Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Never Android or Apple. Since BlackBerry is dead, I will only use Windows smartphone... or simple phone.
My band 2 broke no substitute with notifications that would work with my Idol 4S, so for now I have switched to an iPhone and apple watch in hopes that MS gets their act together.
Never Android or Apple. Since BlackBerry is dead, I will only use Windows smartphone... or simple phone.
BlackBerry is far from being dead. Just like Android and iOS users still rely on MS services on their respective phones, I'm using the Hub, Launcher and Keyboard on my Android.

Like @TgeekB said, I'm waiting on MS to get its mobile house in order to be able to return. If it doesn't happen, I'm fine with using BlackBerry products on my Android phone.
Yah, I give up. My personal phone is a 640, and I used to love it. But it keeps getting slower, with less apps. The Skype app I used to talk to my brother in Japan always sucked because it wouldn't ring unless the app was open, and now Microsoft can't even be bothered to use the new Skype on their own phones. I love windows 10, and windows phone is still the best one handed smartphone, but it's just not practical anymore. The maps app sucks, no fandango, soon to be no Skype, I'm done. Will either get an SE or maybe a Motorola or Sony. I do worry about the security on android.
BlackBerry is far from being dead. Just like Android and iOS users still rely on MS services on their respective phones, I'm using the Hub, Launcher and Keyboard on my Android.

Like @TgeekB said, I'm waiting on MS to get its mobile house in order to be able to return. If it doesn't happen, I'm fine with using BlackBerry products on my Android phone.
Switching to Android = BlackBerry's death (the rest of my explanation You can find on CrackBerry forum).
Switching to Android = BlackBerry's death (the rest of my explanation You can find on CrackBerry forum).

They switched operating systems, so what? The features are still there and that's what makes a BlackBerry stand out from the crowd. Let me guess, you're one of those who had a fit when Dylan went electric?
Switching to Android = BlackBerry's death (the rest of my explanation You can find on CrackBerry forum).

Actually BB10 almost killed them. While its a very good mobile OS, it was too little too late.
Switching to Android and becoming a software focused company has given them new life.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
The latest KeyOne BB looks like it had some design flaws. Anyone catch the highlights showing the screen pop out issue?
Apparently one person woke up from a nap to a screen dethatched, and someone else dropped it in their car and the screen ended up coming loose.

There is nothing holding the display in except friction/pressure.

As someone in the construction industry who is heavily involved in the initial process, this is nothing new. My position exists chiefly because engineers don't talk to each other anymore. A design flaw and a manufacturing flaw surface when this miscommunication is present. Design teams select the material to be used but typically have no hands-on experience with it. They read a submittal sheet and determine it meets the design criteria and go with it. The people who actually put the pieces together need to determine if it will work. Cut sheets don't tell you tensile strength, flexion properties, thermal expansion properties, etc. Especially when you're dealing with plastic as a structural component. With dissimilar materials like plastic and glass, the marriage must be perfect. A thin layer of adhesive sealant can hide a multitude of sins.

Tighten up Alcatel, you're really starting to tick off me off. BlackBerry, put on your steel-toe shoes and have a meeting with your engineers. There's some a$$ that needs kicking.
BlackBerry is far from being dead. Just like Android and iOS users still rely on MS services on their respective phones, I'm using the Hub, Launcher and Keyboard on my Android. ne.

Seems pretty dead to me. My organization was all BlackBerry for around fifteen years ago. four years ago, we bought the horrid Q10 and Z10 devices. Within a very short time, after massive complaints, I bought everyone Samsung Galaxy S6 devices. I now have 150 Q10 and Z10 devices sitting around.

I also have the older Curve, Bold, Perl, and 7000 series in storage. Those are all useless because we shut down our BES infrastructure. Even ActiveSync is not working on the newer devices because they can't accept our newer certificate and encryption.
Seems pretty dead to me. My organization was all BlackBerry for around fifteen years ago. four years ago, we bought the horrid Q10 and Z10 devices. Within a very short time, after massive complaints, I bought everyone Samsung Galaxy S6 devices. I now have 150 Q10 and Z10 devices sitting around.

I also have the older Curve, Bold, Perl, and 7000 series in storage. Those are all useless because we shut down our BES infrastructure. Even ActiveSync is not working on the newer devices because they can't accept our newer certificate and encryption.

BlackBerry devices are definitely dead. BlackBerry the company is not.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Seems pretty dead to me. My organization was all BlackBerry for around fifteen years ago. four years ago, we bought the horrid Q10 and Z10 devices. Within a very short time, after massive complaints, I bought everyone Samsung Galaxy S6 devices. I now have 150 Q10 and Z10 devices sitting around.

I also have the older Curve, Bold, Perl, and 7000 series in storage. Those are all useless because we shut down our BES infrastructure. Even ActiveSync is not working on the newer devices because they can't accept our newer certificate and encryption.
Aye bummer. Shame all that with such a short cycle on premise.

Edit: I think at BES15 everything has changed. It can handle all platforms.
BlackBerry devices are definitely dead. BlackBerry the company is not.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

LOL okay...

By the way, I took my dog on a hike this morning and wanted to stop in Starbucks after. Instead of going in and ordering I was able to pull out my phone, place the order, and have it ready when I arrived. That way my caffeine fix was solved and my dog didn't need to wait for me. Nice to have apps that work. (typing this one-handed using Microsoft word flow keyboard.)

Switched over to Android today loving a real Facebook and messenger app. Windows definitely has a cleaner simpler interface but it's like being on a crippled phone when u cant do simple features everyone else has been using for years
LOL okay...

By the way, I took my dog on a hike this morning and wanted to stop in Starbucks after. Instead of going in and ordering I was able to pull out my phone, place the order, and have it ready when I arrived. That way my caffeine fix was solved and my dog didn't need to wait for me. Nice to have apps that work. (typing this one-handed using Microsoft word flow keyboard.)


Did you order a pupachino for your dog? My daughter gets them for hers. I think its basically just some whipped cream in a tiny container. LOL.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
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