I couldn't think of a better title, but after thinking about what I am about to post and ask, it will no doubt lead to the title fitting the topic.
I have been reading and following and scouring all sorts of information & comments in all sorts of places:
? These Forums
? Windows Central's News Feed
? Internet Searches
? Cortana News Feeds Relating to "Windows."
And many others.
The topic of interest is the topic that interests many in here today.... High End Windows Phones, Specifically New High End Phones to come which will run Windows 10.
I am not focusing on Microsoft's Flagship or lack thereof, but the grand scheme of all High End Windows Phones of late.
.... Which there really isn't any to be had.
The most recent high ends would be the 1520 & the 930/Icon.
Now we all know that Microsoft has said that while they are working on a flagship, that flagship won't be brought forward until Windows 10 is finalized.
Ok... That's that.
But with all of the reported new OEM's to jump on board the Windows Banana Boat, why oh why hasn't a single one of these decided to tap into this wide open market of the high end Windows Phones?
In the past year, MS has helped 25 Hardware Partners release 31 Windows Phone Devices.
Microsoft Gathers Windows Phone Support
Out of those 31 devices, not a single one would be considered high end by any stretch of the term.
Being well aware that MS wants to flood the market and increase market share by unloading oodles and poodles of cheap phones.... And also being aware that logically many OEM's would want to play it safe by pumping out cheap low end phones... Wouldn't it also be logical that at least 1-2 of these 25 developers would attempt to launch just one high end phone into a completely vacant market where there is pretty much little to no competition?
Even if their one model was produced in low production numbers to test the waters, you would think there would be something by now.
Well are they waiting for Windows 10?
They're not waiting for Windows 10 with their low enders, so I can't see that being a big factor.
Now here's where we get to the conspiracy:
Is it at all possible that Microsoft has made direct deals with many of these OEM's to not release any high ends at all until they release their own Lumia Flagship?
Why would they do that you might ask.
Well I don't know, but there is a bit of logic where MS may not want to undermine the hype and excitement of this flagship they are working on.
I speculate that whatever this flagship is that they are working on, they are no doubt going to shove every single thing they can think of into it to the point of being ridiculously over the top and they don't want any other high ends to come out beforehand to possibly steal any of its thunder.
Also, by preventing other high ends from coming out and having over exposure of low/mid range phones for some time, when this flagship does come out, the public won't have anything recent to compare it to. Anything released by that stage will appear spectacular.
I also speculate that a few of these OEM's actually DO have some High Ends in development and being put together. My guess is that within a couple of weeks after the Flagship is launched, we will see a number of alternative high ends come from the likes of HTC, Acer, and maybe even Samsung.
It would be more than a blind sided punch to the back of the head to Android, iPhone and all the opinionated internet bloggers dead set in their fan boy iPhone/Android ways.... It would be a drop kick from the top turn buckle.
I wouldn't even guess or suggest that doing the above would make Windows Phone grab a gigantic chunk of the pie chart right away, but it would produce a continual flow of publicity, hype and buzz... Getting people to talk and take more interest and further continue the momentum.
Then again, it could all flop, become a huge failure and the sun will implode into a microscopic galactic belly button.
But by all of the actions, wording and such I have been seeing over the last few months, I would say Microsoft is going to put all their chips in (Windows 10), put on their best poker face, throw down their joker wild card (Flagship) and show their 2 Aces and 2 Kings (OEM High Ends... around four to choose from)
This will also allow the OEM's to ride along on that hype and help sell those high ends of theirs, using the W10 launch hype/buzz and the flagship buzz/hype. This would collectively benefit all of them at once, as well as MS's Flagship.
If I was a business kind of guy, this would be what I would have done.
What are your thoughts?
Do you think MS has a backroom deal going on with OEM's holding off on any High Ends?
Do you think OEM's just don't want to bother with high ends?
Or do you think there is something else going on?
Granted, all of this is speculation and assumptions based on educational guesses, but as a 930 owner waiting for W10 preview for my phone, I have the time to kill on speculations and theories.