The iPhone is no longer cool

Sorry, I meant as in 10 million plus for the first month or whatever the "anal-ysts" are predicting. I am sure they will sell more than the previous generation as Apple is still trying to enter into new markets around the world and a lot of the 2-3 yr contract ppl who are Apple owners are due for an upgrade.

I would expect more iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 owners who are loyal to Apple to upgrade to the iPhone 5 which would show a boosted increase in sales.

What I would like to see is how many new users are actually going to an iPhone over their currently phone or for their first phone.

I think iPhone is no longer the "cool" device as it once was. Android shows more innovation and advancement in the industry and Nokia has also impressed a lot of the younger generation of ppl and is also taking a run a the corporate enterprise end.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

I am wondering if they will sell 50+ million, since there are so many alternatives out there. Like you said, it will be interesting to see what happens.
I went from a focus to a 900 strickly for the larger screen. They both do the exact same thing.

I don't think ANYONE is upgrading out of necessity. Not on Android, WP, or iOS. A smartphone isn't a necessity PERIOD.

I don't know, I only had a iP4, I can't say what it will be like going from a 4S to a 5.

First how many people went from an 800 to a 900 for the extra .5 of an inch for extra real estate? How many went from an 800 to a 900, period?

Second if you think people upgrade their phones before they need to out of necessity, you're deluding yourself.

Do you actually think the move from a 4S to a 5 will be that rewarding? Really?

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I went from a focus to a 900 strickly for the larger screen. They both do the exact same thing.

I don't think ANYONE is upgrading out of necessity. Not on Android, WP, or iOS. A smartphone isn't a necessity PERIOD.

I don't know, I only had a iP4, I can't say what it will be like going from a 4S to a 5.
I too went from a Focus to an L900. I did it more for the larger screen, faster processor and the most obvious reason was for the LTE since I have it in my area. I actually did a side by side comparison of loading PvZ and my L900 actually loaded it up 9 seconds faster.. that's pretty good and has saved me a ton of time over the past 6 months :D

I would say 50% of ppl who upgrade do it out of want, the ppl who have to have the next new thing even if that means paying a premium.

30% upgrade cause they have the ability to and have the upgrade credit or their contract is due for renewal.

The other 20% fell out of my thoughts and I couldn't care less to think about it at the moment lol..
I am wondering if they will sell 50+ million, since there are so many alternatives out there. Like you said, it will be interesting to see what happens.

I am sure they will sell +50 million of them. They are entering new markets which will it will sell in. Have to consider the 17% market share that iPhone has must equal in the 100s of millions and they only launch 1 device a year.

If you polled all the WP users, I bet over 50% of them will be going with a new WP device in the next year and if there were 400 million WP users, that equates to 200 million units sold.

Unfortunately, those #s are a dream for us and we are still a flea on the map... but a flea who's bite draws blood! :ninja:
Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..

I like the 920!! :P

Canadians are unfortunately all about "Apple" as tho its the next big thing, I have too many friends with Apple devices who have given me a hard time the past couple of years about my WP. Yet, they really haven't had an argument as to why their phone is so much better.

Much to do with this is due to the carriers and marketing support for the iPhone. I've always been driven to be different and think outside the box. Which is why I never drank the juice.

But over the past year, I have noticed a lot of my friends have switched to Android, and its about 50/50. I don't really have any friends that own a WP, just my family that own WPhones.

But I love my WP, and I see a trend starting. If the US and the rest of the world accept the new Lumia 920 and sales start to increase and WP enters the corporate areas we might actually see some change. Some much needed change. I'm tired of seeing Crapple and so many ppl here following the followers.. its so boring.

But it almost makes me not want them to change cause its my beautiful little gem that is all mine... that I can keep to myself... its.. its.. my PRECIOUS... mmmmm... hahaha
Do the same thing with the Lumia 920 and it's not going to get 2 million pre-orders... It fun saying that we like WP8, but saying that the iPhone is not cool anymore, when I hear people talking about it everyday and people are anxious to get one... Here in Canada, nobody is talking about the Lumia 920... except me..

You must not be reading cuz every article about the iPhone 5 has commenters referring to their plans to buy a 920 instead, and they're getting UPVOTED.
What is so great about it. There are phones with better specs out there. The majority of the people around home prefer a larger screen and 4 inches doesn't safice. Those 2 million pre orders are from those die hard apple fans. There is nothing ground breaking about the device. Apple is not pushing any innovations.

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I just read their review roundup. I haven't seen one that says not to get this phone.
You must not be reading cuz every article about the iPhone 5 has commenters referring to their plans to buy a 920 instead, and they're getting UPVOTED.
"Cool" but Simple?

One of my clients is a marketing professor, and we were talking the latest iPhone buzz. She said Apple is in danger of becoming uncool because it is so mainstream.

"it is the safe device that even a 52-year-old can easily use. My generation has gravitated to it because it's easy to use. So if 50 year olds use it, how can it still be cool/hip?"

She also said Nokia may have a shot in spite of the "release" a couple weeks back. Primarily because now there's a cool alternative to having the same phone as your parents, aunts/uncles and grandparents.

I disagree that the iPhone is easy to use. My first smartphone was a Windows Phone 7. However I have fiddled around with various iPhones and Androids and I never found them straightforward.

I work as an IT Tech assistant and the fact that I find the Iphone system navigation overly complicated is a sad testament to why so many people would force themselves to learn a device simply because it is "cool" even though it is difficult to use. (I mean comparatively). My roommate was having some issues connecting to wireless networks with his iPhone 4 and so I examined his settings, and made connections to get it to work for him. What takes 3 clicks on my Windows Phone, took about 6 clicks and setting changes to make the network work on his iPhone 4. (That's not even including the monotonous navigation time.) I then even had to verify that it properly connected to the network because his gmail couldn't properly connect. That resulted in additional setting changes.

Later I was showing him how I did some things on my Windows Phone and he was extremely impressed and a few days after said he couldn't wait to get the iPhone 5 because it was a "major" improvement. I then proceeded to explain that in reality the iPhone is almost the worst competitor (in terms of specs) on almost every account when compared to its competitors. He thought I was joking...
My personal bias aside, Apple will be a shell of what it is right now in 3-5 years. Guranteed.

Apple is Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, iPod. Steve Jobs, iTunes. Steve Jobs, iPhone. Steve Jobs, iPad. Steve Jobs, Pixar studios. Steve Jobs, NeXT. Etc, etc, etc.

Who the **** is Tim Cook? He's no Jobs, and that's for damn sure. What has he done as CEO so far? Taken what Jobs has created and added a few features. What's Cook going to do long term for the growth of Apple? Technology is a tough, tough sector, in fact one of the most unforgiving. Especially phones. 2 years (at most) per phone, then you move on to the next best thing. I don't picture Cook coming up with any iPhone or iPad-like revolutionary ideas that will change squat.

Jobs was so involved with what Apple was doing, he would criticize certain colors on icons because they weren't perfect. He was a master marketer, a master business man, a master desginer, and he had a chokehold on literally everything. Look at the iPhone5. It leaked out several months in advance, from several sources. Think that would happen with Jobs at the helm?

Aside from all that hyperbole, you don't need to look farther than history to figure out what's going to happen to Apple.

I highly reccomend the read "From Good to Great", a business book, which chronicles companies that had extended periods of mediocricy, followed by a period of >10 years of unbelievable success (a bubble), followed by more mediocricy or bankruptcy.

What did all these companies have in common when they went through their periods of success? The CEOs. Each and every CEO shared the same qualities, the exact qualities Jobs exhibited while he was alive.

And in every, single, case: Within 5 years of the "star" CEO stepping down (or dying in this case), every, single, one of those companies fizzled into nothingness.

Cook can only ride the current crop of devices so long. Yeah, the iPhone5 is selling like crazy right now. But we all know the iPhone and iOS are getting played out. Even iPhone users admit it. Sooner or later the iPhone and iOS are going to need a major redesign, and when it sucks, forget about Apple, they're done.

Just remember how much Apple sucked when Jobs wasn't there.

I can't stand Ballmer as a person, but give him credit. He knows the PC and the Windows model is stale and took a HUGE risk on Windows 8. Guy has definetely got balls. There's no growth in the current Windows model, and no matter how many people tear Windows 8 apart because of the "Metro" interface, Ballmer made the right decision. It was either take a risk and make a radical change, or watch Windows die a slow, ridiculous, painful death.

If Windows 8, fails MS is effectively done in the long term. They need to succeed in the consumer market and they are going all in with this. A failure would be catastrophic. If they do, they might as well just concentrate on the enterprise and the Xbox.
MS are a long-term strategical thinking entity. Just look at the Xbox, they just showed money down that hole until it became profitable a few years ago and now they're even expanding that "old" platform to home entertainment so they can squeeze some more out of it in preparation for the next Xbox which will benefit from those gains. Also, they can afford gambling on the consumer market because they own the business side. Apple though seem to be the "next big thing" type of company. They have put themselves in a position where they have to innovate, I don't think they'll get away with many more incremental iPhone updates. Of course the core followers will buy anything they'll release but not the larger not so fanatical share of users. I'd go as far to say that the iPhone 5 might be a turning point in how people perceive Apple as a company and a phenomenon. Sure, the iPhone 5 will fly off the shelves and so will the iPhone 5s/6 but in the long term -and that's what a business always need to strive for- they are hurting themselves. They need to throw some serious dough down to R&D and come up with something that wasn't new 5 years ago. Their arrogance may be their fall?
I like the 920!! :P

Canadians are unfortunately all about "Apple" as tho its the next big thing, I have too many friends with Apple devices who have given me a hard time the past couple of years about my WP. Yet, they really haven't had an argument as to why their phone is so much better.

Much to do with this is due to the carriers and marketing support for the iPhone. I've always been driven to be different and think outside the box. Which is why I never drank the juice.

But over the past year, I have noticed a lot of my friends have switched to Android, and its about 50/50. I don't really have any friends that own a WP, just my family that own WPhones.

But I love my WP, and I see a trend starting. If the US and the rest of the world accept the new Lumia 920 and sales start to increase and WP enters the corporate areas we might actually see some change. Some much needed change. I'm tired of seeing Crapple and so many ppl here following the followers.. its so boring.

But it almost makes me not want them to change cause its my beautiful little gem that is all mine... that I can keep to myself... its.. its.. my PRECIOUS... mmmmm... hahaha
I like the iPhone 5, it looks like a solid device, but I prefer windows phone simply because it fits me. I have a lot of good to say about Apple's products, when you have the money to pay of course. I have a PC W7 and a Macbook Pro, they both are good, but I tend to use the MacBook more, since it is faster, my pc is more for gaming an anything that needs higher performances.

I think that people like the iPhone because it's just what you need... it is not too complicated like Android(elders and some girls know what I am talking about) and it does more than WP7. So I see why the iPhone is still popular, but if WP8 delivers, then some android and iPhone users may switch to WP and I really hope so.

I still don't know which WP8 phone will be my next one, it might be the Lumia sice it will be out sooner, we'll see!
This thread has a lot of fail in it. There is a reason people gobble up iPhone, it's a very simple and smooth os that can do pretty much whatever one wants. It's sad how this community is getting. I just hope wp8 isn't a flop like 7 was. I literally know 3 People, including myself, with a windows phone. Everyone has an Android or iPhone.
This thread has a lot of fail in it. There is a reason people gobble up iPhone, it's a very simple and smooth os that can do pretty much whatever one wants. It's sad how this community is getting. I just hope wp8 isn't a flop like 7 was. I literally know 3 People, including myself, with a windows phone. Everyone has an Android or iPhone.
You need to get out more.
I am ignoring what everyone has just said in this thread and saying:

Yes, iPhone is no longer cool. Have you seen the HTC phones? Those designs! Coupled with the Lumia range, I think WP8 has the BEST looking phones out there!

I really want to buy both and go around to iPhone owners saying, "You bought the wrong phone!" and show off my 8X and Lumia 920.
I am ignoring what everyone has just said in this thread and saying:

Yes, iPhone is no longer cool. Have you seen the HTC phones? Those designs! Coupled with the Lumia range, I think WP8 has the BEST looking phones out there!

I really want to buy both and go around to iPhone owners saying, "You bought the wrong phone!" and show off my 8X and Lumia 920.

Us WP peeps have a bright future on the horizon.

This thread has a lot of fail in it. There is a reason people gobble up iPhone, it's a very simple and smooth os that can do pretty much whatever one wants. It's sad how this community is getting. I just hope wp8 isn't a flop like 7 was. I literally know 3 People, including myself, with a windows phone. Everyone has an Android or iPhone.

Odd. Windows Phone is arguably the more "smooth" OS. Everything is 'added on' in iOS and especially OS X. I'm no Apple hater, I put my iPad 2, MacBook, Airport Extreme and Apple TV to good use in the house.

I have a mixed eco-system - Linux & Windows workstations, Windows Phones and Mac products. I have good and bad comments about each - nothing's perfect in my book. Apart from the Airport Extreme anyway, which is hands down the best router I've used.

Not sure why you commented on our community's progression? It seems to be growing just fine without an incredible amount of ******'ism. Sure, we can all get worked up about our favoured platform, but that's expected on each and every Mobile Nations community.

We're only human. If you have any concerns with the community itself, you can always get in touch with us.
I disagree that the iPhone is easy to use. My first smartphone was a Windows Phone 7. However I have fiddled around with various iPhones and Androids and I never found them straightforward.

I work as an IT Tech assistant and the fact that I find the Iphone system navigation overly complicated is a sad testament to why so many people would force themselves to learn a device simply because it is "cool" even though it is difficult to use. (I mean comparatively). My roommate was having some issues connecting to wireless networks with his iPhone 4 and so I examined his settings, and made connections to get it to work for him. What takes 3 clicks on my Windows Phone, took about 6 clicks and setting changes to make the network work on his iPhone 4. (That's not even including the monotonous navigation time.) I then even had to verify that it properly connected to the network because his gmail couldn't properly connect. That resulted in additional setting changes.

Later I was showing him how I did some things on my Windows Phone and he was extremely impressed and a few days after said he couldn't wait to get the iPhone 5 because it was a "major" improvement. I then proceeded to explain that in reality the iPhone is almost the worst competitor (in terms of specs) on almost every account when compared to its competitors. He thought I was joking...

This is funny and that is exactly what most IPhone users tell me. I left apple and android because I found the operating systems to be cluttered and disorganized. One has a pain in the *** navigation issue and the other can't manage ram. Whenever I hold the iPhone I'm always looking for a back button or something. Apple users always tell me the same thing " the iPhone is too good it doesn't need that stuff ". Oh yeah and once in a while they will tell me that you can't get custom keyboards on the windows phone. Not that it's needed.

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