That's it...I'm done. Help me pick a new phone.

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It will inevitably depend on what you like and value in an OS. For me, I switched to Android for all of the reasons listed above. I like the variety of phones and features. But one thing I would say about iONS though is that it's VERY staple. As someone as already noted, there are lots of positives to a closed system like Apple. Oh...First World problems 😉
Interesting comment. I guess I felt similarly until recently.
I bought an iPhone SE brand new from Cricket for $199. Not overpriced. All flagships, no matter what OS are expensive.

Mind you, you bought it on a carrier. You'll be paying for that phone for a while. Outside the USA we don't buy phones on contracts. And so I never *ever* think about carrier prices of phones. When I say an iPhone is overpriced, I'm looking at the real price of the device, bought from Apple (or any tech retailer), without a carrier in the middle.
The iPhone SE, for example, costs three times the price you paid if you buy it normally.

More than advising against Apple's terrible hardware and software though, I advise everyone against buying phones from carriers or on contracts of any sort :P
Mind you, you bought it on a carrier. You'll be paying for that phone for a while. Outside the USA we don't buy phones on contracts. And so I never *ever* think about carrier prices of phones. When I say an iPhone is overpriced, I'm looking at the real price of the device, bought from Apple (or any tech retailer), without a carrier in the middle.
The iPhone SE, for example, costs three times the price you paid if you buy it normally.

More than advising against Apple's terrible hardware and software though, I advise everyone against buying phones from carriers or on contracts of any sort :P

That's actually incorrect. Cricket does not have contracts. That's the actual price. I only pay $35 per month for 4gb data, unlimited texts and calls. The phone cost $199 outright.
Mind you, you bought it on a carrier. You'll be paying for that phone for a while. Outside the USA we don't buy phones on contracts. And so I never *ever* think about carrier prices of phones. When I say an iPhone is overpriced, I'm looking at the real price of the device, bought from Apple (or any tech retailer), without a carrier in the middle.
The iPhone SE, for example, costs three times the price you paid if you buy it normally.

More than advising against Apple's terrible hardware and software though, I advise everyone against buying phones from carriers or on contracts of any sort :P
I hear you. I bought a Note 5 on contract about a year and a half ago. It recently stopped sending text and had some other problems that made it un-usable. But of course I still hasn't paid it off. And because of a crack it got from a good fall recently, I could trade it back in. So I'm still paying for a phone that doesn't work. Smh (in the mean time I bought an Honor 8 at a good price)'

before this I always bought my phones out right, took care of them, and sold them 6-8 months later. I'll NEVER doing a contract again.
Mind you, you bought it on a carrier. You'll be paying for that phone for a while. Outside the USA we don't buy phones on contracts. And so I never *ever* think about carrier prices of phones. When I say an iPhone is overpriced, I'm looking at the real price of the device, bought from Apple (or any tech retailer), without a carrier in the middle.
The iPhone SE, for example, costs three times the price you paid if you buy it normally.

More than advising against Apple's terrible hardware and software though, I advise everyone against buying phones from carriers or on contracts of any sort :P

Cricket is an MVNO of AT&T - there are no contracts. The price you pay for their phones is the full price since they offer no financing. After 4 months of service you are entitled to get an unlock code, if you want to call that a "catch".
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That's actually incorrect. Cricket does not have contracts. That's the actual price. I only pay $35 per month for 4gb data, unlimited texts and calls. The phone cost $199 outright.

If you're paying 35 bucks a month for 4GB of date, mate, you ARE paying the rest of the phone. I pay a third of that for 5GB of data (plus 5GB extra for YouTube streaming and most apps consumption don't count to that data). Plus the free texts, calls etc.

See, that's the problem Americans have. You're so accustomed to being ripped off by your carriers, you no longer notice it ;)
If you're paying 35 bucks a month for 4GB of date, mate, you ARE paying the rest of the phone. I pay a third of that for 5GB of data (plus 5GB extra for YouTube streaming and most apps consumption don't count to that data). Plus the free texts, calls etc.

See, that's the problem Americans have. You're so accustomed to being ripped off by your carriers, you no longer notice it ;)

Wrong again, mate.
That's an extremely good price in the U.S. Don't know where you're from but I'm not moving to your country to save a few bucks on my cell phone bill. The phone cost $199 outright and you can spin it any way you want to try to hate on iPhone but you're still wrong.
See, that's the problem Americans have. You're so accustomed to being ripped off by your carriers, you no longer notice it ;)

Yes, for the most part we do pay more for cell phone service than a lot of the rest of the world. That's just a cost of being an American!

Also, contracts are pretty much gone here. Carriers do finance phones, but it doesn't cost any extra. Your cost is the same whether you pay it all up front or pay monthly for two years. At any time you are free to pay off the balance and leave. You are not under contract.
I'm about done too with no new phones on the horizon, especially on Verizon. There are a couple of apps I need for work too. Since I have an iPad, I'll go with iPhone. I don't like the childish icons and lack of a dark theme (rumor is iOS 11 will have one), but all the MS services work well. I'll never have anything Android because I hate and do not trust google, period.
I had iPhone, I sold it to get Windows Phone 8, with no regrets. I later got an Android, sold that too due to lack of software updates, horrible UI and notification system and went back to Windows Phone.

Out of interest, did you pick iOS or Android?
I've been down the iOS road. Absolutely hated it. One of the most frustrating and boring OS's I've ever dealt with.

I jumped ship to Android with a Motorola G4+. Why Motorola? They were one of the few manufactures that I think has a better track record for providing timely OS updates. I bought it out-right, refurbished. It's a good phone. Not great, but good, for the price.

Trying to setup the MS apps wasn't to bad, except for the contacts with Outlook. That took some work and trial and error to get them into the system. OneDrive is still quirky. I can't quite get it sync everything properly. Pictures and files fine, but saved SMS pictures is eluding me.

I kept hearing that MS app experience was really good on, and in some ways superior than on WM. I beg to differ. Outlook on WM is MUCH easier to use (I still have my old WM phone and use it to compare).

Three things I REALLY, really, miss from WM:
One, live tiles. I never realized how good a design concept it is, till I didn't have it.

Two: Predictive text. WM with Cortana kicks Android's butt. With Cortana I could just about carry a complete conversation with the predicted words above the keyboard. With Android... I still have to type a couple of letters before the right word comes up above the keyboard. Even then it doesn't show the proper variants till I keep typing.

Three: SMS text to speech/speech to text over wired or Bluetooth. It's BUILT in the operating system! Android, you have to get an App for it. And I tried several of them none of them equaled what's already built in WM. When driving or riding my motorcycle, SMS text to speech (and vice verse) is much needed.

I want to jump BACK to WM so badly, but I have work apps that aren't available in WM (iOS or Android only). So I'm stuck with what I've got.
Wrong again, mate.
That's an extremely good price in the U.S. Don't know where you're from but I'm not moving to your country to save a few bucks on my cell phone bill. The phone cost $199 outright and you can spin it any way you want to try to hate on iPhone but you're still wrong.

You can move to any country that it's not the US. It'll be the same.

And I don't need to spin it to be right. I just need to go to Apple's own website to prove you that NO, the iPhone SE isn't 199 dollars. It's at best 399$

The rest of the phone your carrier is charging you via the price of the service they offer. You can fool yourself whatever way you want. And this isn't hating on the iPhone. It's applicable to ANY phone. You're NOT getting a bargain. You're paying for the phone indirectly. Even if you refuse to see it ;)
Yes, for the most part we do pay more for cell phone service than a lot of the rest of the world. That's just a cost of being an American!

Also, contracts are pretty much gone here. Carriers do finance phones, but it doesn't cost any extra. Your cost is the same whether you pay it all up front or pay monthly for two years. At any time you are free to pay off the balance and leave. You are not under contract.

Ha! Have you looked at T-Mobile? Or the others? T-Mobile drops the monthly cost by the monthly cost of the phone once it’s paid off. The other carriers do the same, however, they charge extra on top of the regular price so you essentially pay double for the phone and that’s why those carriers let you upgrade once a year.
You can move to any country that it's not the US. It'll be the same.

And I don't need to spin it to be right. I just need to go to Apple's own website to prove you that NO, the iPhone SE isn't 199 dollars. It's at best 399$

The rest of the phone your carrier is charging you via the price of the service they offer. You can fool yourself whatever way you want. And this isn't hating on the iPhone. It's applicable to ANY phone. You're NOT getting a bargain. You're paying for the phone indirectly. Even if you refuse to see it ;)

OK, this if fun. 😁

I am not on contract and can leave Cricket tomorrow if I wish and take the phone with me. Though its locked to their network for a few months everyone knows how to get a phone unlocked, correct?
So if I leave and take the phone, how will they get this mysterious amount of money you talk about from me? That only works if you are on a contract which Cricket doesn't have. They have about the lowest prices in the country so......$35 per month instead of $80 which I was paying AT$T a couple of years ago. $199 for a phone instead of $399 from Apple (we all know the phones don't really cost the retail price). That's a savings of $200 for the phone and $45 per month for service. That seems like a bargain to me.

What should I have done, paid full retail price from Apple?

Your turn. 😉

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I still have my 1520 as a sidephone and Android as my main phone because i like the customizability. If you want ease of use then apple surely is the way to go.
I pay ~13.50 USD dollars per month pre-pay for 1 gig data, unlimited texts and 200 minutes of calling. I mostly use data around the home though, via wifi. But sometimes 500mb would do. I don't live in the US.
I always do unlocked, and avoid contracts but...

If you get 4gb that seems reasonable to me, given data is generally expensive. And if it doesn't cost much to unlike, and your on their only a few months, that doesn't seem to bad.

But now that someone has mentioned cheaper prices somewhere else in the world, is got me wondering where its cheaper, and how cheap....

In the SE, its a curious beast. It was released later than the 950, but here, retails generally lower. But if you know where to buy it, it can be had for around the same price as the discounted 950, 200 bucks.

I guess perhaps this is because its smaller, and it can't do ios 11. Not really sure, not being an apple person why the SE is comparatively "cheap".

The ram is okay, for ios. The screen seems pretty decent. Camera shots look quite good actually in daylight at least. Only question for me would be internal storage. Apple phones don't come with microsd do they?

16gb would be far too little. Without microSD, for me even 64 would be to small. 128 gb would do it though.

I'm already reaching the limits of my phones storage. I'm considering getting a 128 gb sd card, and I've already got a 128gb usb for my continuum dock (for a portable media collection) 64gb microSD and 32hn of internal storage. Did not think I'd ever use so much space on a phone!
But once you've got a decent music collection, videos, pictures, apps, all fills up pretty fast.
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