The Windows Central Windows 10 Tailgate party!

So not sure what the C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log file is really telling me, but I hope I don't have to wait until the 31st for the Install to kick off.

2015-07-28 18:18:51:497 916 1818 WuTask ScheduledInstallTaskHandler, setting scheduled install attempt time to 2015-07-31 00:50:37, using automatic maintenance:True.

This is definitely the file to be watching to see what's happening behind the scenes. :smile:
Windows 10 downloads while your network connection is idle, and the files will not appear in $Windows.~BT until they are fully downloaded. Until then, the folder will most likely weight 140MB.
It took me a long time to settle with OS X, I actually used to have a MacBook Pro from 2008-2012, and spent most of the time in Boot Camp on that.

Now, I use OS X as my main OS on my ThinkPad T420.
Having a UNIX environment for my developer needs is great, and learning to use Mission Control solved the issues I had with window management.

I still have some gripes with Finder, but it's pretty nice, and I prefer it to Windows, in part due to terrible Lenovo driver support.

My Surface Pro 3 is quite nice with Windows 8.1, I'm holding out upgrading that, though.

My ThinkPad X201 is the one that's getting Windows 10 as soon as possible.
Think I'm gonna wuss out peeps... It's 3am here... I've got 4 PCs sat here with their pre-download folders stuffed at between ~4-~6gb each, and I can't take this waiting much longer! :P I'm starting to annoy myself, going backwards and forwards between them, poking at them trying to make them do something! Lol 😁
I've done Hackintosh on my PC, but OS X feels like a toy to me. I can't get myself to stay on OS X for more than an hour.

Kind of hard to learn the advantages in OS you don't know in hour. IMO osx has much better productivity and fluidity when multitasking for me, but this is why I'm excited to give Win 10 a run, looks like they are addressing a lot of this with some new features. :grin:
Apple launch, bigger screen, massive queue, 900 dollars
Microsoft launch, free, massive features, smoke a few rollys
Think I'm gonna wuss out peeps... It's 3am here... I've got 4 PCs sat here with their pre-download folders stuffed at between ~4-~6gb each, and I can't take this waiting much longer! :P I'm starting to annoy myself, going backwards and forwards between them, poking at them trying to make them do something! Lol ��

Uhoh, I assumed that my 6GB folder would mean that I could install at midnight, sorry to hear it.


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