The Samsung galaxy nexus...


Active member
Aug 1, 2011
I played with one at the Verizon store earlier and I must say I was impressed! It was fast, smooth and the display was incredible! It felt good in my hand too. Definitely the best android out there.

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Yup. Gonna give it a shot for 30 days. I can't believe that Android looks as good as it does so I gotta experience it to believe it. If Matias Duarte has accomplished what he appears to have then he should get an award for turning Android from the ugliest mobile OS into a much more elegant user friendly OS that it has never been known for.

The last time I was this shocked was when I fell for WP7.
Android might finally have its act together. I'm very impressed with ice cream sandwich. Definitely light-years ahead of my old Motorola droid.

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For GSM users, it has pentaband, meaning it will work on either AT&T or T-Mobile and is available at MobileCityOnline and NewEgg. It's pricy, but it's a really nice phone.
Yeah, awesome device. My co-worker has the unlocked one, AND a Titan!

The rumor is AT&T will get an LTE-compatible variant Q1 next year.

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After playing with the nexus I really want a phone with a 4.7" screen. I love that size display.

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