Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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I'm going to stick it out with MS for a while. What can I say, I'm a glutton for punishment? I was married to a redhead once......once.
Don't know why but I’ve decided to hanging on to my three WPs. Suppose the fact we've invested too much compared to what we can recoup plays a role. Yet in all honesty, still enjoy firing one up then toying with it. :smile:

Actually been tinkering with my 950 for just over a day now, threw in a new battery (already had), went back on Release Preview, and found a browser that I feel is far superior to edge - although we are still missing many apps/functions it does feel as if it was slightly reborn so to speak. Doubtful it'll regain its once "daily driver" status but might slip into the "great for a back up" category. Will take a bit more use before the latter is fully known.

And good luck on your sale!

I still have several phones that I will keep around just to keep up with what happens with W10M (though as we all know that isn't much).

I kept the 950 and sometimes switched back to it in the past, but now I am with a carrier that I can't use the 950 so that doesn't make much sense. I still think it is a great phone, and if you want W10M I would highly recommend it, but I just have no use for it right now, and figured if I could get a little bit of $ for it, I might as well do that now. If it doesn't sell for what I list it for, I will just keep it and add it to my growing collection of old gadgets.
X0LARIUM, A lot of what you said is exactly how I feel. It's what a lot of us have experienced.

I've been in the Apple ecosystem for around 2 years now. I have multiple times said, I'm so glad I switched. My wife misses some of the attributes her 1520 I got her had, but she's still very happy we moved on to the iPhone 6s+

I don't miss my 1520 anymore. I kept it for over a year after I stopped using it. I almost bought the 950XL, but I was trying to keep in mind what I've learned by way of experience the few years I was purely MS Mobile. Windows 8 & 10 on my 920 & my 1520.

I feel I got burned, badly. When I started seeing MS apps looking and working better on the iPhone...It's like man, are they really trying to promote another ecosystem & destroy their own? I had such hope. Do Apple products cost more...Oh yes! Do I feel like it's worth the expense I paid...yes. Because of the ecosystem & more! Including reliability. Even Apple's reliability is much better.

I use my iOS devices for productivity ALL of the time now, part of what has made me so productive on my iOS devices is by the apps MS has made for Apple devices. Thanks Microsoft!!

Kind of an odd thing to thank them for...But come on...Microsoft makes some great apps for the iPhone!
Re: Why i have finally ditched W10m (although still not given up)

I reckon forums are a bit like reviews. People either give reviews because they love or hate something, they don't bother if they just found it good enough. So if you go to like IMDB, most movie reviews will be one or the other. Same with people on forums like this, you get the fans and the complainers. Bet you'd find the same on android central or similar.

It is unfortunate however people are so encouraging and supportive of hyperbolic negativity here atm. They make out like Microsoft itself is somehow flailing because it doesn't have a successful little glass slab.

Which is nonsense, MS has had quite the upturn since Nadella got in, and the new vision is attractive new young early tech adopters, creatives and business alike to the hardware, and ecosystem. Indeed, I don't think I can remember a time when Microsofts vision, follow through, or internal development has been so exciting.

Plus little pocket slabs are a limited lifetime affair. If that weren't true, everybody in the tech industry wouldn't be competiting for the next things.

These are competitive times, but competition brings out the absolute best in a company. Those at the absolute top, lack the hunger to drive them to make customers happy, and they tend to build walled gardens. I find current MS to be an inspiring model of tech business - a company that aspires not merely to success or innovation, but to a value - bringing useful software power to consumers, and being the best at doing so.

Honestly I've been in the past quite luke warm to the company. I've always used it, but I've never had this level of excitement about the companies future, nor faith in its direction. This negativity seems to be from people who live very much in last years tech innovations, who fail to see the big picture of technology, nor how tech has already changed over time.

You want a company who is hungry and visionary, like early apple. You don't want a company like mid success blackberry or IBM, who is fat and full of its own hubris. Any platform could be dead in the water in a few years, if replaced by something else, with support dropped like a brick. When the iPhone 1 was release, BB OS was king of the smartphone. IBM used to make PC desktops and CPUs. Now they are a software company primarily. Things change real quick.

And that's why I find MS new values re-assuring. This is a company with a future. I cannot actually say the same for apple. They are entirely invested in the iPhone 1 for profit, and have nothing much else to show at the moment, should the slab be superceeded. Maybe they have ideas up their sleeve, but Siri is also behind in the conversational game. And apple is the biggest profit tech company period, with a totally robust app platform. But so was nokia the king of its time. So was IBM the king of its time. And at one stage apple was the young hungry company, at one stage on the brink of liquidation, which nothing but big ideas, and a CEO, Jobs who said his strategy was nothing more than "wait for the next big thing".
Hilarious. As they reach almost a trillion valuation...im sure they're shaking in their boots based on your analysis

Sent from mTalk
Re: I'm having to tap out. First Android phone

After 6 - 8 years on windows phone I switched to a Samsung Galaxy S8+. After a few days I have to admit that I hate it. There are some perks to having apps for everything for sure but the overall OS sucks. It feels clunky and hard to use. it isn't near as intuitive as the UWP. nothing on the OS seems to be simple meaning there tends to be one or two extra steps to getting what you want. I will admit I have an IPhone 6 for work and as simpleton and plane as it is, it is still easier to use then the android. Although my lumia 950 is easier then both. I love the UWP but it lacks in apps big time. the one thing that had me move was the hardware. I just couldn't do another phone that will be dropped in the next year. Microsoft has given little to no indication of a new device. of course there are plenty of unicorn fantasies about the surface phone but nothing credible. Microsoft needs to get there stuff together and fast if they even want to stay relevant in the entire computing world. It blows my mind how a company as old and large as Microsoft can't perform on a simple task such as the mobile world. I will continue to deal with the android even though I makes me mad every time I use it. but if Microsoft can't come up with something soon they will lose all existing fans on mobile. then its only a matter of time before everyone is switching there entire computing experience over to other platforms. They are 3' from gold on the UWP and it seems as though they have given up.
Re: I'm having to tap out. First Android phone

After 6 - 8 years on windows phone I switched to a Samsung Galaxy S8+. After a few days I have to admit that I hate it. There are some perks to having apps for everything for sure but the overall OS sucks. It feels clunky and hard to use. it isn't near as intuitive as the UWP. nothing on the OS seems to be simple meaning there tends to be one or two extra steps to getting what you want.

When I migrated back to Android from WM will admit it took some getting used to but never found it clunky nor unintuitive, different yes. Think Windows Mobile's tiles, having everything on one page per se, and just a swipe up to access apps made it the toughest area to transition from.

Now though, and IMHO, Android is head-n-shoulders above in regards to productivity and fluidity. Besides having "apps" I'm not dealing with, lag, sluggishness, stutters, transitioning delays and so on, regained consistency too which plays a big role. Taking two similarly spec'd devices, my L950 and LG G4, the difference is astonishing and a real eye opener. Moving onto my GS7 & GS7 Edge and it becomes laughable unfair comparison or not.

When you say Android "tends to be one or two extra steps" I feel the total opposite, just having widgets available negates that fact for me. Then I compare Android's Play Store to Windows Store, now there's what I'd call the true meaning of clunky and unintuitive w/WM winning hands down... Even after "all" the latest updates it is still what I'd call deplorable and an utter embarrassment. Yes maybe not one of the most used areas of WM yet one aspect that really highlight MSFT's dismal efforts, of course only my opinion but can't imagine many wouldn't agree.

Personally, coming to the reality that our beloved Windows Phone's were never going to turn into that "wishful" device, and adjusting to "Android's way", was the hardest parts but in the end, best move we ever made. I also use iOS feeling it too trumps Windows, in general, on so many fronts.

Right now I've been using my L950 for a few days as my daily driver because, we can. Wanted to also see how the latest update (Release Preview) was, and whether there was much difference in overall usability/stability/consistency compared to the last time we depended upon it for such. Weeeell, yes there has been some slight improvements yet nothing garnering the "WOW" factor. Phone is still tough to use as a primary and often challenges my patience with its inconsistency and general lack of fluidity. As well, I am being severely short-changed using it due to the app-gap, having other phones at the ready means that's not the case for long though. Last night we also updated our 830/650 to latest Release Preview builds resulting in a reminder of this particular daunting task whilst gains were negligible. Some may praise MSFT for their revolving updates but I look at them as a form of deterrent, I'd rather have one single fruitful/productive update than multiple small ones that only ends up leading us to the same place anyway, or at least that should be the goal.

With how things are in the Windows Phone arena today I believe users have two choices - 1] adjust to a new way of thinking (Android/iOS), 2] or be left in the dust and being content with that fact.
I don't know if I'm just weird (or paranoid) but I still haven't enabled Google Assistant on any Android phone, including the Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 that I have been using as my daily for 3 weeks and some change. The phone is really good but I miss song discovery.

It's unfortunate that I can't have song discovery without allowing Google Assistant to have my private location history as a part of the agreement for using it. Just because of song discovery, I'm missing iOS. To be fair though, with iOS, you have a tradeoff of Siri not being able to identify music if you "delete" the music app but to me, that's more reasonable. I like that Cortana still allows me to identify music without what Google asks for. Before anyone says that none are saints, there should be a better way to do this. IMO, it was just fine with Google Now.

Edit: Now the only way I can identify songs without installing another app is to open Voice Search/ Google app and ask there. That's more digging than it takes to hold the home button and ask. I miss the home button convenience. :(
Sorry to ask such a dumb question, but what is song discovery?

I'm probably not using the right words but it's basically song identification. Say you're listening to the radio or you're at the movie theater watching previews and you like a song. You can ask Cortana (with phones that have Hey Cortana of course, otherwise you can tap the music note in Cortana), Siri and Google "what song is this" and it will listen and tell you the song.

It's a great way to learn new songs. For me, that's my biggest usage with these assistants.
I don't know if I'm just weird (or paranoid) but I still haven't enabled Google Assistant on any Android phone, including the Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 that I have been using as my daily for 3 weeks and some change. The phone is really good but I miss song discovery.

It's unfortunate that I can't have song discovery without allowing Google Assistant to have my private location history as a part of the agreement for using it. Just because of song discovery, I'm missing iOS. To be fair though, with iOS, you have a tradeoff of Siri not being able to identify music if you "delete" the music app but to me, that's more reasonable. I like that Cortana still allows me to identify music without what Google asks for. Before anyone says that none are saints, there should be a better way to do this. IMO, it was just fine with Google Now.

Edit: Now the only way I can identify songs without installing another app is to open Voice Search/ Google app and ask there. That's more digging than it takes to hold the home button and ask. I miss the home button convenience. :(

How about Shazam?
I'm probably not using the right words but it's basically song identification. Say you're listening to the radio or you're at the movie theater watching previews and you like a song. You can ask Cortana (with phones that have Hey Cortana of course, otherwise you can tap the music note in Cortana), Siri and Google "what song is this" and it will listen and tell you the song.

It's a great way to learn new songs. For me, that's my biggest usage with these assistants.

Song discovery is something I like very much. In my Lumia I would use Shazam.
I'm probably not using the right words but it's basically song identification. Say you're listening to the radio or you're at the movie theater watching previews and you like a song. You can ask Cortana (with phones that have Hey Cortana of course, otherwise you can tap the music note in Cortana), Siri and Google "what song is this" and it will listen and tell you the song.

It's a great way to learn new songs. For me, that's my biggest usage with these assistants.

Ahh, ok. That makes sense.
Thank you.
I'll try it out, thanks. Just missing the ease of tapping the home button to ask.

Shazam , SoundHound and Musixmatch all identify songs , as far as I know.
Does the Google Sound search widget need a lot of the user's information ?
I had placed an order for the Moto G5 plus at a Flipkart sale and it arrived yesterday. I am liking it more than the G4 plus because it's size makes it more comfortable to hold. My G4 plus will go to my son.
Shazam , SoundHound and Musixmatch all identify songs , as far as I know.
Does the Google Sound search widget need a lot of the user's information ?
Nope, it doesn't. The only downfall is that you have to open the widget, which means unlocking your phone to ask it.

And thanks for the suggestions.
I had placed an order for the Moto G5 plus at a Flipkart sale and it arrived yesterday. I am liking it more than the G4 plus because it's size makes it more comfortable to hold. My G4 plus will go to my son.
Awesome! I had the G5 Plus, I hope that you will enjoy it. Such a nice phone.
Nope, it doesn't. The only downfall is that you have to open the widget, which means unlocking your phone to ask it.

And thanks for the suggestions.

Thanks, and yes, that is true. But with fingerprint unlocking it doesn't take much time so I don't mind.
I don't use Ok Google voice commands so I don't know whether you can do it from a locked screen.But again ,you will need Assistant activated for that.
Awesome! I had the G5 Plus, I hope that you will enjoy it. Such a nice phone.

Where is your G5 Plus now ? I had been a bit more busier than usual so I missed some posts.
I am liking it a lot though I have just been using it for just a day. The G4 Plus is also nice but it is bigger and wider. My G4 Plus is on a newer security update (June) than the G5 Plus (March).
I am using the one button navigation on the G5 Plus and have turned the on screen navigation buttons off.This gives a larger screen space though the phone is smaller.
I got it for a pretty much lower price with the sale discount, bank card discount and I also exchanged an old 1 GB ram Android at a decent price.
I am waiting for the case and screenguard to arrive on Monday.
Where is your G5 Plus now ? I had been a bit more busier than usual so I missed some posts.
I am liking it a lot though I have just been using it for just a day. The G4 Plus is also nice but it is bigger and wider. My G4 Plus is on a newer security update (June) than the G5 Plus (March).
I am using the one button navigation on the G5 Plus and have turned the on screen navigation buttons off.This gives a larger screen space though the phone is smaller.
I got it for a pretty much lower price with the sale discount, bank card discount and I also exchanged an old 1 GB ram Android at a decent price.
I am waiting for the case and screenguard to arrive on Monday.
Nice deal!
I tried it out but it was really for an aunt. I did the same when I had it. The one button nav is pretty awesome.
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