The 1020 with external lenses - DIY


Just read your tutorial before posting here and thought I would give it a go if this thread didn't get updated. Never used, or heard of that sugru stuff...looks interesting. Definitely going to give it a go. Seen another guide which uses velcro instead.

Superb shots by the way.

Do you mind me asking what specific filters (brands etc) you used please? Also, did you ND filter shots need touching up in PS or other type of program?
I use Hoya filters and no, no need to touch up the ND filter shots (but I shoot only RAW so I have at least to develop the RAW)
I use Hoya filters and no, no need to touch up the ND filter shots (but I shoot only RAW so I have at least to develop the RAW)

Thanks. I've been looking for alternative filters as I purchased some cheap ones from ebay which have produced very mixed results to say the least.

Think I may have to bite to bullet and invest in some better ones.

Also going to start shooting in RAW too but it's going to be tricky as I'm down to my final 4GBs of space on my 1020 and the DNG files will fill that in no time.
Thanks. I've been looking for alternative filters as I purchased some cheap ones from ebay which have produced very mixed results to say the least.

Think I may have to bite to bullet and invest in some better ones.

Also going to start shooting in RAW too but it's going to be tricky as I'm down to my final 4GBs of space on my 1020 and the DNG files will fill that in no time.

I bought a Surface 2 this summer, for pro and personal use. In Finland, during holidays, I filled 3 times the 1020 with hundreds of pictures, and without SD card or USB OTG, the Surface was a lifesaver, as I transfered my photos to the tablet to free up some space.

But 4 GB is really low. I have like 18 GB free when I've uploaded all my photos. But, unlike my 808, my 1020 has no movies nor music on it, it's a matter of priority :)
I've been watching this form for quite some time with great interest. All the tinkerers here are great and I'm very appreciative that you all post tutorials.
My question:

I've a telescope, a Celestron NexStar 8SE, and I'm interested in doing some astrophotography. If I jimmy'd up a macro-lens to my 1020, would that work with a T-ring to attach it all to the eyepiece?

My reasoning; as nokia phones generally don't do good unzoomed macros, the macro lens would enhance or give it that ability.
In theory yes, but you would need to get the focusing distance of your phone close enough that it fits into the eye relief zone of the telescope.

If you do a search for DigiScoping there are plenty of write ups and forums on using your phone.
Just to update my experience with one of those Macre+Wide lenses for cellphones you can find for 5$
They are really good... if you can avoid to move and to get close to your objective.
I tried to photo a bee but I couldn't, the bee kept moving every time I tried to get close enough
Also, It is so easy to lose focus! The effective range is too short..
And finally, you have to stand at a distance about 1.5cm from the object you're taking the photo.

All in all, if you're taking photos from static objects, then it's fine (you still need a base to rest your arms and to hold the phone and keep yourself from moving) but forger it if you want to take a photo of a jumping spider or something like that.

Also, the metal ring that comes with the item (in my case) was not blue, the blue tint is caused because it has a protective blue plastic so that the surface (shiny surface) does not scratch... you can paint it in black with spray and I think that's advisable so that the light does not bounce in the mirror like finish and entersinto your cammera (not sure if that would happen, I'm speculating but it seems plausible)

Here are the few tests I did. (I removed the ring and no longer using the macro lens) Drop of water hamging from a lemon Closeup of a DoubleEdge razorblade.

I've been looking on ebay at the mini 8x telephoto lenses (plastic, some aluminium bodies), as well as the fish eye/macro 2x magnetic attachments. I was also thinking of 49mm rings to attach to 1020 camera case I bought.

The 4x, 8x, and 12x mini lenses; do they let enough light in and is autofocus on the 1020 affected? Same question applies to the magnetic lenses. Does anyone have any experience of these lenses?

The 49mm converter/ring option. I could mod this pretty well. Obviously, this is a more robust option, compared to the little lenses (above) and would look quite cool, SLR like. However, the lenses would be off-centre of the camera lens. I guess this would not be a big issue with filters but would it present an issue with macro, fish and telephoto lenses (such as an 80-300mm) would the shots be distorted? I'm no optics expert, so I'm interested to read any experiences of other 1020 modders.
I can only answer this regarding the lens with the magnetic attachment: They let enough light in (as long as your own shadow does not interfere with the shot), BUT you need to be WAY too close to the object in order to take a good photo... You can't get as close as 1 centimeter of distance to a Jumping Spider so that you can take an awesome photo.
If you wan it to take closeups of inanimated or static objects, then this lenses are great (check the pictures I took) Otherwise... you might get frustrated
Hi. Does the M 42 lens actually work with the Lumia? It doesn't look like you've made any depth of field adjustments that should be required to enable the Lumia to actually utilize the lens. I'm very interested in being able to use my M 42 lenses and it would be very interesting to find out from you how this works.

Would you be willing to post the details of the different versions that you have put together, and info on whether there's any value in using the earlier versions versus the latest version; another words has the current version superseded all the earlier ones, or is there still useful value from using the earlier versions in addition to the current one?

I have a good collection of m42's and have thought about doing what you've done but due to ignorance regarding principles of optics I didn't know how to do it.

In addition, I have a DP2 Sigma Merrill camera, which has a 30mm f2.8 dedicated lens, that I would like to use some of these lenses on.

Also, does this look like a reasonable focusing lense? Seems to be advertised on eBay as such. Can't post link because of less than 10 posts.


Any information you could provide would be much appreciated.


Hi Don,

Message me on Flickr as well? Same response as on there if you haven't seen it;

Sorry for the delay - been a busy one!

The earlier version have no benefits over the current version - it was simply as I replaced the ground glass used to make the screen with different types, and the Diopters used to allow the L1020 to focus with the screen close enough that I end up with a full frame photo as opposed to having to zoom in by 50% for the photo to fill the frame.

You will need to look at the FFD (Flange Focul Distance) of the camera you wish to fit your M42 lenses to. This will need to be greater than the FFD of the cameras normal fit lenses. You will then need a spacer that moves the M42 lens to the correct distance to ensure it can focus (a little further means you lose infinite focus).

If you have more info on what you are looking to achieve I may be able to offer some more advice.

Am I right in thinking that the DP2 Lens is not removable?

If so you will need a DOF adapter, with the screen (a focusing screen from an SLR works best) the correct distance from the M42 lens (the FFD I mentioned earlier). You will then simply have your DP2 focus on that screen, and if it is too small or far away to fill your frame on the DP2 you use Diopters to make it bigger and get it closer in focus.

Hope the above helps,

Also re: Condensor lens;

Hi Don,

That would be used to reduce a hotspot that can be caused by M42 lenses when fully opened. You would use that in addition to Achromats/Diopters to make your DOF adapter.

Jag35 had an adapter (now discontinued) however their website had some useful info;

Now I only have experience of my setup - I couldn't comment for others but in order to use SLR lenses you must have a DOF adapter.
could you put screw posts at four points like a lensbaby type fitting, am sure it could all be done in one go with the 3d printer, maybe you would need four small springs to keep it against the adjusting nuts or screw type, you can then get the right length from the lens for any lens attached, all sony Alpha for instance, just a thought even if a bit late
You could, and then you'd need to have something to hide the screen from other light sources - like old macro bellows.

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