I've never given fingerprint scanners a second thought until about a month ago. My princess and her autism have discovered that erasing emails, contacts and so forth are fun and challenging. Until this "phase" goes away like all the previous ones, security is paramount. Today she wiped her grandfather's iPhone but he deserved it, we've only been telling him to set up a password for a few weeks. Anyhoo, the x3, and any Windows phone for that matter, is on the slow side to unlock. The BlackBerry is lickety split. It's also more manageable due to its footprint and is easier to make and answer phone calls. The x3 has Outlook, 'nuff said.
Edge has really stepped its game up since CU. Rendering pages is no longer an exercise in patience and printing is very much improved especially if you have an HP printer.
Camera performance is very close that you have to call a tie. The larger display on the x3 makes a not so subtle difference but the DTEK's speakers blow the HP out of the water.
Notice I haven't mentioned apps. I'm having a hard time just balancing core functions and hardware nuances. This may go into extra innings and there's no one warming up in the bullpen.
Sent from my Elite x3 on mTalk