Taking pictures with the 950 XL


New member
Nov 4, 2012
What settings do you guys use when taking pictures with your 950/950XL? In using my with the auto settings / rich capture on / living images on, I often get blurry and not great looking pictures of my kids. Granted they don't stay still, but I remember in the phone reveal they stressed how you wouldn't get blurry photos and get the right moment every time. My experiences have been anything but, I'm disappointed, it's almost as if i need to work harder to get a usable shot.

How have your experiences been? What settings do you recommend?
Turn off rich capture if you're taking moving objects. It's basically a hdr picture with multiple shots then combining the photos
Also, with low light, the camera needs a longer exposure time what results in blurry photo's with moving objects. Setting the flash manually may help.
What settings do you guys use when taking pictures with your 950/950XL? In using my with the auto settings / rich capture on / living images on, I often get blurry and not great looking pictures of my kids. Granted they don't stay still, but I remember in the phone reveal they stressed how you wouldn't get blurry photos and get the right moment every time. My experiences have been anything but, I'm disappointed, it's almost as if i need to work harder to get a usable shot.

How have your experiences been? What settings do you recommend?

HDR will cause this problem but if you don't mind manual controls a higher shutter speed can help compensate for the bluriness.
Tried to take a photo of the x-mas tree last night with the lights off and the XL Failed! When I say failed it went down in flames.
All i got were blurry images with bright dots. My sons "unnamed" 3 year old phone took super images. Needless to say I was bummed out. I tried all kinds of different settings and it just didn't work. It just would not focus.

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