Tendon Swelling


New member
Nov 1, 2014
I had to return the band today. I had major tendon swelling on my wrist. I have only worn it for 2 days. Not good. Anyone else experience anything like that?


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Nope. I'm fone and so is my girlfriend...she has a medium while I have a large. Both of us have a size larger than originally thought and purchased... Thankfully at our local MS store...

Ok...so where are you wearing the band? You should wears so that you have full range in motion...for me, this is lower on my arm/wrist. Not on the joint... I unfortunately have Carole tunnel and understand... You sire it is your watch and not some newly introduced movement like turning your wrist to read the band?

I wear my band face in so I can easily manipulate it and view it... My girl wears hers face out but prefers that... To each there own. Make it work to your liking and not where you hurt yourself to use it
I was wearing the screen on the bottom. The band was not to tight. I have pretty small wrists. I woke up this morning and my hand was numb. I think the band just did't fit well on my wrists. I previously had a gear fit and switched to an iphone so I had to sell the fit. The Gear Fit was more comfortable and I didn't have any discomfort with it. This band worked great, but I guess the fti wasn't right. I am going to try the Basis Peak when it comes out.
I got the same problem when I got the Lumia 920 (it is a brick) and was using it too much.

Went to a doctor and did wrist stretching exercises for a week to strengthen the muscles, ligaments and am fine since.
if your hand was numb, i wonder if you had it on too tight. or maybe it's just an anatomical thing...maybe you a nerve or something in just the right place to be aggravated by the band. strange. my hand and wrist are fine, been wearing my band almost non-stop since i got it thursday.
if your hand was numb, i wonder if you had it on too tight. or maybe it's just an anatomical thing...maybe you a nerve or something in just the right place to be aggravated by the band. strange. my hand and wrist are fine, been wearing my band almost non-stop since i got it thursday.

I believe some are wearing it too tight...even I began wearing it too snug. Loosing it up wear there is still sensor contact and it wont slide is key... My placement is a little lower than the wrist bone... That narrow passage were nerves enter the hand is not a good place to wear the band and I believe some are wearing their bands there.
i just realized that if i hold my hand the way the OP does ion the phone above, by wrist looks pretty much exactly like the photo, except none of my tendons or ligaments are swollen.
It's weird, I had discomfort in that tendon yesterday after playing hockey. I played 2 hours of pickup roller with semi-roomy gloves and had no issues at all. Then later in the day I played a league ice hockey game using more snug fitting gloves and it sort of locked the band in a weird position. That ended up causing some weird discomfort in that exact part of the wrist that you took a pic of. Aside from that one activity/pair of gloves, it's been relatively comfortable otherwise...
i just realized that if i hold my hand the way the OP does ion the phone above, by wrist looks pretty much exactly like the photo, except none of my tendons or ligaments are swollen.
That's what i thought the moment I saw the pic, this is how both my wrists look. Yopiggy, does your right hand look the same when you flex your hand like that?
I'm having to return mine, I'm getting little bumps where the heartbeat sensor sits. Bummer. I liked this band a lot, but it looks like I'll need to pick up something else. Maybe the Surge when its released.
I'm having to return mine, I'm getting little bumps where the heartbeat sensor sits. Bummer. I liked this band a lot, but it looks like I'll need to pick up something else. Maybe the Surge when its released.
do you usually wear a watch? Curious.
do you usually wear a watch? Curious.
I used to yes, but haven't for probably the last 10 years...those were always leather strap watch bands, so I'm not sure if its the band or the metal. It could be something as simple as the band material irritating hair follicles...not sure, in the end though, I can't wear it.
Mine that I put on today started itching and annoying me until I finally moved it to my right wrist to give my left arm a break. I've now put it back on the left much looser and it's not causing discomfort, I just hope it works ok. I'm sure steps will be fine, more the other sensors.

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