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In an interesting twist, apparently my ebook reader app (OverDrive) has a new app called Libby that works well on Windows 10 Mobile. If that works out, that could possibly have me return to Windows 10 Mobile. For me, that is my biggest workaround. Using edge to read e-books was such a drain. I'm also looking into trying Deezer as well possibly. I'll have to dig to see what they have in their catalog (Groove is lacking for me, sorry to say). I like Spotify but the app is annoying at least half of the time. I can't ride with Spoticast, it's not as seamless in my experience trying it.

Not making any promises but we will see. I'll edit again with updates...

I'm a long time user of the OverDrive app for audio books on Windows phone and now Windows 10 Mobile. There is another Windows phone app called Libby that reads Audio books from Librevox. I wonder what OverDrive is thinking using the same name? Thank you for informing me of the new app from OverDrive on Windows 10 mobile. I'll give it a try on my Lumia 950xl.
I keep using the phone I like, the 950xl. I'm not part of the problem.
Best Wishes
She loves me, she loves me not.

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Ooh do it, you know that you want to. The battery life will thank you.

I'm a long time user of the OverDrive app for audio books on Windows phone and now Windows 10 Mobile. There is another Windows phone app called Libby that reads Audio books from Librevox. I wonder what OverDrive is thinking using the same name? Thank you for informing me of the new app from OverDrive on Windows 10 mobile. I'll give it a try on my Lumia 950xl.
I keep using the phone I like, the 950xl. I'm not part of the problem.
Best Wishes

Let me know how that goes. I learned this information from the Windows Phone Reddit actually. People in the thread have said that it works well. Reading is one of the biggest things I do on my phone so that is very important to me.

Edit: For any lurkers, it's called Libby by OverDrive. It also comes up when you search "OverDrive" in the store too.
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I still like the idea of plugging my "phone" into a monitor, keyboard, mouse, and Ethernet. Now - how can I get dual monitor support?
Thumbs up for Libby by OverDrive, thumbs down for Deezer. I think I'm good with buggy Spotify. I just want to see what's in the catalog and I can't even do that without entering a payment method. Welp. The idea was nice while it lasted in my head.

This is cool.

OK, after having used a L950 for a few weeks, it's over for me. As soon as I can get a decent SD835 android phone, I will.

Coming from a L920, to the L950, all I can say is, W10M is just way too buggy, it's as bad as my experience with android back on gingerbread, which made me go to WP in the first place. I'm on the latest production builds (creators Update), and things just don't work like they should, nothing like WP8.1. Battery life is woeful, I lost 50% of my battery in 4 hours. I just can't see this phone lasting me when I'm out and about for a whole day.

With no new features planned, I think it's quite safe to say that it's over, and given the strategy, I just think that any attempt by MS in the future is dead on arrival as well.

I like the phone otherwise, and the OS does present well, but yea, WP8.1 kind of hit the zenith of the platform. W10M was a disastrous experiment.
Thumbs up for Libby by OverDrive, thumbs down for Deezer. I think I'm good with buggy Spotify. I just want to see what's in the catalog and I can't even do that without entering a payment method. Welp. The idea was nice while it lasted in my head.

This is cool.


Don't use my phone too much for reading, but might have to give this a shot. Always good to support those who support W10/W10M.

I was ok with Spotify as well, but I have not used Groove really, just listened to music I already have on OneDrive with it. We can only hope that eventually Spotify will create a UWP/UWA. Having the app in the store in any way is at least a good step, no doubt Windows 10 S forced their hand on this.
Don't use my phone too much for reading, but might have to give this a shot. Always good to support those who support W10/W10M.

I was ok with Spotify as well, but I have not used Groove really, just listened to music I already have on OneDrive with it. We can only hope that eventually Spotify will create a UWP/UWA. Having the app in the store in any way is at least a good step, no doubt Windows 10 S forced their hand on this.

It's pretty cool. It's an app that connects with your local library for ebooks and audiobooks.

I agree with you about Spotify as well. Groove is nice but I find that it lacks a lot of the "old music" I like to listen to. Too many holes to be paying the same amount when I can have it all lol.

Edit: I found a workaround to get into Deezer without payment info. Just click the link to unsubscribe from the mailing list and you're in. Deezer seems to be better than Groove, when it comes to what I want to listen to. It has way less holes. I just need to figure out Libby.
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I have been resisting updating to iOS 10 on my SE because iOS 10 dropped the ball on battery life when I first tried it. Now that Day One Journal is free for a short time, I'm thinking of trying it again but I can't seem to find any videos or even posts, aside from a few on Reddit.

I would hate to upgrade and regret it but I would love to have that app.
I think battery life is fine on the SE on 10. I have no experience with it on 9 though, so take that with a grain of salt. I use bluetooth all day, and use it for checking rss feed updates, emails, etc. and generally after 10 hours off the charger I am looking at 60% battery left or so.
I think battery life is fine on the SE on 10. I have no experience with it on 9 though, so take that with a grain of salt. I use bluetooth all day, and use it for checking rss feed updates, emails, etc. and generally after 10 hours off the charger I am looking at 60% battery left or so.

Nice! Apple wasn't letting me log in yesterday with the other SE so I was terrified to try it. I might cave sometime because I don't know if I want to be two updates behind when iOS 11 drops.
Yeah don't think I would want to be two updates behind, but I generally update ASAP anyway, so maybe I'm not the right role model for you haha.
Yeah don't think I would want to be two updates behind, but I generally update ASAP anyway, so maybe I'm not the right role model for you haha.

Haha. My holding back is usually after others test it first and then report how it is, especially when it comes to battery life. iOS 10 launched with signal issues that I personally experienced, along with a battery life hit. I wasn't a fan of that so I rolled back while I could.
Was not sure if you knew of another way...thanks.

You're welcome. I wish. Deleting the update in storage temporarily frees you of the prompts for a bit too.

Aside from that, I hear that you don't get them if you jailbreak.
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