The developer wants to answer your questions

Why isn't this app available in another region? Wanted to buy and see how it works.
New Instagraph update with cap raise + weekly bonus is close to be sent for certification, more info in next days :)
Today I reached the "3 photos per day" for the first time. I purchased the app on the very first day, I thought we got 5 instead of 3? Or it will be increase in the next update? I'm a bit confused. What extra bonus will the "first day buyers" get? Hope can see the update with Metrogram ASAP. Thanks.
Today I reached the "3 photos per day" for the first time. I purchased the app on the very first day, I thought we got 5 instead of 3? Or it will be increase in the next update? I'm a bit confused. What extra bonus will the "first day buyers" get? Hope can see the update with Metrogram ASAP. Thanks.
I can post 5 a day without hassles
Just purchased and downloaded the app this morning, unable to log in.

I have already done the following--
-Double and triple checked my Instagram login information to make sure it is correct
-Turned the phone off and back on again (Nokia Lumina 920)
-Unistalled and reinstalled the app.

I consistently get the message that "Instagram logon service temporarily not available, please retry later." I've been trying off and on all day, to no avail.
Is there an app or Instagram error, or is this user error?

Thank you!
This week Instagram (logon service) was down for some minutes different times...
When this happens, our servers try to post a picture 5 times, then abort with "timeout" errors.
After some hours our system tries to re-schedule all timedout uploads one time again.
The "Instagram logon service temporarily not available" error occurs when Instagraph client cannot contact Instagram server to verify the account.
This could happen in case of connectivity problems too.
We increased the daily uploads from 3 to 5 last week (now it is 50 for some days, but only to stress test our new servers ;)
Average daily uploads per user is less than one post, wp Instagram users care about quality ;)
Less than 1% or Instagrpah users post more than 3 pictures a day.
99,82% of uploads are delivered to Instagram in less than 2 minutes.
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Upload policy will be changed with next coming update, we confirm first day users will get double uploads, lifetime ;)
how will first day users get notified. I bought the app on the first day but couldn't upload a pic because of the server issues.
Good job on wp7 version!
Everything works just fine.
But will there be support for other posting languages in future?

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