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X3 has great specs.

What's it like to hold? It's a big piece of kit.

Not much different than holding a 1520 I guess. I like the matte finish out back, it's not slick like today's glass or glossy plastic phones. The back edges are curved but there's no taper so I like that. It may pose a problem for folks with smaller hands but you gotta have room for that DieHard-sized battery. The camera module and fingerprint scanner are a good inch apart with the flash sandwiched in between so it's not easy to mistake one for the other. The power and volume buttons have a nice, pronounced profile but I'd wished they put some form of texture on the power button since they're rather close to each other. There's certainly room for a physical shutter button especially with no OIS but that's picking at nits.
The performance and fine tuning comes from their timely fw updates. One main reason I like the x3 also.
After 3 full days I can safely say this is the all-time battery champ - and I've had quite a few phones. I don't need to get into WM issues because they're device-agnostic so I'll touch on a couple of things I've noticed that would be specific to the x3. The fingerprint scanner is very accurate even if you touch it at weird angles. But it's noticeably slower than any Android or iPhone I've ever used. The iris scanner fits this same pattern. I wear glasses and it registers accurately whether I'm wearing them or not, but it's still slow as hell to unlock. I'm pretty sure my 950s were quicker at unlocking but it's not a deal breaker. It's more of a "look at me" feature than anything else.

Continuum is every bit as solid as on my Idol with the added option to set dim times on the phone and external display independently. Also worth noting is this phone just runs cool no matter what you throw at it. The Idol would get slightly warm but only after a good half hour of Continuum and never as warm as a 950/950XL.

I'll say it again, if the camera isn't a deal breaker then this or the Idol are the only choices for the best W10M experience. More so if you use Continuum.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
After 3 full days I can safely say this is the all-time battery champ - and I've had quite a few phones. I don't need to get into WM issues because they're device-agnostic so I'll touch on a couple of things I've noticed that would be specific to the x3. The fingerprint scanner is very accurate even if you touch it at weird angles. But it's noticeably slower than any Android or iPhone I've ever used. The iris scanner fits this same pattern. I wear glasses and it registers accurately whether I'm wearing them or not, but it's still slow as hell to unlock. I'm pretty sure my 950s were quicker at unlocking but it's not a deal breaker. It's more of a "look at me" feature than anything else.

Continuum is every bit as solid as on my Idol with the added option to set dim times on the phone and external display independently. Also worth noting is this phone just runs cool no matter what you throw at it. The Idol would get slightly warm but only after a good half hour of Continuum and never as warm as a 950/950XL.

I'll say it again, if the camera isn't a deal breaker then this or the Idol are the only choices for the best W10M experience. More so if you use Continuum.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
Hmm this is interesting. I'm glad that the x3 is generally working out for you. It's interesting to me that the "Hello" features are slow. I'm guessing that you prefer the fingerprint scanner over the iris scanner?

Some people around here have said that not having Microsoft Wallet (I mean the NFC thing really) is a bummer considering the power of the phone. How do you feel about that? Are you indifferent?
Hmm this is interesting. I'm glad that the x3 is generally working out for you. It's interesting to me that the "Hello" features are slow. I'm guessing that you prefer the fingerprint scanner over the iris scanner?

Some people around here have said that not having Microsoft Wallet (I mean the NFC thing really) is a bummer considering the power of the phone. How do you feel about that? Are you indifferent?

I could care less about Wallet or any form of payment via phones. I can pull out my card just as fast as I can my phone. I'm old-school that way.

Yes, the fingerprint has become my default unlocking method. I sorely miss the physical home button on my Ativ SE. Press the button and swipe up with my thumb in one continuous motion was the easiest method on any Windows-based device I've had.
I could care less about Wallet or any form of payment via phones. I can pull out my card just as fast as I can my phone. I'm old-school that way.

Yes, the fingerprint has become my default unlocking method. I sorely miss the physical home button on my Ativ SE. Press the button and swipe up with my thumb in one continuous motion was the easiest method on any Windows-based device I've had.
If they'd get rid of the hello face and wink completely on the idol 4s it'd unlock a half second faster. Is it there on the x3?
I just wish the x3 wasn't quite so big. Might have to keep the Idol in mind though. I see the prices are really reasonable on them right now.
I just wish the x3 wasn't quite so big. Might have to keep the Idol in mind though. I see the prices are really reasonable on them right now.
I agree. It's pretty big and has some weight to it.

I'm about tweaking my Windows phones where possible, and additionally wanted an x3 to test out certain customizations I did with my idol4s that I did not know about when I owned the x3 back in Octoberish.
Thinking about switching.

I love my 950(Unlocked Dual Sim). But that App Gap is starting to creep up on me. I work a lot in china and use an app called WeChat to communicate. The App is available on Windows phone, however it is lacking features that I use regularly. (When I go to china I switch phones for these features such as in app translation and mobile "WeChat Pay")

Additionally, There are a few apps I cannot get. One being the Service Channel Check in app I use for work. But The list goes on. United Airlines, Chase Mobile, Schools Credit Union, Several VPN Providers I use, Ctrip, Good Metro Map Apps for the various cities I travel to, Amtrak, World of Hyatt, SPG.... If it was just a few of the smaller ones like my local bank and Amtrak I could look away... but it is just so many and the mobile websites do not always work as well, especially when you don't have good service. And then Apps function differently. Like Expedia. If you use the app on Android or IPhone you get double the points, but not on the windows mobile app.

Again, There is nothing wrong with the 950. I love the workflow of Windows and how well the OS Generally functions. The outlook Mail is so much better than any mail client I have tried on my work IPhone. I have an Xbox and a Surface and the integration is great. The Camera still blows my friends away with Galaxies and Iphones when we take the same photos. I use grove music and Microsoft movies and TV as well. I am not looking forward to the way other OS's work. But the Efficiency of the OS at this point is being overridden by the inefficiency the lack of apps is creating.(And lets face it, on the 950 the battery life has never been good)

So, I am looking to switch. Probably going to buy the OnePlus 5 when it drops tonight. Any thoughts?
Thinking about switching.

I love my 950(Unlocked Dual Sim). But that App Gap is starting to creep up on me. I work a lot in china and use an app called WeChat to communicate. The App is available on Windows phone, however it is lacking features that I use regularly. (When I go to china I switch phones for these features such as in app translation and mobile "WeChat Pay")

Additionally, There are a few apps I cannot get. One being the Service Channel Check in app I use for work. But The list goes on. United Airlines, Chase Mobile, Schools Credit Union, Several VPN Providers I use, Ctrip, Good Metro Map Apps for the various cities I travel to, Amtrak, World of Hyatt, SPG.... If it was just a few of the smaller ones like my local bank and Amtrak I could look away... but it is just so many and the mobile websites do not always work as well, especially when you don't have good service. And then Apps function differently. Like Expedia. If you use the app on Android or IPhone you get double the points, but not on the windows mobile app.

Again, There is nothing wrong with the 950. I love the workflow of Windows and how well the OS Generally functions. The outlook Mail is so much better than any mail client I have tried on my work IPhone. I have an Xbox and a Surface and the integration is great. The Camera still blows my friends away with Galaxies and Iphones when we take the same photos. I use grove music and Microsoft movies and TV as well. I am not looking forward to the way other OS's work. But the Efficiency of the OS at this point is being overridden by the inefficiency the lack of apps is creating.(And lets face it, on the 950 the battery life has never been good)

So, I am looking to switch. Probably going to buy the OnePlus 5 when it drops tonight. Any thoughts?
I'm fortunate enough to not need many apps at all. So I'm no help from that perspective. The OP5 is an affordable quality phone. Based on your situation Windows mobile served well until lately. Which phone have you been switching to when travelng?

If you hang out a bit longer you might see a dual boot/dual OS phone come out here some time. But that's not guaranteed I suppose. Moly/AIPCphone are set to release an android/w10mobile device but there are little details at this point.
I love my 950(Unlocked Dual Sim). But that App Gap is starting to creep up on me. I work a lot in china and use an app called WeChat to communicate. The App is available on Windows phone, however it is lacking features that I use regularly. (When I go to china I switch phones for these features such as in app translation and mobile "WeChat Pay")
I know, I keep reading about all WeChat can do, but only have discovered the extra possibilities when I got the Iphone version.

Supposedly "apps" will be replaced by "mega-apps" like WeChat, but we're not there yet.

I just wish the x3 wasn't quite so big.
meh, it is normal sized!

Nice to see some good feedback on the device. This is probably my favorite device, with the exception of the so-so camera. However, I'm using an Iphone for now, so the X3 has taken a bit of a backseat. (By the way, the 6" AMOLED screen on the X3 completely shatters the 5.5" LCD screen on the Iphone 7+ by a longshot.)
I use an IPhone SE provided by work when I have to.

Another problem with windows is what you just said... Something is always coming "SomeTime" but there are no guarantees. I am just looking to get through my days on one phone really.
Supposedly "apps" will be replaced by "mega-apps" like WeChat, but we're not there yet.

WeChat is a great app and Facebook could learn a lot from it. It is Chat First Focused with the "Wall" being more of an extra. You can easily pay for just about anything and transfer money between friends. Group conversations are amazing. Pinning and muting conversations are easy.... but again, you lose 3/4 of the functionality on Windows. Windows does have one thing the other versions don't have... Night Mode. Essentially a dark theme. I will miss that
I know, I keep reading about all WeChat can do, but only have discovered the extra possibilities when I got the Iphone version.

Supposedly "apps" will be replaced by "mega-apps" like WeChat, but we're not there yet.

meh, it is normal sized!

Nice to see some good feedback on the device. This is probably my favorite device, with the exception of the so-so camera. However, I'm using an Iphone for now, so the X3 has taken a bit of a backseat. (By the way, the 6" AMOLED screen on the X3 completely shatters the 5.5" LCD screen on the Iphone 7+ by a longshot.)
True that. The iPhone is practically useless when the sun is beating down you. The x3 is legible at full brightness.

Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk
I am Also Considering the HTC U11.... I just don't know if I want to spend the extra 200$

What do you guys think... OnePlus 5 Or HTC U11?
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