The Cortana Setup Guide

Hi Guys! I have a HTC 8X and I updated to 8.1 yesterday but I don't see Cortana in the apps list! Even it's not in my Settings list too!
PS: My "Phone Language" is English UK but I can't change it to US! There's not aby option to do that! Please Help Me Fix This!
Hi Guys! I have a HTC 8X and I updated to 8.1 yesterday but I don't see Cortana in the apps list! Even it's not in my Settings list too!
PS: My "Phone Language" is English UK but I can't change it to US! There's not aby option to do that! Please Help Me Fix This!

This has been an issue with 8X's. You'll have to wait. Mine is running it just fine, but it is still on an internal build. (Don't ask, can't give it out)
Not working so good?Nokia Icon

I just downloaded cortana today and she only really sends voice text messages.

I can't get her to do anything else. Any suggestions? Like I say remind me to walk dogs and she says I didn't get that.

I don't think it is the mic's as they pick up text and call.

Re: Not working so good?Nokia Icon

I just downloaded cortana today and she only really sends voice text messages.

I can't get her to do anything else. Any suggestions? Like I say remind me to walk dogs and she says I didn't get that.

I don't think it is the mic's as they pick up text and call.

Sounds exactly like TellMe on Windows Phone 8, are you sure you've properly installed 8.1 and/or have your region set correctly?
Hi Guys! I have a HTC 8X and I updated to 8.1 yesterday but I don't see Cortana in the apps list! Even it's not in my Settings list too!
PS: My "Phone Language" is English UK but I can't change it to US! There's not aby option to do that! Please Help Me Fix This!

What do you mean there's no option to change it? Screenshots please?
Many HTC 8X/S units are either carrier locked to the countries language and/or HTC did not add US English in the ROM so there is no way to set US English as the phone language. My phone is unlocked from Rogers Canada and it is set in the ROM to Canadian English and it cannot be changed.
Hello guys,

If you could perhaps help me with this issue. I cannot enable Cortana on my device, since i can't select English (US) as phone language.
Any tips? I am running Windows 8.1 developer edition on HTC 8X. Even after i change region and everything else, i still can't select phone language as US.

Hello guys,

If you could perhaps help me with this issue. I cannot enable Cortana on my device, since i can't select English (US) as phone language.
Any tips? I am running Windows 8.1 developer edition on HTC 8X. Even after i change region and everything else, i still can't select phone language as US.

Seriously? Read the post above yours...
can Cortana record voice mail in the device during quite hours instead of sending busy tone to the caller?
Cortana not working on either US or UK settings (Region, Region format, Language, Keyboard and Speech). Tried removing all but US, still no Cortana anywhere (Settings, applist or when pressing search button). Tried EVERYTHING (even setting the time to US settings), and double checked that everything is set correctly (including Location). Also applied settings via the restart button that pops up after setting region to make sure that it's applied.

I am using L1020 in Belgium. I installed Dev Preview for windows phone 8.1 update 1. Trying to setup cortana, it just ddoes not show up. Can someone please guide me what am i doing wrong? Please see the screen shots below for my settings. I also tried soft reset without any luck.

Awaiting your help


can Cortana record voice mail in the device during quite hours instead of sending busy tone to the caller?

What do you mean? Having Quite Hours on still treats all notifications the same, your phone simply doesn't buzz, beep, light up or anything, so you aren't bothered.

You can set up Cortana to let people know you're busy, but unless you set that up: Everything is treated normally, you just don't notice anything.
Thought I'd ask here rather than start a new thread. Is there a way to set Cortana to NOT censor texts when dictating the message? When I'm driving I can read and send texts using Cortana through my cars entertainment system. If I get a text and it has swearing in it, Cortana will happily read the words, but when I send a text, any swearing is censored and the text is hidden with *'s. I've seen others have come across this when doing a google search, but I haven't seen anything about a setting to sort this. Is there one, or do we just have to put up with the silly one sided censorship?
Thought I'd ask here rather than start a new thread. Is there a way to set Cortana to NOT censor texts when dictating the message? When I'm driving I can read and send texts using Cortana through my cars entertainment system. If I get a text and it has swearing in it, Cortana will happily read the words, but when I send a text, any swearing is censored and the text is hidden with *'s. I've seen others have come across this when doing a google search, but I haven't seen anything about a setting to sort this. Is there one, or do we just have to put up with the silly one sided censorship?

I think the problem is that Microsoft doesn't want its digital assistant to be speaking naughty words, due to public image.
I think the problem is that Microsoft doesn't want its digital assistant to be speaking naughty words, due to public image.

But when I receive a text message it will read it out including the obscene words. It's only censoring when I'm sending a text, so a bit pointless when it's only doing it one way.
When I open Cortana in my Lumia 620, its prompting "I'm afraid I'm not available to help in your region with the language you've chosen" with a close button. I'm from India. I have set my Region to India and Regional format to English (India). Pls help me to make use of cortana.
go to settings and select language as English (united kingdom).

Reboot would be required and your cortana will be ready to hellp you. :)
I just received the Lumia Denim update last night, Cortana being the main feature.
the problem is; whenever I open the Cortana bar, i get the following error message(I've taken the screenshot of it).
to enable cortana, I even changed the language settings from *English(India)* to *English(United States)*, but in vain.
will you please suggest me what to do next?
a Lumia 525 user in India. :)

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