Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Well, windows phone is unhackable, a lot of hackers use .apk applications to hack android or other ones to hack ios, but windows phone is very secure... as a penetration tester, i didnt find a way to hack a windows phone :P
Why not get an HP Elite X3, Alcatel phone or even a 950/950XL or cheap 1520?

Why does no new phone from MS mean you have to go to Android?

X3 is too expensive.
Idol4s is at a decent price now.
As for the others, most people want something at least relatively new and there isn't much with Windows.
For a lot of people that means move on to something else. Its a tough time right now in WM land.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
X3 is too expensive.
Idol4s is at a decent price now.
As for the others, most people want something at least relatively new and there isn't much with Windows.
For a lot of people that means move on to something else. Its a tough time right now in WM land.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

True. Not many easy choices out there for Windows 10 mobile.
Found out something today. While my Iphone doesn't have live tiles, it does have sort of a quick quick menu.


I can long press on some icons, which brings up a context menu for quick actions.


Still not as nice as W10m
Actually BB10 almost killed them. While its a very good mobile OS, it was too little too late.
Switching to Android and becoming a software focused company has given them new life.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Software company which had abandoned it's own OS?
Why not get an HP Elite X3, Alcatel phone or even a 950/950XL or cheap 1520?

Why does no new phone from MS mean you have to go to Android?

Because they want to go Android. The rest is simple whining. I've bought 950 XL a month ago and am absolutely happy. I am even more happy, when tried S8 Plus and iPhone 7 after my 950 XL.

I'm not sure if it's right in English (originally I know it in Russian): "Those, who want - are looking for opportunities. Those, who doesn't want - seek for excuses".

Android is just an excuse for W10m user, not more.
Like I've been saying. I want a computing device which can make phone calls, has the UI of WM10, the stability and quality of Ios, and is as customizable and open source as Android.

Is that to much to ask?

You can aim same question to Apple and Google... and to God.
I didn't think anyone was even trying to hack Windows Mobile anymore. i however wouldn't say its unhackable nothing is unhackable.
Found out something today. While my Iphone doesn't have live tiles, it does have sort of a quick quick menu.


I can long press on some icons, which brings up a context menu for quick actions.


Still not as nice as W10m

Long press or hard press? It looks like the 3D Touch menus. My SE doesn't have that, but I kind of remember it from the 6S I had. It is a very handy feature, and it seems like it will be even more handy with iOS 11.
Long press or hard press? It looks like the 3D Touch menus. My SE doesn't have that, but I kind of remember it from the 6S I had. It is a very handy feature, and it seems like it will be even more handy with iOS 11.

Yeah, that is the 3d touch menu. I don't remember which press though LOL
Long press or hard press? It looks like the 3D Touch menus. My SE doesn't have that, but I kind of remember it from the 6S I had. It is a very handy feature, and it seems like it will be even more handy with iOS 11.

Yeah, that is the 3d touch menu. I don't remember which press though LOL

3D Touch, or Force Touch as it was originally called. Not a long press but a pressure press. Hopefully that helps with describing it.
Android is just an excuse for W10m user, not more.

I wanted my apps to be updated. Facebook and messenger haven't been updated in almost a year now. On Android their updated frequently and are fully featured. They perform way better than on windows. I loved windows but they dropped the ball for mobile the os is still buggy camera is still screwed up apps are being abandoned and not supported. Everything works better on Android and I've been using windows since the HTC touch pro 1 all the way up to my idol 4s windows 10 mobile
I think I'm one of the die hard Windows 10 mobile fan , but my hopes have also limitations , I think nothing can turn Windows Mobile to leading operating system, unless Microsoft will pay all of its attention to it , because nowadays mobile market is biggest and more important for people than pc or laptop , to focus on mobile will bring more respect and attention from people , that will help MS to be first in every competition with Google and Apple , their only advantage is mobile , because windows is better than OS x and chrome os or android , if w10m will be as successful as Windows 10 would be the greatest step from MS
I think I'm one of the die hard Windows 10 mobile fan , but my hopes have also limitations , I think nothing can turn Windows Mobile to leading operating system, unless Microsoft will pay all of its attention to it , because nowadays mobile market is biggest and more important for people than pc or laptop , to focus on mobile will bring more respect and attention from people , that will help MS to be first in every competition with Google and Apple , their only advantage is mobile , because windows is better than OS x and chrome os or android , if w10m will be as successful as Windows 10 would be the greatest step from MS

Ya it is confusing what they are doing (Microsoft). The key developers that see what is going, are invested in Apps on UWP. It is also cost effective for an application to drop support for W10M, and probably easier if they are not sure of what Microsoft is planning. This allows them to focus on the market that has not stopped growing for years (Android/iOS). This in turn makes it easier for consumers to leave. I myself keep one of every mobile platform around my house. Because I never know when I will want to go use one or the other. However, I too am committed to investing in W10/W10M. It has me hooked I guess to see what lies around the next corner coming up...
Long press or hard press? It looks like the 3D Touch menus. My SE doesn't have that, but I kind of remember it from the 6S I had. It is a very handy feature, and it seems like it will be even more handy with iOS 11.

I may be using the wrong term - hard press. Handy. The dual camera is cool too. Took this yesterday to send my beautiful young bride. Someone had given her an orchid last year and I resurrected it despite my black thumb of death. The Iphone 7 camera seems to rival that of my 950xl and is faster. Pictures also show up quicker.


Just need for Outlook to support encryption on email. The stock mail app has a lot to learn from Outlook. As someone who gets 300+ emails a day, and lives by my calendar, I need it to work well.
Re: Jumping ship

I WANT Windows 10 Mobile. I want to KEEP loving it as much as I’ve loved it since my HTC Arrive and Windows Phone 7 back in 2010.

Yes, bloody WP7 started me on my Windows Phone obsession. An obsession that lead me to buy multiple WP devices for my family.

I'm in the process of trying to rectify that mistake right now by buying x3 iPhone 6s ($$$ ouch).
I was chatting with Apple via Edge on my Lumia 950xl yesterday & the browser froze a couple of times - which I thought was ironic.
My family aren't techy like me... they just want FB Messenger to work.

As for myself, I'll hang on to my 950xl until at least the iPhone 8 is announced.

I share overboard08 sentiment, the dream is over :-S.
for myself, I'll hang on to my 950xl until at least the iPhone 8 is announced.

Don't know about that device. All glass. Edge to edge screen. Yech! My son had both with his Note 7 and then S7. He eventually traded for a LG V20. Much better.

Another thing I just noticed on the Iphone. I can search and it provides results from contacts, the interwebz, my calendar, email, and OneNote.


I sent feedback on that several times. Just looked on my 950xl to add a link and the feedback service is down.

Not a good sign.
Don't know about that device. All glass. Edge to edge screen. Yech! My son had both with his Note 7 and then S7. He eventually traded for a LG V20. Much better.

Another thing I just noticed on the Iphone. I can search and it provides results from contacts, the interwebz, my calendar, email, and OneNote.


I sent feedback on that several times. Just looked on my 950xl to add a link and the feedback service is down.

Not a good sign.
Apple finally decided to implement universal search. Just another webOS first that was followed by BlackBerry.
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