The Arrive not priced to compete

Do a plan comparison. You can't really do an apples-to-apples because neither AT&T nor Verizon have unlimited plans, unlike Sprint. But basically, Verizon would cost me $20 MORE per month even though I would get less (450 minutes, unlimited text, and ONLY 2GB data). I should note that I have the EPRP $10 discount, but anyone with access to Google can get it. My plan total before taxes and insurance coverage is $69.99. The Verizon plan I described above is $89.99.

I'm saving $20/month from Sprint over Verizon. That's $480 savings over 2 years. Plus I'm getting 500 minutes, unlimited text, and unlimited data. Even if I didn't have the EPRP discount (although I'm not sure why you would not get it because anyone can get the EPRP discount if you know how to use Google), I would still save $240 over 2years.
The official sprint pricing barely matters, anyone stupid enough to buy directly from sprint instead of from Amazon, wirefly or even best buy should pay more as a tax on stupidity.
Went in to my local Sprint store the Arrive was in a corner covered with dust and had a dead battery. This is a corporate repair center not a franchise store. I would like to say I was suprised but I'm not.

Sent from a phone
The official sprint pricing barely matters, anyone stupid enough to buy directly from sprint instead of from Amazon, wirefly or even best buy should pay more as a tax on stupidity.
reason I bought my arrive on launch day was because I didn't want to wait for shipping as shipping is really slow and stupid where I'm at. and because I wanted to have my arrive well setup and played with over my spring break, wasn't stupid at all at least not in my case.

Went in to my local Sprint store the Arrive was in a corner covered with dust and had a dead battery. This is a corporate repair center not a franchise store. I would like to say I was suprised but I'm not.

Sent from a phone

when I went in to get my arrive on 3/20 it was properly displayed but there were no posters up. the guy I got it from was mostly positive about it and said that they were in a hurry to get the phone into stock that they weren't too concerned about the signage.

as for the pricing I do agree on that,I just saw one of their commercials and they're offering the Nexus S 4G for FREE!

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