Identity is "extremely trivial?"
I was hatched in the late fifties (whew!), so I've overcome most of the conditioning I soaked up as a young couch potato, and I've learned to consciously avoid as much as I can the "tractor beam" that is modern advertising. Why? Because a fair chunk of their budgets are spent on psychology professionals whose goal in life is to help sucker us into thinking identity can be purchased instead of developed over time. They know how to hit us deep and hard. So now it's the differing utility and functions offered by competing OSs and "devices" that draw me, not the appearance, popularity or lack thereof. There used to be a comic strip called "Calvin & Hobbes," probably before your time Mr. smoheath, that had a hilarious take on this once.
Six year old Calvin was very impressed by an ad on TV, proclaiming that like the "manly man" on the screen, he would someday buy the same product and be the same way: tough and self-reliant! Hobbes, his stuffed tiger come to life, said something like, "Interesting. So you plan to express individuality by brand conformity." It's easy for us to say "they" are doing it, but harder to see in ourselves, ain't it.
And now I'll poke fun at you:
Hipster? You say hipster? Maybe slacker is more like it. No self-respecting hipster of my day would consider a market share around 3% something unique. No way! Why, we'd only settle for less than 1%, and that's why I still drive a Blackberry, by gum!
If you like having a research project for a phone, come join us if you dare. ;-)