Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Been using my LG G6 quite a bit as of late. It's got 'Glance' (Always On Display) ... DDTW ... Pictures and video taken with this thing are quite good. Sound quality on videos is outstanding. Videos shot with 60 FPS is close (if not on par) with my 950.
Tearful (?) Goodbye.


So I have had a long history with Windows Phone. It will always be Windows Phone for me. I am not going to make this a long tear-jerker. But I want to put across a few points. You may agree with some, may not with others, with nothing at all, or with everything. In any case, you will be a good friend.

Long story short, I have decided to get an iPhone 7 Plus. (Still can't believe I am actually writing this.) I used to HATE iPhones and perhaps somewhere still do. I am getting one for two reasons, a. To see what all the madness is about. b. Want a robust OS/Support/Company.

If you still wish to continue reading as a hardcore WP fanatic, I might suggest don't. Rest is up to you.

But here are a few reflection points in my journey with Windows Phone device/OS.

1. Microsoft screwed up

No surprise here eh? With the way things are going for the last 1 year, NOTHING, not even ONE reason has me positive about the situation. Insider Builds? Please!

2. Negative Posts - Negative Reviews

There was ONE place that always had us covered, WPCentral. And to a great extent MSPowerUser. But judging from their FB posts for the last few months, looks like they were nothing but provoking the fans to quit the platform. In that case, it worked for me. "MS Doesn't need you - WP fans for the platform to succeed?" The author has the audacity to spit in our faces? Really?

3. Apps

This I know should have been the first point. So what caused the eventual doom of our beloved platform? Apps. Or lack of it. And frankly, I don't care anymore.

4. Buggy OS - Great Hardware

We kept blaming Android for being buggy while the hardware kept improving, and to a great extent, most of the issues are ironed out today. However, Windows Phones have taken Android's place, with a laggy, bug-ridden, slow and inconsistent OS. Tell me honestly, can you be 100% sure if the camera next time will open when you click on that camera button? I can't. I have a 950XL, a "Microsoft flagship" and NO, I am NOT on any Insider Build.

5. The Future & The Wait

"What is Microsoft thinking?" "Ohh..Look Nadella said...LIKE A PHONE!! OOoo..that's so exciting..." "Surface Phone! Does it exist? WHO KNOWS!! Ooo".

Quite frankly, those quotes look like they are from a deranged individual, fabricating lies out of thin air. And that's not enough, the wait has been endless, if you think about how many years we ALL have COLLECTIVELY spent on this platform. I have so beautiful memories here with a lot of people.

But what does Microsoft have in store for the future? Who knows? And frankly, who cares.

PS: I am expecting hate and a lot of anger. Which only is a good sign of people still having faith in the platform.

I am not saying I HATE Windows Phone or anything. I hate Microsoft though, for killing their own baby, which we all contributed to, to grow up, in one way or another.

But as for me, I am joining Apple now, to see where they go from here. I do and always will, love my Windows Phone.

Love you guys. Always.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

I get what you are saying. The only thing I would challenge is.. IPhone? I think going from a flexible os where so much can be done to make it amazing and how you would want it to utterly rigid, that may be jarring. Better with Android, it's more flexible and can get it running how it suits each person.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

I get what you are saying. The only thing I would challenge is.. IPhone? I think going from a flexible os where so much can be done to make it amazing and how you would want it to utterly rigid, that may be jarring. Better with Android, it's more flexible and can get it running how it suits each person.

I think this depends on the person and what they want. To me, it's not shocking at all that they went to iOS. iOS and Windows Phone/Mobile actually have quite a bit in common. They are both first-party hardware (MS decided to ditch that but that's beside the point), and they are both "locked down" to a point, in comparsion to Android. Such as, you can get a third-party browser but you can't set that as your default. Same goes for maps apps and you also can't change your messaging app to something else. Those are just some examples.

Additionally, just my two cents, but they share a general simplicity to a point, which is why I said it depends on the person. I think Windows is neatly in the middle between the two. You can have a good amount of customization but not too much. With Android, you can do a lot, which is great but can also be overwhelming.
Been using my LG G6 quite a bit as of late. It's got 'Glance' (Always On Display) ... DDTW ... Pictures and video taken with this thing are quite good. Sound quality on videos is outstanding. Videos shot with 60 FPS is close (if not on par) with my 950.
Nice! I was wondering if you still had the G6. How's battery life been treating you?
Nice! I was wondering if you still had the G6. How's battery life been treating you?

I'm very satisfied with the battery life. It's been very good. I can easily make it thru a day+ with my usage. Plus I like that it's not a huge device. Easily managed with one hand.

This phone is close to a sweet spot for me. Only thing I miss at times are front-firing speaker sound (like my Idol 4s and Moto X Pure) ... and I do find myself yearning for the Windows UI/UX at times lol. I find myself missing MyTube!, Reddplanet, and Monument browser.

I'm not making the G6 look like Windows --- I'm perfectly fine with Nova Prime and a couple of Icon packs.

I use Gmail for my Outlook account. Got Cortana as default assistant (not terrible on Android-but not quite as good as Windows, and not as versatile as Google assistant) ... OneNote and OneDrive. Got Firefox Focus as my default browser (really like it). I've got Textra SMS app installed (very nice).... overall I really like this device.

This is what I like about Android ... customization to my liking.

....but I'm dreading (sorta) the $$$$ I might be dishing out come the newest Pixel and iPhone 8 ----- lord help me haha. Ah well, I don't mind.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

I get what you are saying. The only thing I would challenge is.. IPhone? I think going from a flexible os where so much can be done to make it amazing and how you would want it to utterly rigid, that may be jarring. Better with Android, it's more flexible and can get it running how it suits each person.

I already have a Nexus 6. I was thinking of a Nexus 6P. But then dropped it. As I mentioned, I want to know what all the madness is about.. Lol. So yes.. Also, I have used enough Android phones in the past. To be honest, like everyone here, I was REALLYYY hopeful of WP.. But alas....
Sorry BlackBerry but it's time to say goodbye to the Passport again and return to my Idol 3. Just felt like it was time for a switch.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

I get what you are saying. The only thing I would challenge is.. IPhone? I think going from a flexible os where so much can be done to make it amazing and how you would want it to utterly rigid, that may be jarring. Better with Android, it's more flexible and can get it running how it suits each person.

The iPhone may not be the king when it comes to customization but from my experience, it sure makes up for this shortcoming with its functionality. Ask yourself this, would you rather have a mobile phone known more for its looks/customization abilities or, what it is capable of doing?
Sorry BlackBerry but it's time to say goodbye to the Passport again and return to my Idol 3. Just felt like it was time for a switch.
Wow you held out a long time! You should get a prize for that haha. On a related note, what do you think about the KeyOne?
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

The iPhone may not be the king when it comes to customization but from my experience, it sure makes up for this shortcoming with its functionality. Ask yourself this, would you rather have a mobile phone known more for its looks/customization abilities or, what it is capable of doing?
I would rather ask myself this:

Do I want a buggy BETA software to run on my rather expensive device?

Do other platforms NOT have limitations?

Customization? I barely have time to talk to my parents (I live away), so do you think I really care about that new theme that was just released?

Looks? Frankly, I just want something that WORKS. And Apple products are known to "JUST WORK". I have a MacBook Air AND a Surface PRO 4. My vote goes for the Air, HANDS DOWN.

And what IS a Lumia 950XL Capable of doing that an iPhone can't do (sheesh I already sound like an iFanBoi lol). No but seriously, the OS is SUPER buggy at this point and I am not a fan of this BETA testing Microsoft is doing on us.

So, thanks MS, but NO THANKS.
Wow you held out a long time! You should get a prize for that haha. On a related note, what do you think about the KeyOne?

It's weird using an onscreen keyboard again. I almost switched back, lol. I'm actually very interested in the KeyOne. I hope to try it out in the store one day. If I do buy it, I'll wait until it drops in price, though.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

I would rather ask myself this:

Do I want a buggy BETA software to run on my rather expensive device?

Do other platforms NOT have limitations?

Customization? I barely have time to talk to my parents (I live away), so do you think I really care about that new theme that was just released?

Looks? Frankly, I just want something that WORKS. And Apple products are known to "JUST WORK". I have a MacBook Air AND a Surface PRO 4. My vote goes for the Air, HANDS DOWN.

And what IS a Lumia 950XL Capable of doing that an iPhone can't do (sheesh I already sound like an iFanBoi lol). No but seriously, the OS is SUPER buggy at this point and I am not a fan of this BETA testing Microsoft is doing on us.

So, thanks MS, but NO THANKS.

My post was directed towards Wbutchart1 and was actually defending your move to an iPhone... When it comes to priorities functionality is #1 on my list. And I also share your frustrations reiterated in your initial post as we own them all (WP/Android/iPhone), so we've experienced first hand what each has, or does not have to offer.
Re: Tearful (?) Goodbye.

Long story short, I have decided to get an iPhone 7 Plus. (Still can't believe I am actually writing this.) I used to HATE iPhones and perhaps somewhere still do. I am getting one for two reasons, a. To see what all the madness is about. b. Want a robust OS/Support/Company.
Based on the above, I bet you'll be back...none of this is an effort to turn you back, just felt obligated to share.
Microsoft is probably set to make a move, but we may not see the full swing of it until some time in 2018. If we are lucky we could see something start up at the end of 2017. I do not have proof myself to state that this will happen, but it is only inevitable at this point. We just have to put together all the pieces and it becomes clear Microsoft has intentions. We see the continue building out of areas that will ultimately support mobile and the growing world of IoT, both at an infrastructure and software level. Plus, what have they got to lose at this point? Or by that point? It is not like they are going to be out to top the latest and greatest Sammy-iPhone. Things are changing exponentially every quarter now. It won't matter what/if Microsoft or partners bring by then, but the fact that it will be an answer to a need or filler for a niche that is to come. Windows 10 Mobile to me was never meant to be completive, or to be an answer to Apple's or Android's latest...Although I am sure Microsoft could have went that direction if they wanted to. The core of Windows is there and always has/will be. The apps are what folks became dependent on or are seeking. If they cannot live without them, they leave. First party support is nice. It is great when you get treated like a king/queen after you own a device of that caliber. Apple care is excellent as I have dealt with them directly...So I can totally understand that. However, you pay in the end for it, with Apple easily in the 4 figures range for a single mobile phone device.

I am curious if you will find the same productivity with iOS as you do/did on your W10M device. Or if it will be better. Chime back in here when able...

I cannot get the same result anywhere else personally. That is just how my life runs though. iOS is pretty close, but it has lack of 'moderness' in the OS to me among other things, but that may all change when the iPhone 8 comes....Android, is just Android. It really is cool to have choices though. :) I for one can attest to that, as I enjoy finding ways to get a hold of hardware I have not been able to use or tinker with. Which is turning into a bit of a bad habit honestly lol.
Based on the above, I bet you'll be back...none of this is an effort to turn you back, just felt obligated to share.
Microsoft is probably set to make a move, but we may not see the full swing of it until some time in 2018. If we are lucky we could see something start up at the end of 2017. I do not have proof myself to state that this will happen, but it is only inevitable at this point. We just have to put together all the pieces and it becomes clear Microsoft has intentions. We see the continue building out of areas that will ultimately support mobile and the growing world of IoT, both at an infrastructure and software level. Plus, what have they got to lose at this point? Or by that point? It is not like they are going to be out to top the latest and greatest Sammy-iPhone. Things are changing exponentially every quarter now. It won't matter what/if Microsoft or partners bring by then, but the fact that it will be an answer to a need or filler for a niche that is to come. Windows 10 Mobile to me was never meant to be completive, or to be an answer to Apple's or Android's latest...Although I am sure Microsoft could have went that direction if they wanted to. The core of Windows is there and always has/will be. The apps are what folks became dependent on or are seeking. If they cannot live without them, they leave. First party support is nice. It is great when you get treated like a king/queen after you own a device of that caliber. Apple care is excellent as I have dealt with them directly...So I can totally understand that. However, you pay in the end for it, with Apple easily in the 4 figures range for a single mobile phone device.

I am curious if you will find the same productivity with iOS as you do/did on your W10M device. Or if it will be better. Chime back in here when able...

I cannot get the same result anywhere else personally. That is just how my life runs though. iOS is pretty close, but it has lack of 'moderness' in the OS to me among other things, but that may all change when the iPhone 8 comes....Android, is just Android. It really is cool to have choices though. :) I for one can attest to that, as I enjoy finding ways to get a hold of hardware I have not been able to use or tinker with. Which is turning into a bit of a bad habit honestly lol.

Lovely reply and yes I agree to most of the points. My only disconnect in what you have written, is what MS is doing/going to do. Like I said, I have waited far too long. And the situation doesn't seem to be improving. In fact worsening. If they are upto something, which is a good thing, it is not going to be an over night success. That too is going to take time, easily another 2 years if you ask me, for people to warm up to the "new device/service/OS" whatever they are cooking.

And somewhere, I am shifting to Apple FOR the productivity. I was with Windows all this while, even without the apps. I don't use many. HOWEVER, it is the buggy, laggy, BETA OS that has really got me going. Literally. To be harsh, Windows 8.1 was FAR better than Win10 IMHO.

I am all game to come back to Windows if MS really does pull a rabbit out of the hat this time. Otherwise, I am pretty happy with the "safer" option, iOS.

Android is just there. I have no liking or dislike for it, as I can't afford an iPhone yet. Once I can, in about 2-3 months, I don't think I am going to look back to my Android (Nexus 6, if you are curious).

But thanks for your reply.

My post was directed towards Wbutchart1 and was actually defending your move to an iPhone... When it comes to priorities functionality is #1 on my list. And I also share your frustrations reiterated in your initial post as we own them all (WP/Android/iPhone), so we've experienced first hand what each has, or does not have to offer.

Oh LOL. My bad. I thought you were talking to me.
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I hope I will be back when MS gets it all together. I am happy with iOS for now, and will keep using it for the forseeable future. MS is the only one that can pull me off the iOS wagon. Getting my 950 stuff all together to post for sale :(
Microsoft is probably set to make a move, but we may not see the full swing of it until some time in 2018. If we are lucky we could see something start up at the end of 2017. I do not have proof myself to state that this will happen, but it is only inevitable at this point. We just have to put together all the pieces and it becomes clear Microsoft has intentions.

Don’t dispute your claim MSFT has intentions. But will those intentions actually materialize, and if they do, will they be sustainable – or are we going to see more continual “change-of-directions”, retrenchments as witnessed in the past?

In my opinion, a company devising a plan needs to be looking into the future, which in turn should enable an entities sustainability. In other words, that entity can now be built upon and grown - of course it has to be something people find alluring and want to buy. In the past couple or so years MSFT failed to bring “insight” into the mobile arena, guessing someone or a multitude of people were too indecisive as to the direction it needed to go - failure to look ahead.

However, you pay in the end for it, with Apple easily in the 4 figures range for a single mobile phone device.

Personally, if paying more meant Windows Mobile was on a even-keel to that of iOS/Android, I'd have easily been onboard - and no, not in the sense of competing against - just eliminating the "what's next?" and knowing, WM as we know it today, had a viable future would have been sufficient for me. Sadly none of that happened with us STILL guessing where it'll end up.

I am curious if you will find the same productivity with iOS as you do/did on your W10M device. Or if it will be better. Chime back in here when able...

For those needing more than what Windows Mobile can offer, can't see how it wouldn't be more productive. Just having the apps alone makes it better - those that need them of course. Then there's the consistency, stability end of things to consider. Use iOS myself - mainly iPad Mini but have used an iPhone and my wife still does - basically it just works and very well. Been using Android (3-phones) for a lengthy period too and it also shares similar traits to iOS in the consistency/stability department, at least that's been my experience.

iOS is pretty close, but it has lack of 'moderness' in the OS to me among other things

In my opinion, the functionality of iOS far outweighs anything that the looks can’t deliver - and isn't that the most important aspect? In saying that, we’ve gone Android due its customization abilities yet at the same time, still retain those functions strived for. On the other hand, although I personally find WP/WM appealing it cannot deliver leaving me short on so many fronts… Will admit things have/are getting better to degree, yet don't see it continuing to the point where I’ll be able to say “my want/needs are fulfilled”.

I hope I will be back when MS gets it all together. I am happy with iOS for now, and will keep using it for the forseeable future. MS is the only one that can pull me off the iOS wagon. Getting my 950 stuff all together to post for sale :(

Don't know why but I’ve decided to hanging on to my three WPs. Suppose the fact we've invested too much compared to what we can recoup plays a role. Yet in all honesty, still enjoy firing one up then toying with it. :smile:

Actually been tinkering with my 950 for just over a day now, threw in a new battery (already had), went back on Release Preview, and found a browser that I feel is far superior to edge - although we are still missing many apps/functions it does feel as if it was slightly reborn so to speak. Doubtful it'll regain its once "daily driver" status but might slip into the "great for a back up" category. Will take a bit more use before the latter is fully known.

And good luck on your sale!
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Don’t dispute your claim MSFT has intentions. But will those intentions actually materialize, and if they do, will they be sustainable – or are we going to see more continual “change-of-directions”, retrenchments as witnessed in the past?

In my opinion, a company devising a plan needs to be looking into the future, which in turn should enable an entities sustainability. In other words, that entity can now be built upon and grown - of course it has to be something people find alluring and want to buy. In the past couple or so years MSFT failed to bring “insight” into the mobile arena, guessing someone or a multitude of people were too indecisive as to the direction it needed to go - failure to look ahead.

Personally, if paying more meant Windows Mobile was on a even-keel to that of iOS/Android, I'd have easily been onboard - and no, not in the sense of competing against - just eliminating the "what's next?" and knowing, WM as we know it today, had a viable future would have been sufficient for me. Sadly none of that happened with us STILL guessing where it'll end up.

For those needing more than what Windows Mobile can offer, can't see how it wouldn't be more productive. Just having the apps alone makes it better - those that need them of course. Then there's the consistency, stability end of things to consider. Use iOS myself - mainly iPad Mini but have used an iPhone and my wife still does - basically it just works and very well. Been using Android (3-phones) for a lengthy period too and it also shares similar traits to iOS in the consistency/stability department, at least that's been my experience.

In my opinion, the functionality of iOS far outweighs anything that the looks can’t deliver - and isn't that the most important aspect? In saying that, we’ve gone Android due its customization abilities yet at the same time, still retain those functions strived for. On the other hand, although I personally find WP/WM appealing it cannot deliver leaving me short on so many fronts… Will admit things have/are getting better to degree, yet don't see it continuing to the point where I’ll be able to say “my want/needs are fulfilled”.

Don't know why but I’ve decided to hanging on to my three WPs. Suppose the fact we've invested too much compared to what we can recoup plays a role. Yet in all honesty, still enjoy firing one up then toying with it. :smile:

Actually been tinkering with my 950 for just over a day now, threw in a new battery (already had), went back on Release Preview, and found a browser that I feel is far superior to edge - although we are still missing many apps/functions it does feel as if it was slightly reborn so to speak. Doubtful it'll regain its once "daily driver" status but might slip into the "great for a back up" category. Will take a bit more use before the latter is fully known.

And good luck on your sale!

Well said. Perhaps someday we will see a viable option in Windows mobile, but not currently. With that said (from the viewpoint of most people) I understand it can fulfill the needs of some. Glad it's still being updated at least.
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