Who in the United States can repair a "bricked", Microsoft Lumia 950 XL?


New member
Aug 16, 2019
I have tried numerous soft and hard resets of the device including battery removals and testing with voltmeter, new charger and cable. All calls to Microsoft for support resulted in dead ends as all calls were rerouted to call centers in the Philippines with phone operators basically reading scripts providing non-working contact links or phone numbers for U.S. support.

I have done days and days of online research on how to resolve the problem myself downloading both the WDRT(Windows Device Recovery Tool) and WP(Windows Phone) Internals. Neither can detect my phone as I was hoping to flash the phone with firmware downloaded from LumiaFirmware. I have been to a local, Microsoft Store in St. Louis and they tried the WDRT too with the same results.

Both the B2X.com link and phone # supplied by Microsoft Support in the Philippines are non-functional. The link goes no where and you cannot contact anyone in the company through it or start a request for service (at least for a Lumia 950 XL; perhaps it works for other devices). The phone number is also a non-working #.

I purchased this phone in November 2018 to upgrade my old, Windows 8/8.1 Lumia 925 to a more current Windows 10 version phone. I had been waiting on the possible release of a rumored "Surface" phone; but, after reports of its early demise I opted for Microsoft's "flag ship" Lumia 950 XL instead. If I had known then that no one provides service/support for it, I would have purchased something else 9 months ago.

I know that there is still a small group of Windows phone, die-hard enthusiasts out there. I am hoping that one of these guru's that are building 950 XL's with Windows 10 on ARM or other builds may be able to assist me in breathing life back into this phone and help me salvage my investment in the phone and accessories.

I have purchased a new, Samsung S10e to use as my everyday phone; but, still want to try to revive the 950 XL to use one way or another.
Sounds like you've been very thorough. At this point, it's probably easier, and possibly cheaper, to simply buy another one off ebay. New are less than $200 and used/refurbs are in the $125+ range.
I'm moving over to Android again since I have no choice due to apps required for work not available on Win 10M. I was thinking of keeping my 950XL, but willing to let it go for $100. It's 1yr old and in excellent condition. I really have no good reason for keeping it.... Especially since I have a working Idol 4S.
I'm moving over to Android again since I have no choice due to apps required for work not available on Win 10M. I was thinking of keeping my 950XL, but willing to let it go for $100. It's 1yr old and in excellent condition. I really have no good reason for keeping it.... Especially since I have a working Idol 4S.

That alone is enough reason to keep it...if you're going to get rid of one dump the Idol 4S, my wife has one and it's been nothing but a PITA :O

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