Temple Run 2

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20 million downloads in 6 days and you people are *****ing about it not being on WP8. does WP8 even have 20 million users total? doubtful.

Get over it. I don't blame the developers at all. You would all do the exact same if you were in their shoes.

Who the **** buys WP8 and expects it to get all the top apps first when it doesn't have a fraction of the users. I blame MS for being slow as molasses. Seriously, this platform has been out for how long? No notification center, no network profiles, no way of organizing home screen, no folders, no file explorer, I can't even lock the damn screen orientation. All in the name of "simplicity"? Yeah right.

And I'm sorry the design language is flat out questionable in some circumstances. Why the **** do my contact's names get "cut off" because the font is so huge for seniors to be able to read it. Just like, what?

I love WP, despite these shortcomings because it's fast, fluid, stable and works well as a phone. I have an iPod touch for apps, like others have pointed out. Seriously, it's not a huge deal. Get over it.
Are you short-minded? Why would you need folders? File explorer what for ?! Screen Orientation Lock seems STUPID IMO but I seee some of you want this. Simplicity at its best.

20 million user base? Maybe. However I am sure than Temple Run 1/2 would climb to top 5 games if it will be released.
Get over it. I don't blame the developers at all. You would all do the exact same if you were in their shoes.

Who the **** buys WP8 and expects it to get all the top apps first when it doesn't have a fraction of the users. I blame MS for being slow as molasses. Seriously, this platform has been out for how long? No notification center, no network profiles, no way of organizing home screen, no folders, no file explorer, I can't even lock the damn screen orientation. All in the name of "simplicity"? Yeah right.

And I'm sorry the design language is flat out questionable in some circumstances. Why the **** do my contact's names get "cut off" because the font is so huge for seniors to be able to read it. Just like, what?

I agree that developers aren't going to invest the effort on a platform that isn't sure thing for them, especially a team as small of the one responsible for Temple Run. iOS is a sure thing, as is Android to a lesser extent. This is where it becomes Microsoft's responsibility to bolster the platform. The competition is simply too strong and consumers constantly compare the competing platforms.

As for your other complaints, I think you're way off base.
1) The freaking home screen IS the notification center. I've yet to be in a situation where not having a notification center has a problem. Keep in mind that iOS didn't have one for the longest time and that no one missed it until Android introduced it. And as it stands, it's poorly implemented.

2) No way of organizing the home screen? Are you sure you've even got a WP8 device? This is one of the most customizable OS's out there!

3) Why do we need folders? Because iOS has them?

4) The last time I checked Android doesn't come with a file explorer, and iOS definitely doesn't. It doesn't seem that anyone's made an app for it, but then what's the need? I had one on my Android and never used it.

5) I 100% agree with you on not being able to lock screen orientation. One big annoyance with Windows Phone is that which screens rotate is inconsistent and there are times when I'd like to keep it vertically oriented.

I can completely understand your dissatisfaction with the app situation. However, on most other counts you're being unreasonable. iOS and Android have as many annoyances as Windows Phone, if not more. They all have their quirks. The problem is that familiarity with the platform causes people to instinctually overlook the issues to the point that they even forget they're there. So when faced with a new platform, even if the UI is handled more efficiently people are still turned off by what they perceive as issues.
I agree that developers aren't going to invest the effort on a platform that isn't sure thing for them, especially a team as small of the one responsible for Temple Run. iOS is a sure thing, as is Android to a lesser extent. This is where it becomes Microsoft's responsibility to bolster the platform. The competition is simply too strong and consumers constantly compare the competing platforms.

As for your other complaints, I think you're way off base.
1) The freaking home screen IS the notification center. I've yet to be in a situation where not having a notification center has a problem. Keep in mind that iOS didn't have one for the longest time and that no one missed it until Android introduced it. And as it stands, it's poorly implemented.

Those of us that don't post every last application (especially since so many contrasting, flat, different colors grouped together is flat out ugly) to our home screens have no way of knowing if we got a toast notification from an app that isn't pinned. This has happened to me many times, as I just don't want to pin everything to my homescreen. The homescreen is ugly when everything is pinned, sorry but it's true.

So the fact that you have never seen a need (presumably because you pin all your apps to the home screen) for a notification center means that there's no need for it. The facts speak differently my friend. A notification center is one of the most highly demanded missing features, and for good reason: it's useful. If MS wants any chance at gaining market share they are going to have to listen to the demands of their users, and not those that are happy with the "status quo" because the status quo is not even 1% of US market share.

2) No way of organizing the home screen? Are you sure you've even got a WP8 device? This is one of the most customizable OS's out there!

Is it really though? It could be improved so much more. Why can't I create a "category" with my messaging apps like Whatsapp, kik, groupme, the messaging hub. Then one for photo apps, one for navigation and maps, etc.

Right now, you can pin a bunch of things to your home screen and group them all together as you please, that's great. But it still ends up looking like a jumbled mess and it is hard to differentiate between different categories of apps once you get enough of them. The home screen as it stands is *not* the end all solution. Can't for the life of me figure out how people think it is.

3) Why do we need folders? Because iOS has them?
Um, no, try because it's a damn good feature for organization and productivity? And being able to find an app quickly? Right now, the alphabetical jump list is sooooo efficient to use. Folders have been around since Windows 3.1, because they are a great idea and useful. What genius decided they are not necessary needs to be canned, sorry.

4) The last time I checked Android doesn't come with a file explorer, and iOS definitely doesn't. It doesn't seem that anyone's made an app for it, but then what's the need? I had one on my Android and never used it.

Once again, because *you* don't use a specific feature it's not worth while. I can't count the amount of times I would have loved a built in file explorer. I used to use it all the time on my Blackberry bold 9700, which is a calculator compared to my 920. Once again, why are you making excuses for a platform that has less than 1% of US market share? A file explorer is a great, useful feature. Period.

5) I 100% agree with you on not being able to lock screen orientation. One big annoyance with Windows Phone is that which screens rotate is inconsistent and there are times when I'd like to keep it vertically oriented.

First thing of sense you've said all day! :P

I can completely understand your dissatisfaction with the app situation. However, on most other counts you're being unreasonable. iOS and Android have as many annoyances as Windows Phone, if not more. They all have their quirks. The problem is that familiarity with the platform causes people to instinctually overlook the issues to the point that they even forget they're there. So when faced with a new platform, even if the UI is handled more efficiently people are still turned off by what they perceive as issues.

Despite my dissatisfaction with some things I still prefer WP, so obviously the damn OS does something right. But like I said, MS is slow as molasses at adding these new features, if it wants to have a fighting chance in this market, these features that are clearly in demand from a sizable portion of its users (and non users) need to be added. That's really the bottom line.
Aww everyone will be playing temple run 2 except you lol.

Its ok.

Society makes a phone purchase dependent on silly games like that? Come on, it looks incredibly stupid. I am shocked that we are even discussing this.

These are not useful comments. If you're not interested in gaming on Windows Phone, or Temple Run in particular, then just pass by this thread instead of flame baiting. Openly disrespecting people who want Temple Run and Temple Run 2 to come to Windows Phone is a waste of your time and everyone else's.

BTW, we'll have some news about Temple Run within the next month or two.
I get the frustration...even i like Temple run and when the version 2 was released on other platforms I felt being left out...

This is what everyone who are talking about lack of top apps in windows phone..the feeling of being 'left out'..

The fault is ours we believed MS on the face value, when they said they will bring 46 out of top 50 apps to windows phone..

This might happen but no one can predict the time frame also it might not happen at all...because it depends not only on MS but also on app developer..

Somebody above said we would hear some news about Temple run for WP8 in few months...its clear app developers want to wait for at least first quarter, see the sales of Win8, surface pro and windows phones after the initial hype...

If the sales momentum is maintained throughout first quarter we should see the results..

I will hold till then, if there is no response after first quarter than I feel it would be wise to switch..

I have said it in various posts...MS has to get its act together and that to soon...or be 'left out' like us.
Also for practical purposes...when i show my Lumia 920 to people they get interested as the device looks cool and different...

But the general population is not very tech savvy they don't want to know the details like benchmark tests or other details...they want features and how the new device will make their experience better...

Top apps are extension of the features on a smartphone...hence if the phone does not have a top app it lacks a serious feature...because no one wants be left out...hence apps become important.
Having downloaded Temple Run 2 on my iPad, I have to say we're not missing much. The original Temple Run has much more straightforward gameplay. It gets tedious after a while, as do must of these running games, but it was entertaining. Temple Run 2, however, is harder to get in to. Obstacles blend into the scenery more and they hit you more suddenly. It's the same basic game, but tuned in a way that makes it less playable. I think it's telling that on the App Store the sequel gets 4 stars versus 4.5 stars for the original.

I'd like to see it on Windows Phone merely for performance benchmarking purposes. I tried it on a Kindle and had to set graphics setting to medium to get a good frame rate, meaning I lose the nice shadows. On the iPad 2 there are no settings but it runs great regardless, except for the rare hiccup when it seems to be loading more track.

That said, on the list of games I want to see on WP Temple Run ranks pretty low.
These are not useful comments. If you're not interested in gaming on Windows Phone, or Temple Run in particular, then just pass by this thread instead of flame baiting. Openly disrespecting people who want Temple Run and Temple Run 2 to come to Windows Phone is a waste of your time and everyone else's.

BTW, we'll have some news about Temple Run within the next month or two.

This whole thread is not useful at all - it is a rant. Just look at what the thread starter wrote! I mean we all have to be a bit more patient with the platform. If everyone acted like the thread starter "I want App XY to be released, I am so pissed, iPhone got it already, screw you guys at Microsoft" this platform will never grow. You can't expect developers to release something to Windows Phone 8 yet. The demand is simply not high enough. There could be threads like this for every app that WP8 is lacking. It would be useful to write a letter to the developers or to start a petition or something. But this one... no.
Talking about writing to developers am sure many of us have already mailed and tweeted to Imangi studios multiple times...same issue has also been raised with windows phone support team...but these have been individual efforts...

You are right lets group and act..where can we start??

Have started to write on Windows phone & windows phone UK Facebook page....you guys can join in..
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@ImAdrian23 you'll use it like how you use a smart phone, and that on things lacking in wp8 like bank app or temple run for example, it basically fills the hole that windows phone 8 has. Also even if you have 8x, you still don't have temple run, which is the whole point of this thread.

You don't seem to get his point.... He just said why on earth is he not getting any exciting apps on his windows phone on time.. And why no promises.. And about getting the iPod touch ... To be honest these days when you pick up a smartphone you get,absorbed to their eco system which is good and bad, in their own,ways.. But carrying two devices is not a very sensible thing to do...,its like someone telling me since you not happy with Nokia maps(which is not true) why don't you carry an android phone as well...cheers
It was mentioned earlier in this thread that this game is built with the Unity engine. Seeing as Unity has not been released for Windows Phone 8 yet you can't expect them to have the game available.
This whole thread is not useful at all - it is a rant. Just look at what the thread starter wrote! I mean we all have to be a bit more patient with the platform. If everyone acted like the thread starter "I want App XY to be released, I am so pissed, iPhone got it already, screw you guys at Microsoft" this platform will never grow. You can't expect developers to release something to Windows Phone 8 yet. The demand is simply not high enough. There could be threads like this for every app that WP8 is lacking. It would be useful to write a letter to the developers or to start a petition or something. But this one... no.
Oh no. This is more than just a rant. Microsoft promised us some apps and so far I don't see any of the hottest ones on the Marketplace. Not only they didn't keep their promises but they also ignore WP by not bringing W8/XBox's titles (Ex: Dead Man Running which would make everyone -almost to never want Temple Run). The rant is not just because I cannot play Temple Run 1/2 because I can just ask my friends to let me to do so. I've got frustrated of being told that "Woah awesome phone but... really? Not even Temple Run?"
Developers just don't take us seriously. I don't want to waste my money on indie games and there're few XBox titles that I'd ever purchase (and I will never do that as they BARELY if not EVER get updated). So I just blame Microsoft for this whole mess that I cannot get around it.
Oh and... How can Temple Run come to us and not be a XBOX enabled one? What freakin' features must the app have? There're couple of HORRIBLE HORRIBLE XBox titles that I have no idea how they ever got their permission, but then again MICROSOFT to blame for not clarifying the situation.
Its a game people. Really? Judging an entire platform over one totally overrated game is like complaining about the stitching on the leather seats in a Porsche. WP8 has some catching up to do sure but crying about one silly game because 'everyone else has it' is rather weak.
Tr2 is a very overrated game. Ive got it on my iphone and its just boring to play. Subway surfers is much better.
Isn't the whole point of a discussion forum that we can discuss any topic relevant to the core subject?

I don't subscribe to the idea that we should only be engaged in positive discussion. This is a relevant topic, people are understandably upset and concerned. That said, this is a complex subject. It isn't as simple as developers avoiding a platform for no good reason. It often comes down to basic economics. Which means why people have looked to Microsoft, bringing us back to the original issue. But yeah, it's a valid discussion, even if some people don't want to hear it.
Tr2 is a very overrated game. Ive got it on my iphone and its just boring to play. Subway surfers is much better.
If only Subway Surfer was available... I've sent some e-mails to both developers and got almost the same reply.
"Hi, Thank you for your inquiry.
We're currently reviewing the future of Subway Surfers.
We strive to release it to as many platforms as possible.

Best Regards,

I thought that WP8 would change things. It did not. It's just the old WP7 with a new start screen IMO. It is true that there're couple of games that are worthy for WP8 (where's my perry/water & dredds vs zombies and few others) but as they are not XBLA as Microsoft has a horrible process... oh well. I hope in the near future they will fulfill our desires.
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