I do as 1 percent per hour when in standby and in other conditions it depends on the usage.I agree with Morpheus, I would like your thoughts on battery life for the 1520, as I'm currently discharging at approx 4.7% per hour... Would this seem correct with you guys?
My Tenergy QC 2.0 charger indicates that my 1520 does not support QC 2.0 mode.I can honestly say I do not believe it is risky. The only way a Quick Charge 2.0 enabled charger will actually ramp up to higher voltage and adjust the amperage is if the device "communicates" with the charger that is it QC2.0 compatible, otherwise the charger will stay in 5V mode w/ a max of 2amps. Make sense? The nice thing about the Tenergy charger I bought is that there is a visual indication of what mode it is in so I know for sure if QC2.0 is active in the phone or not.