Tempered Glass for the 950xl

I did, on the Nillkin too, definite thumbs-up at this stage.

After fighting the "dreaded edge peel-up" across several protectors (Mr Shield, the ArkTek, which was close, only one corner section after a week), I'm having excellent success with the Nillkin H+ Pro too.
I really like the glass protectors, over anything else; I thought the Lexerd ones were good until I had a glass protector on my M8, that pretty much ruined me for those.
The other bonus is that my screen is staying almost smudge-free, something the other two did a so/so and terrible job at respectively. It's pretty wild, almost like it won't let the oils adhere, or anything else for that matter, I tried intentionally smudging it, with close to zero results (okay, so there was a faint outline, but compared to the others...).
Anyway, I'm sold, but I've only had it for about 1.5 days, I guess time will tell, but in terms of peeling none of the others "sat down" completely, from the start even (after the first few seconds anyway), they all started peeling to some degree immediately, and just progressed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one, and consider the "smudge thing" a nice bonus...
The one thing that this one, and the Arktek have in common, is that they're quite a bit thinner than almost all the others I've seen, like the Mr Shield I tried first (this one worked great on my M8), the edges of the XL clearly have a bit of curvature.
The downside is that they all seem to come from China or HK, but mine arrived surprisingly fast, maybe 5-6 days, unexpected.
Here are the pictures of the Protomax Schutzglas from Amazon Germany it does the Job as it is supposed to do it
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I have had the Mr Shield tempered glass for 950xl for 2 weeks. So far so good overall. The corners show slight bubbling, but not actually coming up...will see how does in long term
Thanks a lot, Georg, for the pictures! I had the Nillkin and the Protomax bith in front of me and decided to use the Nillkin, It is thinner and already is borderline sticking. It sticks, but I am not sure if it w?ll permanently. I also noticed that the Protomax is very nice, has a great touch. But I can not see, that it will stick on mine, as it is one of the thick (0.33mm) ones.

Did you have problems with other glass protectors, regarding not sticking on the edges? Maybe I am having a really bad one.

Thanks again and best regards,
Yeah there is 1 mil gap, but you will also find out that other products do have also a gap of the size. I did test also Stillgut glas which did stayed on the corners and it had the same gap.
In my case I say addtional 0.2 or 0.33 mm doesn't change the world and in both cases the additional protection is visible and a extra thickness of 0.1 is very hard to see and to be annoyed by it. The Crocfol which I used did wan'ted to sell that it is glas, but it wasn't and for this reason every fat of fingerprints was visible and this was annoying. With Protomax the fingerprint situation is as it is on the normal gorilla glas, which I consider for me as ok.
Hello, I recently purchased the 950 xl and was reading this thread and was confused as to which you would feel is the better and where would I be able to purchase these screen protectors?

Thanks in advance

Hello, I recently purchased the 950 xl and was reading this thread and was confused as to which you would feel is the better and where would I be able to purchase these screen protectors?

Thanks in advance


In summary for the ATT 950 XL, the Mr. Shield has been the best option for me. It has the least bubbling in the corners, and none of the shield has "lifted up". I got it from Amazon for $8
Yeah there is 1 mil gap, but you will also find out that other products do have also a gap of the size. I did test also Stillgut glas which did stayed on the corners and it had the same gap.

I think you should try the Nillkin Amazing H+ Pro Ultra-thin tempered glass, almost an edge to edge sticking, you can't really find any obvious gap at the four sides. High transparency and very good anti-fingerprint capabilities. Most importantly, perfect sticking, no lifting corners. I have it on my two 950 XL (one single SIM, one dual SIM), both stick perfectly.

Originally posted by Simon Hefford
Hi and please excuse me if this post has been covered but I could not find anything in the accessories thread.

Has anyone bought any yet and found one that is not lifting in the corners?
I have read many reviews of some of Amazon and the like but all have had bad reviews, either for lifting in the corners or covering up the proximity sensor by not have a cut out made in the glass!
I was hoping to find one by the company 'Ankor' which supplied one for my iPad and it's quality is top notch but sadly they have none in the market.

I would appreciate anyone who has bought and used on of these on there phone to comment and maybe post pictures.

Why have I got to this question, well I bought a Skinomi skin for my 930 and that was brilliant so I tried it on the 950xl and initially it was ok until I fitted my TUDIA rubber case, which fits great BUT it pushes the edges of the screen skin up and has wrinkled it all around :(

So the two products alone are great but together I have encountered an issue, yes yes I know what you might say but I'm not risking my phone not being in a case, I did not realise the glass on this phone was going to be so exposed unlike the 930!

So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Btw I'm a noob to this forum so be nice and to add a twist, I work for Apple but I'm not a zombie , I own an iMac, iPad, Surface RT (yea thanks for that dead end MS) and my 930 and 950, I love all forms of tech and find both operating systems a joy to use for various functions, so anyone interested in MS\Apple battles, your wasted on me.

Happy Christmas everyone, now find me a decent tempered glass :orly:

Regards Simon

Yep, I concur, my Nillkin was purchased this way, and is still perfect after about 2 weeks use now, I HIGHLY recommend it.
I have zero edge peel or bubbles, at this stage, and I clean mine occasionally with a screen wipe, no issues.
I also use a TPU surround case, which as many of you know, can be detrimental to the edge of a screen protector, but the Nillkin is designed to be about a mm or so back from the edge, and is unaffected by the case, so far...

I had tempered glass on my 950xl when I dropped it.

Fuggin tempered glass did not break but the actual screen underneath it did!!!!

So as far as I am concerned tempered glass is a waste.

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