The Official "ADD FOR DESTINY" thread


New member
Sep 30, 2013
I completed this week's Nightfall mission playing solo. It's difficult to survive when you're the only one that all the enemies are trying to kill. Even more difficult is that the enemies' level (28) is higher than yours, and they could kill you in 1 or 2 hits. Upon completion, I received only a Legendary hand cannon (Red Hand IX) for all that trouble.

Vault of Glass is the only mission I haven't played yet. I hope I can play it someday.


New member
Oct 2, 2012
My raid group tried hard mode VoG for the first time yesterday and we were all kinda surprised how hard it was for us, but we did only have one lvl 30 and the rest were 29. It's kinda easy to put the blame on the bad RNG and not having enough level 30s (despite clearing the raid with same group every week for over a month now), but it was also easy to see support for this argument on the scoreboard. The only level 30 we had typically had 20-30 kills more by the time we wiped on Templar's first phase than others and in the level 26 version he was rarely topping the charts in kills. I don't really like how the difficulty in this game is often so much about statistics. Being level 29 means I take more damage from the mobs and deal less damage to them, rather than the raid being hard through mechanics and tactics. We got some pretty solid progress all the time, but the terrible oversight from Bungie to not allow any combat ressing (even if limited, such as in WoW raiding) on hard is just stupid. Half of the time someone died to a thing that we had no control over, some of them were just bugs or unexplainable things, many obviously also just "our fault", but in a group like ours losing one to whatever thing pretty much meant it was a wipe, cos we barely had the DPS when all of us were alive, certainly not if one was dead. Most of the time we just had to call it a wipe cos someone died to something silly and there just was no way for us to manage without the 6th. They should allow one revive due to things like this, cos it's not nearly always about skill or lack of thereof and it's awfully punishing combined with the difficulty just being the damn statistics.

At the same time I can't really do a damn thing about it, cos the game refuses to drop anything but ascendant materials every week in the raid. Not to mention I'd need three pieces of raid armor before I can reach 30 and I've yet to see a single one. I currently have very little motivation to even keep trying anymore in the current content. It's a shame, cos while I've already got my money's worth from this game in terms of hours played/money spent, I would still like to play this game, but the stupid RNG at this end game content gives me no reason to keep trying anymore. Our team in general has had pretty bad RNG with loot drops (thus only one lvl 30), but currently I'm the only one who hasnt got even one piece of raid armor so far (except the hunter cloak twice, but that hardly helps me :p)


New member
Jan 8, 2013
I have a hard save on VoG so if anyone wants to join add IzaacJ on Xbox One. Will get on around 8-9pm GMT+1. Seems like most of the peeps I play with wont be able to get in so there's like 4 spots open I think.


New member
Sep 30, 2013
Since WP Central has been renamed Windows Central, should our Xbox clan name also change accordingly?

By the way, I finally reached Warlock level 28. That should hopefully make my solo playing of the weekly Nightfall strikes easier since my level would no longer be less than that of the enemies. The same goes for solo playing the daily and weekly Heroic missions at level 28.


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Need help right now I need to do a weekly on the moon on hard I'm lvl 26. Add me Jamel411 right now to help me I'm running solo now.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
- Sucks that you're that discouraged. I personally am a HUGE fan of the Hard Mode. You really have to make sure your teams stays alive. Its takes a tremendous amount of dedication and coordination. I admit once in a blue we die to a bug, but other than that its almost flawless. I only come from playing RuneScape as my MMO and the loot table in here has been more forgiving then in RS. I sometime did 15-20 god dungeons a day to receive nothing in a whole month. It's all a grind. I have 3 separate characters and my other two alternates are about to reach level 30 once they get one more piece of raid gear. I made sure I play the raid on hard every week on each character. That's a guaranteed 8 drops per character counting the chatterwhite and vehicles/ships. This week I got nothing on either character. Tuesday will hopefully be it! :) I'm also doing some item collection as that seems to be the end game. Each character has an unmaxed Mythoclast, Vision of Confluence, Fatebringer, and Found Verdict. I also have two Pradeyths Revenge, and Atheons Epilogue and one Raid Rocket. Trying to get a full Raid Weapon Set per character for the next raid on the moon. I'm still enjoying the game and I won't let that damn RNGesus discourage me like he did to the better half of a friends. They always put in half the time I did anyway. ~480 Hours in and I'm still enjoying myself.

@Jargonz changing it now.

Tech King

New member
Feb 21, 2013
GamerTag: farmacorn
Location: Barbados

Looking to have a good time in the clan
enjoying Destiny so far, waiting for the new raid as well!!! :)


New member
Sep 30, 2013
Need help right now I need to do a weekly on the moon on hard I'm lvl 26. Add me Jamel411 right now to help me I'm running solo now.
I've completed many daily story, weekly heroic strike and even weekly nightfall strike missions playing solo. I started playing the weekly heroic strike at the hardest level (28) when I learned that I could get 9 strange coins if I did that. I started doing that when my Warlock character was at level 25. Since the enemies' level was much higher than mine, and I was their only target, I had to get creative to avoid getting killed. And yes, I've completed The Summoning Pits weekly strike on the moon playing solo. Here's how I did that.

The first group of hard enemies I encountered consisted of 2 knights and a wizard. I had to kill the sword-wielding knight first because he kept charging at me and could kill me with 1 melee hit. I baited him to come to me and then met him with an arc damage fusion rifle. Whenever he took cover, I threw a grenade at him. I did that several times until he died. Then I switched to a solar damage sniper rifle to eliminate the wizard, aiming at his head. Whenever he took cover, I threw a solar grenade at him. Finally, I switched back to the arc damage fusion rifle to eliminate the hallowed knight (the one that fires a cannon). I took cover behind a rock and just kept hitting him until he died.

The next group of hard enemies consisted of 3 waves. I just deployed the ghost to open the door and then ran back to the entrance to wait for the enemies. I jumped to the ledge on top of a door where melee enemies (thralls and knights) couldn't reach me. I just kept throwing grenades at them whenever they came near. I eliminated the rest of the 1st wave using my fusion rifle and more grenades. The hard enemies of the 2nd wave were the hallowed knights. I used my arc damage rocket launcher against them. In the 3rd wave, several wizards went out of the room to the place where I was. So I retreated to the room before that, where I kept hitting them with my solar damage fusion rifle and solar grenades until they all died.

The next group of hard enemies were the 2 hallowed knights. But it wasn't as hard as I thought because I just went far from their reach and just kept hitting them with my sniper rifle.

The final hard enemy is Phogoth himself. I did not enter the room where he was. I kept shooting him with my auto rifle until he broke free from the chains. After baiting him to come to me, I retreated to the previous room to avoid the minions and the shrieker. From there, I kept throwing grenades at Phogoth. And whenever he showed his head on the small opening through 2 doors, I shot him with my sniper rifle, aiming at the spot below his head, which is his weak spot. I just kept repeating that until he died.

That's it. Mission accomplished. That's how I did it. I hope it would help you.
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New member
Oct 2, 2012
- Sucks that you're that discouraged. I personally am a HUGE fan of the Hard Mode. You really have to make sure your teams stays alive. Its takes a tremendous amount of dedication and coordination. I admit once in a blue we die to a bug, but other than that its almost flawless. I only come from playing RuneScape as my MMO and the loot table in here has been more forgiving then in RS. I sometime did 15-20 god dungeons a day to receive nothing in a whole month. It's all a grind. I have 3 separate characters and my other two alternates are about to reach level 30 once they get one more piece of raid gear. I made sure I play the raid on hard every week on each character. That's a guaranteed 8 drops per character counting the chatterwhite and vehicles/ships. This week I got nothing on either character. Tuesday will hopefully be it! :) I'm also doing some item collection as that seems to be the end game. Each character has an unmaxed Mythoclast, Vision of Confluence, Fatebringer, and Found Verdict. I also have two Pradeyths Revenge, and Atheons Epilogue and one Raid Rocket. Trying to get a full Raid Weapon Set per character for the next raid on the moon. I'm still enjoying the game and I won't let that damn RNGesus discourage me like he did to the better half of a friends. They always put in half the time I did anyway. ~480 Hours in and I'm still enjoying myself.

@Jargonz changing it now.

Yeah well with studies and family I wouldn't even have the chance on raiding with 2-3 characters. And it's totally ridicilous that one pretty much has to do that to have even decent odds of gearing up :p That said, I woudnt do it even if I had the time, Destiny is a good game, but I wouldnt even remotely consider playing it that much.

The "staying alive" part is the annoying part when 5 out of 6 are level 29. It's so unforgiving and if one dies, theres nothing you can do anymore. At leat WoW gives you that combat revive (1 in the size I raid) that helps a crapton with those "woopsies" and bugs. Also when basically everyone is just DPS, there is very little synergy in keeping each other alive compared to WoW, where I typically play a healer and can actively keep people alive, I suppose our Destiny group doesn't have equal skill levels and if someone else fails, I cant help that. Then again similarly in WoW though "I can't heal stupid" and failing in mechanics, but RNG deaths in Destiny are kinda more common. Minotaur teleported to you while a hobgoblin shot you in the back? Bye bye!

We're looking at 1? months of raiding normal with pretty much all of us doing hard mode at least once partially. Some of us raiding on multiple characters, but still only one level 30. Having some more 30s would exponentially make doing hard regularly muc heasier


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Yeah well with studies and family I wouldn't even have the chance on raiding with 2-3 characters. And it's totally ridicilous that one pretty much has to do that to have even decent odds of gearing up :p That said, I woudnt do it even if I had the time, Destiny is a good game, but I wouldnt even remotely consider playing it that much.

The "staying alive" part is the annoying part when 5 out of 6 are level 29. It's so unforgiving and if one dies, theres nothing you can do anymore. At leat WoW gives you that combat revive (1 in the size I raid) that helps a crapton with those "woopsies" and bugs. Also when basically everyone is just DPS, there is very little synergy in keeping each other alive compared to WoW, where I typically play a healer and can actively keep people alive, I suppose our Destiny group doesn't have equal skill levels and if someone else fails, I cant help that. Then again similarly in WoW though "I can't heal stupid" and failing in mechanics, but RNG deaths in Destiny are kinda more common. Minotaur teleported to you while a hobgoblin shot you in the back? Bye bye!

We're looking at 1? months of raiding normal with pretty much all of us doing hard mode at least once partially. Some of us raiding on multiple characters, but still only one level 30. Having some more 30s would exponentially make doing hard regularly muc heasier
While I agree, I still have to disagree just be a use I'm human. I usually lead my teams I go in with and our first hard run was 100% legit and it was all 29s. First rule, don't die. Second rule, always back up. During the confluxes (hardest part of raid IMO) people usually die during the second wave. The mechanics are simple, there's tree spawn areas, right, left and middle. All middle spawn will come from staircase in center, and will turn left/right depending on which door they're from. We keep 1 person top left (L1) and two people mid left on conflux. We keep one person mid stairs calling out miniatures and back end sacrifices and then keep two on far right (R3) usually one person more behind conflux as hobgoblin like to teleport. Subscribers with fireborn and solar wind are always more aggro since they get a second chance. Make sure you keep rockets for sacrifices and you should be ok. I made it through in a 28 alt with four 29's and a 30 once. Just takes patience.


New member
Oct 2, 2012
Perhaps, coming from heroic (now mythic) raiding in WoW, it just screams bad design to me. Normal I think is fine and I think quite extraordinary cos it's probably very hard making a raid for a shooter, but they pulled it off fine, but I think they took the lazy way out making hard harder.

Obviously in WoW too gear makes a difference, but my luck with loot is very similar in both games (nonexistant), but in WoW you can still keep up cos those few items dont make a 20-30% difference in damage output and intake. What I would've done is somehow guarantee max level without RNG (see every MMORPG in universe) and then make the RNG gamble with loot something that enhances on that base ability, right now my character is just below that base ability by that 20% (further too cos of no luck with weapons like Epilogue) and there's really not a damn thing I can do to help that except get lucky. And having to run the raid on 3 characters to gear one is probably the most terrible design ever.

Then I'm also quite unhappy cos I'm a bladedancer and dislike gunslinger, but that combined with 29 means that my super is really just a vanish on demand cos anyhting else kills me :p
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New member
Jan 26, 2012
Ahh the bladedancer is nearly useless in hard mode. Sucks, but if they make another subclass it better be extremely useful for hunters.

Also EVERYONE LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL POST AND JOIN THE WINDOWS CENTRAL CLAN IF YOUR NOT IN ONE! It'll be great to start those clan achievements soon! Tons of fun if we can run weekly events in game.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Ahh the bladedancer is nearly useless in hard mode. Sucks, but if they make another subclass it better be extremely useful for hunters.

Also EVERYONE LOOK AT THE ORIGINAL POST AND JOIN THE WINDOWS CENTRAL CLAN IF YOUR NOT IN ONE! It'll be great to start those clan achievements soon! Tons of fun if we can run weekly events in game.

I submitted to join the clan. Have yet to be approved.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Good I figured you can get in. Now we all need a game date!

I wish there was better clan support in game. Having to add everyone as a friend is a task.

Well, I am available every evening after 5pm Mountain Time. Looking to do Raid and Strikes. I need ascendent shards to finish up armor and weapons.
Lvl 28 Warlock


New member
Jan 26, 2012
You can get 2 ascendant materials every day by completing the daily missions at level 28.
Also public event aha e the chance to get materials and every day you get a package with a possible ascendant material for reaching gold in a public event

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