Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Even score maybe...

We hit 120 last week.

Yeah it got hot!

At least there you can get great Cuban food.
I am Also Considering the HTC U11.... I just don't know if I want to spend the extra 200$

What do you guys think... OnePlus 5 Or HTC U11?
For the price the u-11 has ip67 protection boom sound and a higher res screen but the screen is subjective. But no headphone jack and all glass unless you go sapphire. HTC sense features.

OP5 is cheaper but you get a bigger battery dropping the screen resolution (purely taste), aluminum body and a head phone jack. The OS is basically stock android with their Oxygen is flavors.

If you've ever used a Nexus device before you'll like the OP5. I don't own one but have owned a couple one plus 3 phone. They're built well and I like the stock AOSP android experience.
Even score maybe...

We hit 120 last week.
Never been to Phoenix but I have been to Vegas. I'll gladly trade you a few degrees for our humidity. In the 43 years I've lived down here and 5 in Jacksonville, I've only seen 100 once about 3 years ago. But the "feels like" is usually in the mid-100s even when the temp is in the upper 80s.

Sent from my Surface 3 on mTalk
For the price the u-11 has ip67 protection boom sound and a higher res screen but the screen is subjective. But no headphone jack and all glass unless you go sapphire. HTC sense features.

OP5 is cheaper but you get a bigger battery dropping the screen resolution (purely taste), aluminum body and a head phone jack. The OS is basically stock android with their Oxygen is flavors.

If you've ever used a Nexus device before you'll like the OP5. I don't own one but have owned a couple one plus 3 phone. They're built well and I like the stock AOSP android experience.

My biggest issue is I want the international unlocked dual sim versions

For the U11 (6gb ram 128gb storage) that is 768$. So its more than a 200$ difference for waterproofing and 2 less gb of ram.

Not sure if I can justify it
If they'd get rid of the hello face and wink completely on the idol 4s it'd unlock a half second faster. Is it there on the x3?

I ended up not using the fingerprint reader on the I4S Win. It was a PITA. On the Sony Xperia X it is built into the power button and if you blink, you'll miss the lock screen it is that fast and effortless.
Is it too much to ask? I just want a IP67-certified device with a 6" AMOLED screen, live tiles, USB-C, NFC, removable 3600 or greater battery, SD card slot, dual-sim, dual rear facing cameras, front-facing stereo speakers, rear fingerprint reader, Continuum, and live tiles with force-gestures.

That's all!
I am also curious what Samsung has to offer. In fact due to the global battery issue, the Samsung has to increase the build quality of all products like crazy and sell it for a cheaper cost than the iphone and other competitors to keep its customers in the galaxy line up. I think they are going to lose a lot of money from their next line up however it is what has to be done to get customers trust back.

I am excited for the upcoming surface phone, but I don't want to hold my breath. I think this is Microsoft's last chance in the mobile division. If the Surface Phone fails, I honestly think they will completely get rid of their phone division by 2019-2020.

an interesting observation. Samsung's note 7 battery fiasco should have soured people on samsung, but it hardly put a dent in consumers mindshare it seems. if the s8 is any indication, samsung seems to be selling better than ever. i know several ppl who had to return note 7 begrudgingly, claimed it was the best device they ever used and look forward to the note 8.

on the other hand, people seem more skeptical about microsoft's chances even with the surface phone - and based on the rumors, the surface phone id supposed to be almost revolutionary.

so apparently, Microsoft's lack of support for it's mobile line did more damage in consumers mind than potentially fatal exploding batteries.
I'm out

After 7 years (starting with the Samsung Focus), I have officially left Windows Mobile. This was initially prompted by work - my IT director told me that my company was turning off the server needed to deliver work email to my Windows phone (we have a BYOD program).

I was strongly encouraged by the company to get an iPhone, and after 2 days, I am really enjoying the experience. Microsoft prides itself (or at least used to) on making productivity software, but I've experienced a quantum leap in my productivity on the iPhone. From a work-related perspective, there is not much difference. Both platforms handle email and calendaring reasonably well, but I do miss the glance screen.

The biggest benefit is in my personal productivity. I am no longer handicapped by the lack of apps or having to access a website that is essentially unusable on a phone screen. I can pay bills (Chase), watch tv (Comcast), check the tournament schedule for my kids' games (Tourney Engine and Team Snap), make calls from my home phone (Ooma),and have versions of Waze and Uber that actually work.

As a former Microsoft employee, I really wanted Windows Mobile to work but the app gap is just too large. I enjoyed my time with the platform, but after 2 days, I can't say that I miss it.
I had my eye on the OP5 and really got my hopes up for it but the camera reviews stopped me in my tracks and changed my mind

I will still have my 950. But from what I have seen the camera is good. And OnePlus has a good track record with updates. So I am on that hope fence thinking maybe the camera will get better with time
I will still have my 950. But from what I have seen the camera is good. And OnePlus has a good track record with updates. So I am on that hope fence thinking maybe the camera will get better with time

Yeah, I read on Android Central either last night or this morning that they've already updated the OP5 and Camera Updates were definitely induced
In an interesting twist, apparently my ebook reader app (OverDrive) has a new app called Libby that works well on Windows 10 Mobile. If that works out, that could possibly have me return to Windows 10 Mobile. For me, that is my biggest workaround. Using edge to read e-books was such a drain. I'm also looking into trying Deezer as well possibly. I'll have to dig to see what they have in their catalog (Groove is lacking for me, sorry to say). I like Spotify but the app is annoying at least half of the time. I can't ride with Spoticast, it's not as seamless in my experience trying it.

Not making any promises but we will see. I'll edit again with updates...
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Is it too much to ask? I just want a IP67-certified device with a 6" AMOLED screen, live tiles, USB-C, NFC, removable 3600 or greater battery, SD card slot, dual-sim, dual rear facing cameras, front-facing stereo speakers, rear fingerprint reader, Continuum, and live tiles with force-gestures.

That's all!

Probably haha.

IP67 and removable battery are definitely at odds with each other. You want as few openings as possible and having the battery accessible would be a huge challenge.
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