That's it...I'm done. Help me pick a new phone.

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I've not followed the whole thing. Too lazy right now to read that many words.

Whomever is trying to make it out that buying a $199 iPhone SE from Cricket costs you extra money down the road to make up for the subsidy is just wrong.

I used to work for Cricket. There is no contract. They do subsidize certain phones by a lot. Their internal documents will show clearly that the sale price is a loss based on what they have to purchase the phones for. It's the candy that lures users onto their network where they hope to retain them through value and customer service. For current users it is an incentive to stay vs the pressure of sign up deals with other networks. It is what is known in business terms as a loss leader. They hope to make up the loss down the line, but there is zero financial compulsion on the user to make up the shortfall. Unlike the main-line carriers in the US they have no contract. It is prepaid and the user may cancel at any time without any buy out or penalty except for the no refund on unused service policy.

In terms of getting an immediate unlock... Just follow my guide. It costs nothing if you are on the unlimited plan. If you are on a lower plan the price difference on the plan will be returned to you as a credit to apply to your next bill.

Thank you for stating the facts. I was getting tired trying to prove to someone in another country that I was not paying 3 times the price for the SE nor was I going to go to court for unlocking it but seemed to be getting no where.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
You're welcome. And in terms of comparing plans between countries, that is like comparing gas prices. It doesn't make sense for a US bound driver to price gasoline in Hong Kong... They can't reasonably get their car there anyway.

I frequently shop cell phone service prices and Cricket comes out on top for value and service even still. It's why I've kept them for 3 years now. The real power is in group save discounts. We have 4 lines with 4GB high speed data a month (used to be 2.5 each, then they upped us to 3 and now 4GB for the same price) and an 8GB line that we use as a hotspot all for $120 a month. Voice and data connections are reliable and we have no issues with them when traveling around the country either. Unlimited calls, texts and MMS in the US. I can't beat that value anywhere else in the US.

The price of bananas in Bolivia does not apply to the equation.
I've not followed the whole thing. Too lazy right now to read that many words.

Whomever is trying to make it out that buying a $199 iPhone SE from Cricket costs you extra money down the road to make up for the subsidy is just wrong.

I used to work for Cricket. There is no contract. They do subsidize certain phones by a lot. Their internal documents will show clearly that the sale price is a loss based on what they have to purchase the phones for. It's the candy that lures users onto their network where they hope to retain them through value and customer service. For current users it is an incentive to stay vs the pressure of sign up deals with other networks. It is what is known in business terms as a loss leader. They hope to make up the loss down the line, but there is zero financial compulsion on the user to make up the shortfall. Unlike the main-line carriers in the US they have no contract. It is prepaid and the user may cancel at any time without any buy out or penalty except for the no refund on unused service policy.

In terms of getting an immediate unlock... Just follow my guide. It costs nothing if you are on the unlimited plan. If you are on a lower plan the price difference on the plan will be returned to you as a credit to apply to your next bill.

Maybe then you SHOULD have read the entire thing :P

No one is saying it costs more, what at least I'm saying is that it doesn't cost you less to get the phone through a carrier. They will NOT give you a phone on a great deal for almost free. They might take a loss but they will not lose almost 2/3's of the price of the phone.

Using your example:

"It costs nothing if you are on the unlimited plan."

And how much does that plan cost? Likely much more than a normal plan would/should. Why? Because they're putting in the money they spend on the phones to account for the people who *might* do that "I get this for cheap and then immediately cancel my connection with the carrier"

Now, going through the unlock method you pointed towards:

"The device you want to unlock has been active for at least six (6) months of paid service or you are on a $70 plan."

Meaning you have to have paid for 6 months the phone in your plan, even if you don't think you're paying the discount. Otherwise you need to have the absolutely ABSURD $70 plan (seriously? $70 for a phone plan? I guess to Americans this might sound "normal" but believe me, these are NOT normal values. Don't fool yourselves ;) )

Now as for your work around: Sure it might work. But you should also know that such may constitute fraudulent behaviour (I don't work in the US but I could build a legal case against you for that here in Europe, just saying. So I'm sure AT&T's lawyers could to, specially in the US where you can so easily take people to court ;P ).

In Law, the principle of good faith in contracts is quite important. Yes, you can argue that "it's not your fault the carrier is stupid and didn't saw that breach in the system" but you're still subject to the principle of contractual good faith which DOES bind you legally. Just like the carrier is forced to provide you exactly with the service they offered and not something else (that's why they're now putting an end to "unlimited data plans" or adding clauses of "fair use").

So back to the main point: getting a phone through a carrier might be a good deal IF you intend to stay on that carrier, be it with a contract (don't do phone contracts, for Christ's sake) or just through the normal service subscription. However, do not believe for a single moment that the carrier is giving you a great discount or even taking a huge loss.
Carriers who do that often end up bankrupt pretty quickly ;)
You're welcome. And in terms of comparing plans between countries, that is like comparing gas prices. It doesn't make sense for a US bound driver to price gasoline in Hong Kong... They can't reasonably get their car there anyway.

I frequently shop cell phone service prices and Cricket comes out on top for value and service even still. It's why I've kept them for 3 years now. The real power is in group save discounts. We have 4 lines with 4GB high speed data a month (used to be 2.5 each, then they upped us to 3 and now 4GB for the same price) and an 8GB line that we use as a hotspot all for $120 a month. Voice and data connections are reliable and we have no issues with them when traveling around the country either. Unlimited calls, texts and MMS in the US. I can't beat that value anywhere else in the US.

The price of bananas in Bolivia does not apply to the equation.

You're right about the group discount also, the biggest savings are found there. Though I certainly can't complain about $35 month either. The nice thing with Cricket is you can switch back and forth between plans easily if your needs change. I know people who have done it with no argument. AT&T has great service in my area so for me its a great situation.

Of course you and I are going to be in court soon so better get a lawyer. 😂

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Maybe then you SHOULD have read the entire thing :P

Maybe you should read more of what I wrote. They do lose money on the phone at sale and have no recourse if you do unlock it and walk away. Furthermore Cricket is one of the best service values in the US market. So we are not overpaying in that regard.

Again, the cost of phone service outside the US does not apply. In Portugal they pay approximately 5.54€ per gallon of gasoline. I just filled my tank today for $1.95 USD a gallon. I could tell you all day that that is the price YOU should pay as well, but it's meaningless to you because you are not in my market so you have to pay what the cost is in YOUR market.

You only have to have the $70 plan for the amount of time it takes to get on chat and ask for the unlock code. Then you get the full difference refunded to you. I have done this thing. I wasn't charged extra, I wasn't cancelled from my service and I most certainly was not subject to any legal action.

In Law, the principle of good faith in contracts is quite important.

What part of NO CONTRACT is failing to penetrate into your consciousness? I can't be held accountable for some contract that only exists in the mind of a third party internet poster...

As for the rest of what you are spouting. You're just spouting. This stuff about being held in breach is nonsense.

As far as:
...don't do phone contracts, for Christ's sake...

For the last time we aren't engaging in any contract. You keep harping on this point and ignoring how it fails to apply. The result is that much of your argumentation is against something that is simply not a valid condition.
Maybe you should read more of what I wrote. They do lose money on the phone at sale and have no recourse if you do unlock it and walk away. Furthermore Cricket is one of the best service values in the US market. So we are not overpaying in that regard.

Again, the cost of phone service outside the US does not apply. In Portugal they pay approximately 5.54€ per gallon of gasoline. I just filled my tank today for $1.95 USD a gallon. I could tell you all day that that is the price YOU should pay as well, but it's meaningless to you because you are not in my market so you have to pay what the cost is in YOUR market.

You only have to have the $70 plan for the amount of time it takes to get on chat and ask for the unlock code. Then you get the full difference refunded to you. I have done this thing. I wasn't charged extra, I wasn't cancelled from my service and I most certainly was not subject to any legal action.

What part of NO CONTRACT is failing to penetrate into your consciousness? I can't be held accountable for some contract that only exists in the mind of a third party internet poster...

As for the rest of what you are spouting. You're just spouting. This stuff about being held in breach is nonsense.

As far as:

For the last time we aren't engaging in any contract. You keep harping on this point and ignoring how it fails to apply. The result is that much of your argumentation is against something that is simply not a valid condition.

I just filled my tank today for $1.95 USD a gallon.

That's cheaper than where I live! I'm going to be in your neck of the woods next month visiting my sister. I'm looking forward to filling up with gas there!

What part of NO CONTRACT is failing to penetrate into your consciousness?
For the last time we aren't engaging in any contract.

Wait? Are you under contract? :angel:

@DJCBS, contracts are mostly gone in the US. There are still remnants of them, such as for businesses and other entities who have deals with the carriers, or those who are still under contract from when they did exist, but for the most part a consumer cannot create or renew a new 2 year contract. It's all month to month now.

Even the carrier financing for the cost of the device does not cost the consumer anything. We pay exactly the same price for the phone whether we pay it all up front or spread it out over 24 months. In fact, it's free financing, free use of the carriers' money.
I tried Cortana on Android, but she's nerfed compared to what she can do on WM. Unfortunately, Google Now isn't much better. I really miss having my text messages read aloud to me while driving and being able to respond hands free.

I think I saw it posted somewhere that there's a messaging app that will do this, but I haven't bothered to look into it yet.

If only FB and Edge didn't suck so bad on WM, I'd go back to using my 640.

Slimsocial is a decent FB webwrapper. And there are a couple of other browsers on win10m. UC browser, and monument are decent offerings. I personally don't mind egde, although it does chew resources.
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