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Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..Yeah, it also has nothing to do with carriers pushing this device like there is no tomorrow. I have friends who have received text messages from their carrier informing them that they can pre-order (reserve) their iPhone 5 before their contract expires. . .
Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..
I don't know whether the iphone is cool or not, but I know a lot of people just preordered the iphone 5.
What are you talking about... bell don't have any windows phone, but other carriers had the lumias and titan III've seen exactly one Windows Phone here, and it was a Windows Mobile device. We just don't have the variety of devices available to us up here. Galaxy/iPhone and a smattering of BlackBerry is all I see.
Well, I'm glad she's a client and not your professor. I would drop that class after such foolery.One of my clients is a marketing professor, and we were talking the latest iPhone buzz. She said Apple is in danger of becoming uncool because it is so mainstream.
"it is the safe device that even a 52-year-old can easily use. My generation has gravitated to it because it's easy to use. So if 50 year olds use it, how can it still be cool/hip?"
She also said Nokia may have a shot in spite of the "release" a couple weeks back. Primarily because now there's a cool alternative to having the same phone as your parents, aunts/uncles and grandparents.
I guess it's pretty hip to be part of the uncool crowd eh?
Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..
What are you talking about... bell don't have any windows phone, but other carriers had the lumias and titan II
It's a societal thing. If you look around and see nothing but the same phone, it starts to lose its cache - why do you think folks are so hot to upgrade to an iPhone 5 in many cases? Do you really think that a 4S user is in need of that extra half inch of screen size? Is his experience so flawed he needs the upgrade?
No. He sees everyone has the same phone as him and he wants to be elevated above them. And when iPhone 6 comes out - rinse and repeat.
Don't tell me that the 5 is lightyears ahead of the 4S because it's not.
Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..
Jitterbug for you old man! Don't feel too bad, I'm 47 and I don't feel over the hill. If MS can make an OS for an elegant phone like the DVP for the enterprise crowd and the Cyan 900 for the hipsters, there's no need to worry about the "cool" factor. iPhone is a one size fits all phone/OS, no way to differentiate. I'd call that putting all your eggs in one basket.Damn, at 56 am I going to be delegated to only being able to buy a Cricket, so I can press the single button and say, "I've fallen and I can't get up". Really now.
I will admit that I know quite a few 50 something's that are total technology noobs, and yes, they do own iPhones (and don't know how to use them aside from making/receiving calls). "It just works" is more important than you may think.
Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
What are you talking about... bell don't have any windows phone, but other carriers had the lumias and titan II
I had the HD7... overall it was not so great... I understand why people didn't rush to get one hahahabell had the HTC HD7 and LG optimums quantum.
they BARELY sold any and then the phone was removed from the Order site 6-8 months after release. ( not befor they where FREE on 1 year terms with NO data plan... and still dint sale)
and ive seen allot of people in Montreal with WP.
Did anyone expect Apple to not sell over 10 million iPhone 5s?
The people who point out this fact forget to realize that there are already 10 million plus iSheep that are loyal to their products or are too scared to leave all the $ they invested on apps/music/etc on their iPhones and just ditch it all for a new platform.
If the iPhone 5 starts to take over more actual marketshare than they currently own by obtaining "new" users then that's a more relevant topic of discussion. I don't hear a lot of Android and WP users switching to Apple after the launch, what I DO hear is more iPhone users switching to Android and WP after the disappointing launch.
Now to me this is a WAY more important bit of information than 2 million pre-orders sold.
Did anyone expect Apple to not sell over 10 million iPhone 5s? ....
They sold 40+ million of the last iPhone and are expecting to sell 50+ million of the iPhone 5. Time will tell.
That's such a ton of crap that I'm surprised that your keyboard doesn't ... whatever.
If you think that many people are worried over such social status that a phone can bring them, I think you're wrong.
Many people upgraded from the 800 to the 900 for the extra screen real estate and didn't gain nothing "light years" ahead.
Please show me a phone that is "light years" ahead of the last. And if you say the 920 is light years ahead of the 900 or the 800, then you need to grab a thesaurus.