Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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No worries, that's not happening with me. xd

I do not think there is anyone that knows who they are that has never tried McDonalds before. So it is easy to know whether one is compatible with McDs or not. I personally only eat it when I have to :).
I do not think there is anyone that knows who they are that has never tried McDonalds before. So it is easy to know whether one is compatible with McDs or not. I personally only eat it when I have to :).

True. I have a friend that likes McDs a lot. I had my moment, but I quit. I agree with you on that point.
With the battery apparently now failing on my BLU Windows HD phone, and obviously nothing coming from MS, I now have to buy my first Android phone. It's a sad day, but here it is. I know that I can install MS apps - Outlook, OneDrive etc - and continue using my MS calendar, email etc. And I'm sure I could grind through this on my own. But isn't there, by now, some sort of migration guide for people like me? A nice step-by-step for ending up with the equivalent of what MS will be selling in their stores as a "Microsoft Edition" Android phone?
With the battery apparently now failing on my BLU Windows HD phone, and obviously nothing coming from MS, I now have to buy my first Android phone. It's a sad day, but here it is. I know that I can install MS apps - Outlook, OneDrive etc - and continue using my MS calendar, email etc. And I'm sure I could grind through this on my own. But isn't there, by now, some sort of migration guide for people like me? A nice step-by-step for ending up with the equivalent of what MS will be selling in their stores as a "Microsoft Edition" Android phone?

These are old but you can still do them and it works decently:


This is more recent but you can check this out too: https://www.thurrott.com/mobile/android/106828/android-windows-guy-redmondize-smartphone
Here's another item. On Windows phone and WM10, I'd be driving and a reminder or email would appear. It would cover the whole screen. On Iphone, it is unobtrusive. I think the same as Android.
Here's another item. On Windows phone and WM10, I'd be driving and a reminder or email would appear. It would cover the whole screen. On Iphone, it is unobtrusive. I think the same as Android.//uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170613/c960e3c0f2a3f89008cbe6fac2be7221.jpg

Full screen Toast notification compared like you see on the iphone/Android. So many ways that could easily have options, but simply lacking. Be nice if they offer to swipe away notifications from Calendars or like you said a minimalistic toast alert that is not so distracing...
Like I've been saying. I want a computing device which can make phone calls, has the UI of WM10, the stability and quality of Ios, and is as customizable and open source as Android.

Is that to much to ask?
Like I've been saying. I want a computing device which can make phone calls, has the UI of WM10, the stability and quality of Ios, and is as customizable and open source as Android.

Is that to much to ask?

Like a modern day Frankenstein OS? Probably only if all minds came together as one could that ever happen...then again maybe there is a reason it has not happened yet.
That culture needs to change. People need to demand ad-free solutions without having to resort to rooting and other hacks. If there's one incontrovertible fact of life is that nature's a mother, so nothing is free. I'm well aware that there are many who can't afford flagship phones and that's cool. Paid apps should be an option for anyone willing to pay for an ad-free experience. More than half of my app collection is paid and the ones that aren't are 1st party, free for everyone like PayPal, etc. I'll be the first in line to buy a paid version of Chrome if it means no ads.

As long as Android users cling to the XDA mentality of root and ROM to achieve certain results, there will always be ads and bloat.

Paid version of Chrome that blocks ads is interesting, most likely though it will block all ads that aren't Alphabet/Google's own. I use a browser on the desktop called Brave which has natice ad blocking and built-in support for 1password/lastpass/dashlane/pocket and also an option called Brave Payments where you can pay a certain amount each month and divy up how that amount gets dispersed to sites you frequent. Its a nice idea that I haven't turned on yet.
Jumping ship

Hey guys,

I've been doing a LOT of thinking about 10 Mobile the last month or so. As much as it pains me, I think I'm over it -- for the time being.

I've been sporting a Lumia 735 since April of last year. And even by that point, a brand new phone for me wasn't necessarily a brand new phone to the market. I needed something mid-range, not quite spec'd out, needed to really only accomplish basic stuff and let my Pro 4 do the heavy lifting when it came to getting things done on the go.

The hardware itself is not too much of a sore spot, but it's become significantly more noticeable the last few months. I enrolled in the Insiders Program to stay on top of new features that may or may not be coming to Mobile and to get an idea of the direction 10 Mobile is/could be going. Since Microsoft is limiting the availability of the CU to certain mobile hardware, Insiders Program was also best bet for those coming features.

But I'm finding myself regretting that decision. Constant battery drains. Intermittent cellular connectivity (specifically text messages not sending or receiving), limited Bluetooth capability with my Fitbit Blaze, constant bluetooth drops of any connected devices. APP CRASHES. My God the app crashes! Twitter is the only reliable social media platform right now for my particular device. My Mail app can’t/won’t open attachments in emails. I mean, I know what I signed up for when I enrolled in the Insiders Program – I was expecting it. But it’s a double-edged sword, to have mid-range hardware and know that your particular device won’t be supported with future production build updates.

I thought I could suck it up, but seeing things like CShell slowly starting to make it’s presence, and Microsoft’s absolute lack of a roadmap for mobile. I WANT Windows 10 Mobile. I want to KEEP loving it as much as I’ve loved it since my HTC Arrive and Windows Phone 7 back in 2010. But I can’t keep supporting a platform that seemingly has no direction (see the newest Fast Ring build…and for the most part, subsequent builds and even the Creators Update). With no hope of any kind of hardware until 2018, and Microsoft being tight-lipped as to their desired endstate with Mobile, I’m out. I’m done. I’ll go get an iPhone and get my Microsoft services that I use for the next year and a half or so until Microsoft can get their crap together and, even if there’s no Surface Mobile device (whatever iteration that may be) hopefully OEMs can pick up the software side of Microsoft is pushing. I’ve still got my Surface Pro 4 and my Xbox One, but Mobile…well, I’m out.

From Surface Pro 4
Are you on VZW?
I feel your pain if you are. If not I feel your pain still.

I enjoyed Windows mobile so much I left VZW and our unlimted plans to go to AT&T just so I could personally continue to experience W10M. Taking my spouse along for the ride since she could care less about what phone she is using it was not hard at all to do. We actually saved money by doing it anyway so it was a win win.

Be nice if there was a time line out there for people to know when a Windows device was coming. Not everyone is the same obviously and we still want the usability of Windows 10 Mobile. It is hard to know you can keep using it when you do not know or see the plans clearly. So we have this game of show and tell every 6-12 months to get hyped up on. For Verizon users it is worse though. Becuase every time they have a show, the devices are not destined to work on VZW anyway.
Wait a minute -- what the heck happened to my original forum post?

From Surface Pro 4
Moderators will merge threads sometimes for the sake of continuity and it also makes it easier to monitor. Mods aren't paid, they have jobs and families so anything to keep the publication tidy and make their jobs easier is smiled upon.
I confess I don’t know how Nine Mail works – I was under the impression that it synced Outlook.com’s contacts/calendar with Google’s equivalent.

So, Nine Mail is a standalone email, calendar, & contacts app that has two-way sync with Outlook.com which you can set as default…

If I set the Nine Mail calendar to default … will Cortana read from this?

Because if that’s the case, then yeah – you don’t need the Google Calendar app at all…?
Does Cortana read from your Outlook calendar? I was thinking that "she" has her own calendar for reminders and the like that you can't really access, but I may be way off. Nine Mail does give me notifications of all my events, though, just the way the native MS Outlook client for Android does. I don't use my Google calendar at all - I've completely turned off notifications from it. I get my calendar reminders from Nine.

I guess if you want to use Outlook for Android (calendar & email) you could disable the notification from Nine Mail – and just use Nail mail in the background to keep the contacts & calendar in sync.

Yeah, that would work. I personally find Nine Mail's app better than the Outlook for Android app, though, so I just use that.
With the battery apparently now failing on my BLU Windows HD phone, and obviously nothing coming from MS, I now have to buy my first Android phone. It's a sad day, but here it is. I know that I can install MS apps - Outlook, OneDrive etc - and continue using my MS calendar, email etc. And I'm sure I could grind through this on my own. But isn't there, by now, some sort of migration guide for people like me? A nice step-by-step for ending up with the equivalent of what MS will be selling in their stores as a "Microsoft Edition" Android phone?

Why not get an HP Elite X3, Alcatel phone or even a 950/950XL or cheap 1520?

Why does no new phone from MS mean you have to go to Android?
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