The Windows Central Windows 10 Tailgate party!

Laptop running Insider Build, doing some streaming Titanfall from XB while wife watches her cooking shows. Have 2 Encore tablets awaiting midnight. Have all of the families various computers ready to jump from Win7\8 to 10. I can honestly say, this is the first time I've seen so many people I know excited about Windows We also have a crew of us heading to our local Windows Store in the morning to try and score some loot!

I wish there were windows stores in new Zealand 😞
Have three Windows 8.1 and one Windows 7 machines that have downloaded the Windows 10 files. Plus my Windows 10 Insider machine.

In Southeast US. Not staying up till midnight to do the installs though!
Ive been on the insider preview since the get go.. Im seeing an 8gig $Windows.~BT folder with installation files in it. So yeah.. 10240 may not be the final bits as some have stated. I could be wrong though.
Ive been on the insider preview since the get go.. Im seeing an 8gig $Windows.~BT folder with installation files in it. So yeah.. 10240 may not be the final bits as some have stated. I could be wrong though.

Would be nice to get an update for insiders today as well 😊
I'm on a road trip until Friday but I will remote desktop in tomorrow (currently running RTM build) to see if all is going well.
Ive been on the insider preview since the get go.. Im seeing an 8gig $Windows.~BT folder with installation files in it. So yeah.. 10240 may not be the final bits as some have stated. I could be wrong though.

Mine is still at 140 mb? weird...
So it's 29th now.. I had a weird dream last night, I was installing W10 on my phone. Silly brain, 29th is the release date for desktop. Going to check my PC now...
I have a pathetic connection so I likely will not see Win 10 on my laptop for a while (currently on 8.1). Especially if all 5 other active computers in the house start downloading at the same time.

In other words, just here to hang out.
Standing by!

So, I was talking to some coworkers about the Microsoft store, just about windows 10 launch event. Not one person knew these stores existed. Even the more Microsoft fans didn't know it existed.
I'm gonna ask a question, and I don't want any hating... But, am I right in saying that the build they are releasing today is the same 240 build that the insiders got last week?

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