The Comprehensive WP Feature List | Missing

Please no mud slinging or insulting each other like in a few of the above posts
Anyway I wouldn't consider most of the things in that list on that blog to be valid.
The WP music player is pretty unintuitive. For WP8, I want to change song data on my phone and an easier way to make playlists. That is all I ask.
Both new Nokias are BT 4.0 certified, all the on-device encryption has already been confirmed for WP8 for some time now, Skype integration for WP8 is old news, music scrubber is on WP7/7.5-can even be done from the lock screen by long pressing the >>| & |<< buttons, Smart dialer and number filtering are both available through 3rd party apps, same with conversion functions you requested, you can already turn off the camera shutter sound in the main sounds settings menu, WP7/7.5 already allow you to take a picture by tapping anywhere on the screen-also focuses on that area, all the browser things you want are available with a 3rd party app called UC Browser, (except text reflow) *pauses to breathe* offline downloading of maps currently available on all mango/tango Nokia devices, same with traffic data and alternate routing, don't even why you want all that in the me tile when pinnable tiles already gives you that info at a glance, current camera software already integrates all photo apps, with deeper integration already announced via WP8's "lenses" feature, additional theme colors already confirmed for WP8, BT file transfer being rendered irrelevant by NFC, *another breath* Sound Equalizer confirmed for Nokia WP8 devices.

I would also like custom alerts and vibrations, as well as separate volumes, and weekly view would be nice too. Much of your list, however, seem to be non-issues solved by simply getting accustomed to the fact that WP does some things differently from the competitors. Hope my list helped... :)
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Has anyone seen whether you can customise the refresh times for the live tiles - someone mentioned that to me as an annoyance with WP7.5??
His exact words were "You can't trust that what you see on the tiles is the very latest information, it could be an hour old" He was referring to the weather app and live travel info..
Im a WP noob, no experience until I get the 920, so thought Id ask
Has anyone seen whether you can customise the refresh times for the live tiles - someone mentioned that to me as an annoyance with WP7.5??
His exact words were "You can't trust that what you see on the tiles is the very latest information, it could be an hour old"
Majority of tiles use the periodic background agent, which basically means that apps can run some code every 30-40 minutes, in this case to refresh the tile. I believe it is possible to use a push server to instantly update the tiles, but that isn't cost-efficient for most developers.

HTC has a clock tile with hours and minutes for WP8. This would imply that HTC's tile updates every minute at minimum, so there could be a more frequent background agent.
- Software shutter button in camera app (much easier to press a big SW button on the screen when you are trying to take a bunch of quick photos rather than pressing the HW button which is not very fast or intuitive)

If you've used the phone there is yes the hardware button, but you can also tap the screen which focuses on that one point and takes the picture. So no need for a second on screen button that would take up space on the screen.:)
The weather app that I'm using has options on how often you want it to refresh. I have options for daily, twice a day, four times a day, and hourly. I'm sure they could add the option for every five minutes. But that would be a battery drain.
Has anyone seen whether you can customise the refresh times for the live tiles - someone mentioned that to me as an annoyance with WP7.5??
His exact words were "You can't trust that what you see on the tiles is the very latest information, it could be an hour old" He was referring to the weather app and live travel info..
Im a WP noob, no experience until I get the 920, so thought Id ask
Both new Nokias are BT 4.0 certified, all the on-device encryption has already been confirmed for WP8 for some time now, Skype integration for WP8 is old news, music scrubber is on WP7/7.5-can even be done from the lock screen by long pressing the >>| & |<< buttons, Smart dialer and number filtering are both available through 3rd party apps, same with conversion functions you requested, you can already turn off the camera shutter sound in the main sounds settings menu, WP7/7.5 already allow you to take a picture by tapping anywhere on the screen-also focuses on that area, all the browser things you want are available with a 3rd party app called UC Browser, (except text reflow) *pauses to breathe* offline downloading of maps currently available on all mango/tango Nokia devices, same with traffic data and alternate routing, don't even why you want all that in the me tile when pinnable tiles already gives you that info at a glance, current camera software already integrates all photo apps, with deeper integration already announced via WP8's "lenses" feature, additional theme colors already confirmed for WP8, BT file transfer being rendered irrelevant by NFC, *another breath* Sound Equalizer confirmed for Nokia WP8 devices.

I would also like custom alerts and vibrations, as well as separate volumes, and weekly view would be nice too. Much of your list, however, seem to be non-issues solved by simply getting accustomed to the fact that WP does some things differently from the competitors. Hope my list helped... :)

Whew indeed! :-)
I will update the list w/some of the issues you raised.

The features that I listed were out of box experience and thats why I focused on the OS versus the app store offerings. So of the features you listed are exclusive to an OEM and not baked into the OS for other OEM to use. So some user could have feature X but another couldn't

Also I wanted to use the 7.5 as the baseline and update when wp8 is official
Many things in that list are already in WP7.5 - Like turning off the shutter sound for the camera. Most of what is in this list seems like overkill (IMO) to be baked into the OS - especially all the calculator 'addons' you've listed.

Most of the things in that list have already been confirmed (I believe) for WP8 - Like Skype integration, the themes request, etc...
I'm picky about my phone. But please tell me others are not that anal when selecting a phone. Jeez, go for a walk.

Welp I read that Symbian blog for three post. That guy is clearly pissed about Nokia leaving Symbian in the back room while concentrating on WP. Once you see something like this:

"Well, if you think WP7.5 is bad the version of WP7 before Mango was worse. For one, it did not support a proximity sensor to turn off the screen when the phone is held to your face."

It's time to stop reading the blog.
Many things in that list are already in WP7.5 - Like turning off the shutter sound for the camera. Most of what is in this list seems like overkill (IMO) to be baked into the OS - especially all the calculator 'addons' you've listed.

Most of the things in that list have already been confirmed (I believe) for WP8 - Like Skype integration, the themes request, etc...

Overkill is probably accurate to a lot of user...myself included! :-)

Files transfers via BT, camera this or that...I don't use but there are some things I crave like 3D mapping that others find totally useless and dumb.

My goal was to create a list so that WP reaches feature parity comparisons.
Can you explain more about this feature or provide a use case scenaior? I have never heard of it.

Ok so the map thing I found useful especially with my restaurants I would do call in for. Typically on my iPhone I would search on the google maps app and then when the results would show up I would select "Add it to contacts" and it would take all the data like the address and phone number to a contact in my contact list. There is actually a great app on the marketplace that does the same thing and it works really well but it should have been in the OS to begin with.

The track package thing often I receive tracking numbers in a plain text email which means I got to copy and paste it into the site and on my phone its sort of clumsy. But on my iphone I could highlight it and press hold the highlighted number and one of the options was to track package where it would automatically go to the site and search that package number for me. it was pretty helpful.

Another feature that i thought of this morning:
-Podcasts: Add custom podcasts from the phone itself not needing the Zune software. If they could link it through IE where I can press hold a link and select add feed to Podcasts that would be great as the marketplace often doesn't have the podcast I am looking for.
Editing in replies or forwards. Right now I have to think about what I want to highlight before starting the reply. Then paste it into the body of my email in quotes and start from there. Instead of just saying, "in response to highlighted text below..." God forbid if its not consecutive data I want to highlight. Then I have to keep going back and forth between my drafts folder and my inbox.

Leads me to another. Would like to get back to the inbox easier. Right now I have to click the menu dots if I am in my sent folder and hear a email alert. I almost ALWAYS hit the back button and find myself on the start screen.


Forward button please. I dont have too much of a problem with the tabs, but if there was a way to make them come up with 1 press it would be nice. Instead of the dots, then tabs. Full screen view like the task switcher would be nice as well. Also, take the tabs idea of the "x" for closing a tab and put it in the task switcher as well. Seems so simple to not have.

Cursor back and forward button. No idea how the damn arrow keys got removed from the damn mobile keyboard. I get so frustrated trying to get the damn cursor to drop in the right spot.
Cursor back and forward button. No idea how the damn arrow keys got removed from the damn mobile keyboard. I get so frustrated trying to get the damn cursor to drop in the right spot.

press and hold on the screen. Cursor comes up and you can move it wherever you like.
press and hold on the screen. Cursor comes up and you can move it wherever you like.

i agree with power5's sentiment , it's easier sometimes to press forward or backward if ur only one or two characters off, the cursor thing i find useful, but sometimes hard to manage (then again i have fat fingers so....)
This is ok for using email and text. But when using some apps with smaller fonts, getting the cursor to drop exactly where you need it to be is a pain in the arse.
press and hold on the screen. Cursor comes up and you can move it wherever you like.
  1. screen sharing simular to what is on apple's ecosystem with airplay.
  2. better info updates. the delays in windows phone are very bad. there is about a 3-5 min lapse after my nexus 7 recieves a notification sitting on my office desk. This is not acceptibal anymore microsoft.
  3. cross ecosystem nfc compatibility. I know a lot of people with android phones that have nfc. why not make tap to share cross compatibly with android devices using android beam?
  4. A quick settings panel similar to the charms bar in windows 8.
  5. Improve the video playback ui so its actually better than just passable.
  6. more than one way to secure your device. picture password, face recognition, etc..
  7. Universal search. carbon copy of windows 8's universal search.
  8. better file management. In other words another carbon copy of windows 8's file explorer this time crafted for touch.
  9. friendlier environment for more web browsers than IE.
  10. task manager, in other words an overhauled ui for multitasking on windows phone with deeper levels of control.
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A lot of the features are already planned for WP8, but some might lack and are important :

Pin-able setting ( quick on/off toggle for wifi/bluetooth, internet sharing and etc )
Screen Orientation Lock
Forward, Back, Refresh, Tab, Bookmarks buttons.
Seriously, use Safari on iPhone it's way better (for example, in WP, you can't go to previous pages if you have used another app in the meantime, because the back button leaves IE. That's silly and counter productive.) But hey, there is WP8 and you can add a forward or tabs button instead of refresh : why didn't they add more buttons, especially for 4.5 screens?? I do not get how some people are excited about this feature.
Save Images,PDF or Download File as...

Custom SMS/MMS tones And not with zune, with the phone, using our mp3 files!

Not in your list, and less "WTF isn't it already included":
Keyboard: being able to change the language. It would be great to have an optional "language button" to toggle from
Video compatibility being able to read HD mkv, all avi, etc without conversion (or even swith conversion...) Maybe Nokia could developp an app for that if they hear my prayer?

Those are the things that have disapointed me. Sorry if my post is negative, I still like WP but if Nokia had not released the 920 and its killer features I would probably have bought android because of these lacks.
Here are my wants in paticular order:

Sound: need an eq of some sort. The sound on my Lumia 800 and HD7 are horrid. There is no bass at all.
Sound volume: the alerts and system volume need to be seperated. I don't have my volume cranked so when I use the alarm it's barely audible.

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