

Retired Moderator
Jul 25, 2009
This guy is a nut case. I saw he got an infraction this morning. I am not going to bother to respond to his latest PM:

switchthreesixty said:
I originally started a thread about my honest experience with the Lumia 920 in the general Lumia 920 forum. It got moved to "Sticky Lumia 920 reviews."
In that thread I was responding to a specific post. You sir, moved that responding post to yet a different thread. Where it then made no sense, because readers had no frame of reference.

I feel that I am being discriminated against. You don't like the content of my post and are trying to marginalize that opinion by spreading my post to different areas. In a way where my post don't make sense. You didn't simply accept my post, you INDEED moved it.
Such a thing is verifiable. Why would you say otherwise? I can prove you moved it. Why say you didn't?
Why am I being treated unfairly? I didn't break any rules. I didn't cuss, be rude to others, or state lies or unreasonable statements.

Please clarify why I am being treated like this,

palandri said:
switchthreesixty said:
palandri said:
Hello switchthreesixty,

The post that you created in the following thread has been approved

Post: It has been frustrating. Side note: I must have been......
Thread: Lumia 920 reviews

If you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance.

The Windows Phone Central Forums staff

Why was this moved? Now my post makes no sense in the location it was never intended to go.
I was responding to specific thread for a reason.
Is this the general policy now? That all comments are reviewed by moderators and potentially moved?

I didn't move it. I only approved it. It certainly seems like it's in the right place, "All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here!"..Where was it originally?

They tighten up the spam control on the forum due to auto-bots, which can post a couple of hundred spam post in an hour.
I was the one that moved his post to the switching from windows phone thread. This was my exchange with him. He never did reply.

Originally Posted by switchthreesixty
I was responding to a specific person in a specific thread. You moved my post, so in its new location my post makes zero sense.
Why are you moving my posts?

Also, I had a thread that was posted in an appropriate thread and got moved.
But, other threads that were similar in nature didn't get moved.
I feel I am being discriminated against.

Originally Posted by stmav
Hello switchthreesixty,
The post that you created in the following thread has been moved

Post: It has been frustrating. Side note: I must have been......
New Thread: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here!

If you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance.

The Windows Phone Central Forums staff

You are not being discriminated against at all. I only moved one post by you. And it is part of our housekeeping policy to put threads pertaining to leaving for another phone in that thread. Keeps the forums from being scattered with threads by people who have not had a good experience with wp and have left in one spot. This move was nothing personal against you, just forum policy.

Good luck with your new phone.

The post says he has moved to HTC One and at the end he says good riddance to the lumia. He is already very active on AC. Anything here at WPC is just sour grapes.
He started a thread complaining about this, so I gave him a warning.

I'll let Dave handle it if anything else happens. He never replied to me.
I concur.

And thank you for defending my honor Laura :winktongue:
You're welcome. I was about to go to bed and on mobile, so I just gave a very short PM with the warning.

Dear switchthreesixty,

You have received a warning at Windows Phone Central Forums.

Disruptive Posting

Complaints about Moderators are not permitted per site rules. http://forums.mobilenations.com/rule....html#post3388

Original Post:
To new comers be aware this site is Bais and discriminates.
Below is a transcript of private messages between me and the moderator where it is clear they are trying to purge unfavorable opinions from the forums.

Originally Posted by switchthreesixty

I was responding to a specific person in a specific thread. You moved my post, so in its new location my post makes zero sense.
Why are you moving my posts?

Also, I had a thread that was posted in an appropriate thread and got moved.
But, other threads that were similar in nature didn't get moved.
I feel I am being discriminated against.

Originally Posted by stmav

Hello switchthreesixty,
The post that you created in the following thread has been moved

Post: It has been frustrating. Side note: I must have been......
New Thread: All Those Switching from a Windows Phone to another device (including Windows Phones), Post Here!

If you have any questions, you can ask an administrator for assistance.

The Windows Phone Central Forums staff

You are not being discriminated against at all. I only moved one post by you. And it is part of our housekeeping policy to put threads pertaining to leaving for another phone in that thread. Keeps the forums from being scattered with threads by people who have not had a good experience with wp and have left in one spot. This move was nothing personal against you, just forum policy.

Good luck with your new phone.

The above is a quote from a moderator.
Actually, two of my posts were moved. He also claims that he moved my post to a thread that deals with people changing to another phone. My post that was moved for this reason said nothing to that effect. AT ALL.
Also, the moderator, even though he says he is not discriminating against me, blatantly states he is moving threads specifically because I wrote an unfavorable post.
How is this not discrimination? I suggest the moderator look up the words definition in the dictionary.
I broke no rules of the forum. I placed the thread in the appropriate thread. I think new comers and buyers attempting to make informed decisions should know of this sites bais.
The moderator is quite clear they are purposely trying to purge this forum of unfavorable posts.
I would say this is not right, people should not be censored and shielded from the facts.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
Windows Phone Central Forums​

He can read the link to the rules that says he's supposed to PM the mod not complain about mods on the forums.
I just noticed that in the thread I moved the post from. I even tried to explain why it was moved. And he reposted the post that was moved.


http://forums.windowscentral.com/nokia-lumia-920/215715-6.htm#post1959295 last page
That's why I deleted his new thread and gave him a warning. I went by the book per the new rules and did only a warning, although I would have banned him permanently prior to the new rules.

I figured Dave can handle it if it needs escalation.

Honestly, I expected switchthreesixty to send me an insulting response to the PM, and then I'd step up the infraction to the next level. Surprisingly, I never got a response.

So it looks like his MO is start thread complaining about mod (David) in public forums, then send PM to mod (Augie) complaining about mod (Laura) who issued warning.
Should the repost be deleted and an infraction given? Or just wait to hear from Dave on it?
Should the repost be deleted and an infraction given? Or just wait to hear from Dave on it?

If it's a repost of what you moved, I would either delete it or move it.

Then he'll blame me again. :grin:
Should the repost be deleted and an infraction given? Or just wait to hear from Dave on it?
I'd say infract him again (real infraction, not warning), and delete the post where he complains about us. Plus BCC Dave the infraction PM.

Augie, do you want to do the next step, since David and I already got him previously?
I think I'll soft delete the post and wait for Dave to chime in regarding any infractions or action.
I've asked James to look into this, see if it warrants liaison with Kevin O'Quinn to get AC aware of his antics.

EDIT: James has said liaise with Kevin. Is there any more information I need to be aware of to send to Kevin?
If he wants to keep pushing the limits then keep handing out those infractions. He'll weed himself out of WPCentral.
I've asked James to look into this, see if it warrants liaison with Kevin O'Quinn to get AC aware of his antics.

EDIT: James has said liaise with Kevin. Is there any more information I need to be aware of to send to Kevin?

I'd let Dave communicate with Kevin. Leave it between the team leads.

And yes Cori, if he hasn't done enough already to weed himself, he will soon.
After I sent him a PM this morning he quit posting. If he starts any more BS PM me immediately.

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