Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Oh dear, what have I done? Sold the Primo, sold the SE, sold the x3 and traded the V20 for an iPhone 8. The Surface is going to have to play a more prominent role in my day to day duties. The SE was just too small for viewing attachments or my eyesight isn’t what it once was.

I think it’s safe to say that Android and iOS are heading in decidedly different directions. Where Android used to be a champ at connectivity, most new models don’t have MHL anymore and USB-OTG is becoming just as rare. Meanwhile, iOS is flirting with being more mainstream. I’m not giving up hope on some form of mobile computing with telephony on board. I sincerely believe that’s the reason W10M is still being actively updated. No new features but keeping current for whatever is being cooked up in Nadella’s kitchen.

I ain’t going nowhere. Someone has to stay to keep the ship from hitting the iceberg.
Oh dear, what have I done? Sold the Primo, sold the SE, sold the x3 and traded the V20 for an iPhone 8. The Surface is going to have to play a more prominent role in my day to day duties. The SE was just too small for viewing attachments or my eyesight isn’t what it once was.

I think it’s safe to say that Android and iOS are heading in decidedly different directions. Where Android used to be a champ at connectivity, most new models don’t have MHL anymore and USB-OTG is becoming just as rare. Meanwhile, iOS is flirting with being more mainstream. I’m not giving up hope on some form of mobile computing with telephony on board. I sincerely believe that’s the reason W10M is still being actively updated. No new features but keeping current for whatever is being cooked up in Nadella’s kitchen.

I ain’t going nowhere. Someone has to stay to keep the ship from hitting the iceberg.

You win, I can't predict you anymore haha. Half joking, half serious, but I am super surprised that you sold the Primo. Congrats on the iPhone 8. I'm curious to how that would go for you. I hope it and the Surface will work out for you.
You win, I can't predict you anymore haha. Half joking, half serious, but I am super surprised that you sold the Primo. Congrats on the iPhone 8. I'm curious to how that would go for you. I hope it and the Surface will work out for you.
A couple of things really. First, Cortana works much better on iOS now than it ever has. Not anywhere near as good as WM, but infinitely better than Android. I don't know what they're doing in Mountain View but apparently they're importing their water from Flint, Mich. I don't know how long it's been around but I'm finding "Continue on PC" quite useful. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to have to have my Surface carry a bigger load and these are some of the tools I'll be taking advantage of for now. Because of the navigation quirks of iOS, I decided on the 8 over the plus because it's easier for single handed use. See, we're not that different.

I did have mixed emotions about selling the Primo. If only there was a way to get CU on it I'd probably not even entertained the thought of selling it. I can't say enough how much I thought that was a superior phone in spite of its audio shortcomings, grrrr. I'm truly worried about the battery life but reviewers claim the new A11 SOC is all that soooo, we'll have to see.
A couple of things really. First, Cortana works much better on iOS now than it ever has. Not anywhere near as good as WM, but infinitely better than Android. I don't know what they're doing in Mountain View but apparently they're importing their water from Flint, Mich. I don't know how long it's been around but I'm finding "Continue on PC" quite useful. As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm going to have to have my Surface carry a bigger load and these are some of the tools I'll be taking advantage of for now. Because of the navigation quirks of iOS, I decided on the 8 over the plus because it's easier for single handed use. See, we're not that different.

I did have mixed emotions about selling the Primo. If only there was a way to get CU on it I'd probably not even entertained the thought of selling it. I can't say enough how much I thought that was a superior phone in spite of its audio shortcomings, grrrr. I'm truly worried about the battery life but reviewers claim the new A11 SOC is all that soooo, we'll have to see.

Ah okay. That makes a lot of sense actually. I had no idea that Cortana was that good on iOS now. Very cool! I was about to ask why not a 8 Plus but I can get that. I hope that the battery life will meet your needs, but it sounds like you'll find out.

Yeah, you really seemed to hold on the the Primo so I can get your mixed emotions. The struggle is real but it would be nice if it is less of one sometime.
Oh dear, what have I done? Sold the Primo, sold the SE, sold the x3 and traded the V20 for an iPhone 8. The Surface is going to have to play a more prominent role in my day to day duties. The SE was just too small for viewing attachments or my eyesight isn’t what it once was.

I think it’s safe to say that Android and iOS are heading in decidedly different directions. Where Android used to be a champ at connectivity, most new models don’t have MHL anymore and USB-OTG is becoming just as rare. Meanwhile, iOS is flirting with being more mainstream. I’m not giving up hope on some form of mobile computing with telephony on board. I sincerely believe that’s the reason W10M is still being actively updated. No new features but keeping current for whatever is being cooked up in Nadella’s kitchen.

I ain’t going nowhere. Someone has to stay to keep the ship from hitting the iceberg.
No plus?

No. Without a back button iOS has put their navigation buttons at the top of the screen. Even with my mitts it’s a stretch to use one-handed. Androids and Windows are much easier to use on large screen phones because they have low mounted controls. Without the gestures on BlackBerry OS10, the Passport would be a bear to use with that girth.
So switching back to the A3 was nice until I remembered some stupid quirks that being on Marshmallow brings (info on the lock screen is all or none, which is just dumb for a timer...), especially coming from Oreo on the Pixel. No news on when it will get 7.0, just that it will get it.

Battery life has been under what I would like for the Pixel, which is one thing that motivated switching back. The other thing has been the very rare random reboot (apparently a decent number of people are experiencing this with the 8.0 update). So I am doing an experiment. I decided to do a factory reset (people have said that those two issues have gone away by doing this), play with some settings, and just install the apps that I actually use all the time (now including Shazam for song ID) and see how that goes.

Should only be a few more weeks for the ZX1 Compact, right? You might be able to switch a few more times before then :winktongue:.

I just kid because I have been on the same phone for so long (83 days continuoulsy, 116 total, yes I am keeping track), I feel like one of those "normal" people.
Should only be a few more weeks for the ZX1 Compact, right? You might be able to switch a few more times before then :winktongue:.

I just kid because I have been on the same phone for so long (83 days continuoulsy, 116 total, yes I am keeping track), I feel like one of those "normal" people.

You have been strong (so I get the counting) haha. Yeah, I believe preorders start next week for it. I have seen one review but I need more, especially considering that it is $600.
You have been strong (so I get the counting) haha. Yeah, I believe preorders start next week for it. I have seen one review but I need more, especially considering that it is $600.

Yeah that is a decent amount of $$ to put out I can understand your reservations. All the specs point to it being exactly what you want, but, as Windows Phone fans, we all know specs don't tell the whole story.
Yeah that is a decent amount of $$ to put out I can understand your reservations. All the specs point to it being exactly what you want, but, as Windows Phone fans, we all know specs don't tell the whole story.

Ugh yeah so true. Sony phones have had mixed results for point and shoot photos and that always annoyed me. I saw a picture from it and it seems like Sony might have improved the camera.

Even though I am doing this experiment, the Pixel has been okay for battery life (it's only been one full day, on day 2 now). So far, no random reboots (upgrading to Oreo did this for a good number of Pixels). Hopefully I didn't jinx myself. I really hope so.

Edit: So GSMArena has finally dropped a review for the XZ1 Compact. The battery life is amazing, superior auto mode has improved but in regards to the front camera, it's decent but in non well lit situations it can be very noisy (this goes for both). For now, it's a no.
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Oh dear, what have I done? Sold the Primo, sold the SE, sold the x3 and traded the V20 for an iPhone 8. The Surface is going to have to play a more prominent role in my day to day duties. The SE was just too small for viewing attachments or my eyesight isn’t what it once was.

I think it’s safe to say that Android and iOS are heading in decidedly different directions. Where Android used to be a champ at connectivity, most new models don’t have MHL anymore and USB-OTG is becoming just as rare. Meanwhile, iOS is flirting with being more mainstream. I’m not giving up hope on some form of mobile computing with telephony on board. I sincerely believe that’s the reason W10M is still being actively updated. No new features but keeping current for whatever is being cooked up in Nadella’s kitchen.

I ain’t going nowhere. Someone has to stay to keep the ship from hitting the iceberg.

Wow, that came out of left field! Let us know how you like it. I’m loving my 7.
Wow, that came out of left field! Let us know how you like it. I’m loving my 7.

You thought I was a mindless ****** didn’t you?

The A11 is noticeable. That’s not hyperbole, it’s smooth like a good Bourbon. There are some irritants but I knew them going in. Battery life seems ok but today was an unusually slow day. Only 20 phone calls, 15 emails and 3 texts. That means I’m hating life tomorrow.
Ugh yeah so true. Sony phones have had mixed results for point and shoot photos and that always annoyed me. I saw a picture from it and it seems like Sony might have improved the camera.

Even though I am doing this experiment, the Pixel has been okay for battery life (it's only been one full day, on day 2 now). So far, no random reboots (upgrading to Oreo did this for a good number of Pixels). Hopefully I didn't jinx myself. I really hope so.

Did you need to reset your phone as you had said you would in an earlier post ?
Did you need to reset your phone as you had said you would in an earlier post ?

I did that, and I'm still doing this experiment from it. It seems like it drains battery not as much so far. It was a nice surprise to fall asleep with it at a percent and wake up with the same percentage still.

Edit: One thing I noticed about Oreo is that it doesn't count if you have charged it from whatever percent to 100 in time since last fully charged. Only if it was dead or close to it. I'm not a fan, since I'm so obsessed with battery life.
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You thought I was a mindless ****** didn’t you?

The A11 is noticeable. That’s not hyperbole, it’s smooth like a good Bourbon. There are some irritants but I knew them going in. Battery life seems ok but today was an unusually slow day. Only 20 phone calls, 15 emails and 3 texts. That means I’m hating life tomorrow.

Nah, you were just trying to hold onto what you liked best. You really seemed to like that Primo. That’s the way I felt about the Idol4s. We all come to our senses eventually.
so ive made a switch. After dearly holding onto windows phone/mobile since the Lumia 800, I got fed up of the constant reboots on my Lumia 950xl. My brother's had already jumped ship one from the Lumia 950 to the iPhone 7 plus, my other brother from the Lumia 925 and me i got myself a HTC U11. Just loving it. If Microsoft had put more effort into mobile and releasing some new phones developers wouldn't be jumping ship neither would customers and die hard fans. I was considering the HP Elite X3 glad I didn't go that route and lucky my mobile provider wasn't stocking it, so went for the U11. So far so good very happy, such a shame Microsoft screwed us all over again after windows phone 7 drama.
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