re: Is there really an app gap on WP?
If you come from an Apple world, or even a Android world, this is all you know, you NEED apps. It's been proven by polls that people WANT apps, browsing the web on a mobile device is not the best way to deal with stuff and can be very clunky. It's one of the most important things in a modern smartphone. And LOCAL apps are just as important as the big apps.
Windows Phone suffers two fold here, There is a lack or App gap, if you want local apps, the question is WHAT local apps because I don't think I have seen any (your local stores, radio stations, TV stations etc).
The other side if it, just because Windows Phone gets an app, does not mean it will be EVER updated. This is VERY common on Windows phone. Crap look at the ebay app, I am sure a LOT of us have this app on their phone, did you know you cant deal with, make or manage "best offers" on Windows Phone ? This was one of the first apps for WP and still cant even do all of eBay's basic tasks. This is just one example.
I tried one time to convert my wife from an iPhone to Windows Phone, said try it for the 14 days, if you hate it, return it and I will buy you an iPhone. So, she tried it, day by day she didn't like it, It was not the OS, she did like that, it was 100% the apps. She showed me 25 apps, and compared them to the iPhone's version and no question the WP apps were lacking, BIG TIME basic features were not even available on the Windows Phone version. I saw this first hand, she pointed out feature by feature (something I asked her to show me was a "why"), I told her to return the Windows Phone and I did get her an iPhone.
The biggest problem with Windows Phone is a catch 22 thing. Windows Phone cant get the apps because it does not have the market share but, it can't get the market share because it does not have the apps.
Microsoft's answer to this is Universal Applications and Android apps because everything else they have tried has failed.
I really hope it works. I love Windows Phone but, my common term for it is, Waiting...Waiting for a update, Waiting for a app, Waiting for a smartwatch with native support, waiting for XX hardware.... and STILL waiting...
It's getting really old after owning a WP device from WP7....
Continuum can be that feature, if it's done right.
The more I think about this feature on a WP device, I question it's usability. Sure if you own a big business and NEED to have a mobile office, sure this might work for you but, MOST of the phone users don't NEED this type of feature.
It might be of those things you use a few times and never touch again, again, all depends if it's done right.
Android tried something like this a few years ago, it was not cheap but, it failed (a laptop frame for a Moto phone that gave a desktop app) but, this WAS Android and not Windows, so it could be the reason but, there is a lot of questions with this feature.