a miniscule keyboard.

Sent from mTalk

I have very little problem with it. It seems to predict words very efficiently.
I'm not saying I'm going to write a novel on it but, for an everyday communications device, it works quite well.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
How do you type on that?? I bought my 14-year-old one. I was using it the other day to test Outlook and found it next to impossible to use such a miniscule keyboard.

Sent from mTalk

Same here. I bought my 12yr old son one for Christmas and went to set it up for him in advance but I couldn't believe how small it was and hard to type on. And to think this used to be the norm and I had iPhones 3g, 3gs, 4, 4s and 5, 5s before myself so was well used to those sizes at one point. I sent it straight back and got him the 6s instead and he's been been very happy with it and the size
I have very little problem with it. It seems to predict words very efficiently.
I'm not saying I'm going to write a novel on it but, for an everyday communications device, it works quite well.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Same. I had to readjust after having the Pixel for a bit but it's awesome for one handed typing and usage. Combine that with a swipe keyboard and you are good to go.

I have the 7 and it works similarly but feels nicer on the SE.
I agree with TgeekB and libra89. Takes a little to get used to after a 5" phone, but surprisingly easy. My experience on the SE has been great. This time around on iOS I have been able to make it work better for my so far, have found a few apps that fill some holes for me, and I am enjoying it, mainly just being able to use the device, and not having to worry about how to workaround short comings, etc.

Makes me consider selling/trading my Pixel, but I feel like I may want to try it again in a month or so, and don't want to have to buy another device. I had actually considered trading the Pixel for a 7 or 7+, but I really like the size of the SE. The only thing that appeals to me about the 7 family is the water "resistance". I never thought it would be something I cared about, but with kids it would be nice. I had to stop myself and empty my pockets before running through the sprinklers with them yesterday. It would also be cool to take some video and pictures of them in those cases (and speaking of cases, I absolutely hate waterproof cases, and other cases that cover the ports of the phone).
Wow, so I got my first MMS message since replacing my sim and I got it instantly, rather than later. I didn't know that a new sim can make such a massive difference like @mark233 said. It seems like my dBm is slightly better too but not really.
For the first time since moving from an iPhone 3GS to a Lumia 520, I am thinking about leaving Windows. I used my wife's iPhone yesterday to help her set up her new fitness tracker and after playing around with the phone, I have to say it was refreshing to use a phone that, for lack of a better term, just works...
I can totally understand that. I like tinkering, and I like being different. I got a Windows Phone as my first smartphone, and I loved it. As things went downhill, I continued to hold on, and make it work for me, and largely that was not too difficult, so I kept with it. As the new hardware releases dwindled to a trickle I looked elsewhere, and was amazed at how easy things were with iOS and Android, like you said, they just work.

I keep going back to Windows "Phone" because I still love the OS, and it still mostly works for me, but lately several of the apps I use don't work any longer, and the developer either openly admits they are end of life, or their lack of response for over a year implies they are end of life. I can find workarounds and make things work for me, but it is refreshing to use a device that is easy, and lets you focus less on making things work, and simply works for you.

I'm definitely not giving up on Windows Mobile, I still want it to succeed, and want to keep using it, but I think it might have to take the role as a secondary device for the time being, and that is sad for me.
So as of yesterday TMo Digits is available to all subscribers. I think this inludes the option to get a second SIM with the same phone number that can share data on that account - at least that was possible during the beta. If that still works, i plan on keeping my 950XL and iPhone 6S+ both active and up to date, and only use the 6S+ during trips where I actually need all those handy apps, while using the 950XL during normal work days.

Edit: I don't see info regarding sharing data, any Digits experts here? In the meantime, tons of info in the Reddit megathread

Edit 2: still no clear answer, but it looks like you can get a linked SIM that also provides mobile data, but more slowly: "Data on the devices you share your number with will have max data speed of 512kbps."

Edit 3: this discussion suggests that you can get a duplicate SIM that offers the same LTE speed as the device with the original SIM. I wonder which one to believe. This discussion didn't actually quote data speed, so maybe 512 kbps is actually the limit. Anyone?
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Any advice? Anyone got the ZTE Axon 7? Switching to this from my idol 4s with Windows 10. Is outlook better than the default mail app?

Sent from Idol 4s
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Any advice? Anyone got the ZTE Axon 7? Switching to this from my idol 4s with Windows 10. Is outlook better than the default mail app?
Nice looking device.

Only issue with teh IOS/Android mail app is that your cached mail data is stored in AWS and not secure in the microsoft cloud with your other email.

For improved performance, a subset of email, calendar, and file data from each user's mailbox is cached in the Outlook service. Because the app is based on Microsoft's recent acquisition of Acompli, the service currently runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We are moving the Outlook service to Office 365, and plan to have that move completed soon.


I use the Android Outlook app for my gmail, kaiponte.com mail, and outlook.com mail. Works fine.
meant to say the ZTE Axon 7 looking to get one next week

Sent from Idol 4s
What functionality exactly are you looking for from your mail client? Be as specific as you like, I'm very critical of mail clients because I expect a lot. Suffice to say I'm paying the $.99 per month for the ad-free version of BlackBerry Hub for Android. There's no file type it can't open, pin multiple accounts to the home screen and I can print emails right from the app. The print feature is really the only advantage over Outlook on W10M, which is decidedly better than the Android and iOS versions. I've been saying that for some time but it's only recently that people aren't questioning my sanity for saying so.
What functionality exactly are you looking for from your mail client? o.
Well, just normal stuff like encrypted email, attachments, integration with my calendar

Nothing much

Oh I took the plunge and am test driving an Iphone 7 plus
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What functionality exactly are you looking for from your mail client? Be as specific as you like, I'm very critical of mail clients because I expect a lot. Suffice to say I'm paying the $.99 per month for the ad-free version of BlackBerry Hub for Android. There's no file type it can't open, pin multiple accounts to the home screen and I can print emails right from the app. The print feature is really the only advantage over Outlook on W10M, which is decidedly better than the Android and iOS versions. I've been saying that for some time but it's only recently that people aren't questioning my sanity for saying so.
Mainly which app is better on battery life. I've read about issues with battery drain on the stock mail app

Sent from Idol 4s
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