Hmm, this is unfortunate. Although I am really excited to see what Microsoft and Nokia come up with together next year, I also need a device to hold me over. My iPhone 4S is reliable for apps, but the battery is small, the screen is small, and I've grown very tired of iOS 7.
Do you guys have any recommendations for a good site to buy a Lumia 928 off contract to hold me over just for a little while? Looking for a great device to take on vacation this New Years for pictures.
And I'd also like to know if you guys think that whatever the 928 costs off contract from eBay or something is worth the ~$200 price tag (or whatever other prices are out there) to use as a temp phone. Or if I should just hold onto my iPhone regardless until the 929 or some kind of Nokia phone comes to Verizon?
Hmm, this is unfortunate. Although I am really excited to see what Microsoft and Nokia come up with together next year, I also need a device to hold me over. My iPhone 4S is reliable for apps, but the battery is small, the screen is small, and I've grown very tired of iOS 7.
Do you guys have any recommendations for a good site to buy a Lumia 928 off contract to hold me over just for a little while? Looking for a great device to take on vacation this New Years for pictures.
And I'd also like to know if you guys think that whatever the 928 costs off contract from eBay or something is worth the ~$200 price tag (or whatever other prices are out there) to use as a temp phone. Or if I should just hold onto my iPhone regardless until the 929 or some kind of Nokia phone comes to Verizon?
Back in October, I hedged my bets against the 929 coming out anytime soon and grab a near mint 928 off of ebay for $220 to replace my aging iPhone 4s. I'm definitely not regretting that decision... I would definitely grab a used one off of eBay or swappa with the news that the 929 isn't looking likely to come out.
$220 would have been great for me back in October if I knew this would happen. But now I've lost 2 months. So if I buy one now at that price, it may be a less worthwhile investment if a 929 or something like it ends up coming in the coming months.
With holiday spending and a trip I just booked for 3 weeks in Europe, my bank account would hate me if I splurged on a phone to use temporarily. That is, if a device actually comes to Verizon soon. If nothing happens for another year, then it's absolutely worth it. Ugh! Decisions.
I'm sure you can get a more used one for less if you watch ebay.
I picked up two phones to tide me over. I bought a used 822 for $75 on Ebay. It's in really really good shape. I think I got a good deal on it, i'm sure there are others out there. I also just yesterday somehow bought a refurbished HTC 8x on Ebay for just $100. It's a red one too. So i'll let you know how that is when it gets here. But there are definitely deals out there, although these phones did come out a year ago. I just hope Verizon releases some sort of top end phone soon.
I'm curious on your thoughts regarding the HTC 8x's shade of red. I purchased one almost a year ago (admittedly online and sight unseen) and was so excited to get a red phone. However, when I received mine it looked more burnt orange than red so I took it back and got black. I was sooo disappointed. That said, it's a great (not perfect) device. I think you'll enjoy it.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe I remember hearing it is IN the earpiece grille.