Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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I can't seem to stick with one platform :shocked: ... I like iOS, Android, and Windows. :sweaty:
I can't seem to stick with one platform :shocked: ... I like iOS, Android, and Windows. :sweaty:
I can't seem to stick with one HP with Windows.

I kissed a Hippopotamus today.


Okay, first let me explain. A while back, I stated this:

My wife and I bought Lumia 640s over 2 years ago for $30 each, upgrading from a Lumia 635 which upgraded our 520s. Worst case scenario will be I'll carry around a 7" or 8" Windows 10 Tablet that has a Data SIM and a "dumb" flip phone for phone calls. I'll never go Android or iOS. I know, "never say never" and all that. I just did. I meant it. I meant it like I say, "I'll never kiss a hippopotamus on the mouth." Believe it.

Well, in spite of my "definitive" statements there, I have just purchased an Honor 5X Android phone. It's been a very hard decision for me, but I've got to have the mobile hotspot and other features for a smart phone. I've already got an 8" tablet without a SIM card and don't see the sense in buying a new one. I've looked at Windows tablets. 8" and under are impossible to find with the quality features I need. Only budget ones are available now, and none with SIM cards. You need a 10" or larger for that. With some of the apps that I need badly dropping, and with my aging Lumia 640 beginning to experience technical difficulties after 2-1/2 years of use and abuse, I need a new phone. With the current direction that Microsoft is taking, I can't see investing further into the Windows 10 Mobile platform, even though I abhor using Android and iOS. My phone no longer holds a charge, the buttons are all intermittent, and the phone is experiencing random reboots after numerous drops.

I will make it, as much as I can, like a Microsoft phone. I will probably have to root it in order to get everything like I want.

What I really want is for W10M to be successful and get all the apps the other OSes get, but it just isn't happening because Microsoft never even promoted it once.

My wife's Lumia 640 is still working fine. She says that she will stick with it as long as possible, and will wait until the last possible minute to switch phones. I feel like mine is almost at the last possible minute with all the failures I am experiencing.

Just thought I'd come back and clear up my previous statements. I wasn't lying, I was just wrong. Lying is intentional, wrong is just, well, stupid. Yes, I said it. I was being less than intellectual.

Don't hate on me. I'm not leaving the platform. I've still got 3 others in my house on W10M and if it ever comes back and Microsoft starts supporting it, I'll come back.
View attachment 136530

Okay, first let me explain. A while back, I stated this:

Well, in spite of my "definitive" statements there, I have just purchased an Honor 5X Android phone. It's been a very hard decision for me, but I've got to have the mobile hotspot and other features for a smart phone. I've already got an 8" tablet without a SIM card and don't see the sense in buying a new one. I've looked at Windows tablets. 8" and under are impossible to find with the quality features I need. Only budget ones are available now, and none with SIM cards. You need a 10" or larger for that. With some of the apps that I need badly dropping, and with my aging Lumia 640 beginning to experience technical difficulties after 2-1/2 years of use and abuse, I need a new phone. With the current direction that Microsoft is taking, I can't see investing further into the Windows 10 Mobile platform, even though I abhor using Android and iOS. My phone no longer holds a charge, the buttons are all intermittent, and the phone is experiencing random reboots after numerous drops.

I will make it, as much as I can, like a Microsoft phone. I will probably have to root it in order to get everything like I want.

What I really want is for W10M to be successful and get all the apps the other OSes get, but it just isn't happening because Microsoft never even promoted it once.

My wife's Lumia 640 is still working fine. She says that she will stick with it as long as possible, and will wait until the last possible minute to switch phones. I feel like mine is almost at the last possible minute with all the failures I am experiencing.

Just thought I'd come back and clear up my previous statements. I wasn't lying, I was just wrong. Lying is intentional, wrong is just, well, stupid. Yes, I said it. I was being less than intellectual.

Don't hate on me. I'm not leaving the platform. I've still got 3 others in my house on W10M and if it ever comes back and Microsoft starts supporting it, I'll come back.

Hey, long time no see! Try not to think too much about how you weren't lying. It doesn't matter because things change, and as do humans. You have to use what works for you and when things no longer work for you, it's time to make adjustments. I hope that you enjoy your Honor 5x.
Please pop back in to share your thoughts and impressions on it.
Re: I kissed a Hippopotamus today.

Just thought I'd come back and clear up my previous statements. I wasn't lying, I was just wrong. Lying is intentional, wrong is just, well, stupid. Yes, I said it. I was being less than intellectual.
In this day and age it takes cojones for a man to own up to a mistake. Nothing stupid homes, you bleed like the rest of us.
Re: I kissed a Hippopotamus today.

Don't hate on me.

Why worry?
I've had the honor 5X (2 actually) it was my first phone with FPS.
It's not like anyone is sitting in a tower with binoculars waiting to fling rocks at people leaving :)
I'm almost sure folks are much more tolerant than you may think.

Heck I've never cared if someone left, stayed, switched, moved off, tried something else or climbed up on the roof.
There's absolutely no reason to fear picking up a different device.
Re: I'm out

After 7 years (starting with the Samsung Focus), I have officially left Windows Mobile. This was initially prompted by work - my IT director told me that my company was turning off the server needed to deliver work email to my Windows phone (we have a BYOD program).

I was strongly encouraged by the company to get an iPhone, and after 2 days, I am really enjoying the experience. Microsoft prides itself (or at least used to) on making productivity software, but I've experienced a quantum leap in my productivity on the iPhone. From a work-related perspective, there is not much difference. Both platforms handle email and calendaring reasonably well, but I do miss the glance screen.

The biggest benefit is in my personal productivity. I am no longer handicapped by the lack of apps or having to access a website that is essentially unusable on a phone screen. I can pay bills (Chase), watch tv (Comcast), check the tournament schedule for my kids' games (Tourney Engine and Team Snap), make calls from my home phone (Ooma),and have versions of Waze and Uber that actually work.

As a former Microsoft employee, I really wanted Windows Mobile to work but the app gap is just too large. I enjoyed my time with the platform, but after 2 days, I can't say that I miss it.
If glance screen was important then the closest experience you can get would be from the Samsung S7 and S8 series along with a few other models. Plus the camera quality, wireless charging and support in general is excellent.
Re: I'm out

If glance screen was important then the closest experience you can get would be from the Samsung S7 and S8 series along with a few other models. Plus the camera quality, wireless charging and support in general is excellent.
Or the Glance Plus app on any AMOLED android phone.
Re: I'm out

Does the glance app have battery optimizations like Samsung, LG and Lumia phones?
There are a couple that I've used that do one in particular I know integrates with greenify and another that integrates with doze which needs root. They allow adjusting brightness and time on. And brightness based on ambient light. They allow you to use certain sensors for activating it or not. So they can be optimized fairly well.

Edit: I've only noticed reliability with use. Meaning some times something prevents it from activating in a timely manner.

I still like Samsungs for that feature though. The less apps i need to download the better. I still enjoy The s6 edge+. Large screen and thin. One best Samsung phones made IMO.
Re: I'm out

There are a couple that I've used that do one in particular I know integrates with greenify and another that integrates with doze which needs root. They allow adjusting brightness and time on. And brightness based on ambient light. They allow you to use certain sensors for activating it or not. So they can be optimized fairly well.
Okay that's good to know. I haven't found many that are reliable with notifications that's why stick with the phones try provide it.
Re: I'm out

Okay that's good to know. I haven't found many that are reliable with notifications that's why stick with the phones try provide it.
Glance Plus and Always on AMOLED beta seem to work well with notifications. But it's a pain since we all know how many alerts android phones can get. Glance Plus is my favorite though thus far as it seems simpler to use.
My Onetouch Idol 3 is driving me insane. While my PassPort is my daily driver, I use the Idol 3 when I'm doing chores like cutting the grass. I decided to add some more music to it only to discover that the phone hates me. Connecting it to my computer via USB doesn't work because transferring a few dozen songs causes the transfer to freeze. The SD card is formatted for internal storage so I can't use an adapter to drag and drop directly from the computer. Seemingly the SD card is fine because I tested it in other devices and I can't find any problems. And I can't use the internal 16GB of included storage because there's not enough space left to hold my paltry 7 gigs worth of music. Gah! Time to break out the old Lumia 640.


Loaded the music onto my 640 in about 40 minutes. Thanks Windows. :grin:
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Re: I kissed a Hippopotamus today.

View attachment 136530

Okay, first let me explain. A while back, I stated this:

Well, in spite of my "definitive" statements there, I have just purchased an Honor 5X Android phone. It's been a very hard decision for me, but I've got to have the mobile hotspot and other features for a smart phone. I've already got an 8" tablet without a SIM card and don't see the sense in buying a new one. I've looked at Windows tablets. 8" and under are impossible to find with the quality features I need. Only budget ones are available now, and none with SIM cards. You need a 10" or larger for that. With some of the apps that I need badly dropping, and with my aging Lumia 640 beginning to experience technical difficulties after 2-1/2 years of use and abuse, I need a new phone. With the current direction that Microsoft is taking, I can't see investing further into the Windows 10 Mobile platform, even though I abhor using Android and iOS. My phone no longer holds a charge, the buttons are all intermittent, and the phone is experiencing random reboots after numerous drops.

I will make it, as much as I can, like a Microsoft phone. I will probably have to root it in order to get everything like I want.

What I really want is for W10M to be successful and get all the apps the other OSes get, but it just isn't happening because Microsoft never even promoted it once.

My wife's Lumia 640 is still working fine. She says that she will stick with it as long as possible, and will wait until the last possible minute to switch phones. I feel like mine is almost at the last possible minute with all the failures I am experiencing.

Just thought I'd come back and clear up my previous statements. I wasn't lying, I was just wrong. Lying is intentional, wrong is just, well, stupid. Yes, I said it. I was being less than intellectual.

Don't hate on me. I'm not leaving the platform. I've still got 3 others in my house on W10M and if it ever comes back and Microsoft starts supporting it, I'll come back.
Nice to see you again. 😊 I hope you like your new Honor.

Please let us know how it works for you. It looks like a nice device.
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