re: Is there really an app gap on WP?
The fallacy of thinking that W10 will fix the gap is that most corporate/equipment apps are missing in Windows too. Instead things like banks and such use the web. While that is fine for many things, on a phone the web browser just suck because of the small screen they have to display on imo.
Yes. Here is something else to consider. Much of what you mentioned can be accessed via a webpage. However, the problem is that the mobile webpage, if they have one, isn't as capable as the app. My credit union has an app for iOS and Android, but not for WP. I can use the mobile webpage to pay bills, transfer funds, etc. But only the app allowed me to deposit a check. Is THAT a deal breaker for me? Right now, no. Like I said previously, there are some apps that I wish I had, but they are not show stoppers at the moment.
Am I contemplating jumping ship to either Android or iPhone... Yes. I thought about going back to Android, but I still think the OS is too fractured and hodge podge. iOS although blah and IMO, old and used up, would be for me a better option I think. From my experience with Apple products, they seem to play a little better with Windows than Android does.
Right now, I'm holding off jumping for two reasons.
1. Cost. I don't want to have to spend money again on apps I already own.
2. I'm taking a wait and see approach on Windows 10 Mobile. I've already upgraded to Windows 10 on my desktop and SP3 and love the new OS. It is good looking, smooth, and more intuitive than Windows 8.1 was. I'm a Verizon customer, and right now it seems that Verizon is lukewarm on Windows Mobile devices. Although, there are rumors that Microsoft may make the 950/950XL available for all carriers. There are also rumors that HTC MAY release the M9 in a Windows variant, and even LG MAY release the G4 in a Windows variant. If HTC and LG do that, then I can see a tad more interest in Windows Mobile devices. HTC and LG have better name recognition in the US than Lumia does. If Microsoft can capitalize on that, then I see a better future with Windows Mobile devices. And name recognition is a big deal, even for app developers.