The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

The app gal is real, and is a major problem if windows is to grow. So many developers avoid windows at all cost, wont even talk about it. Even developers who say they have good relationship with Microsoft, wont develop apps for windows phone.

Oh, very good.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

It's about the quality and not quantity. Play asphalt 8 on any android and wp device of similat specs. You'll see the difference. See the graphics. Use adobe acrobat on android and wp, you'll see how crippled it is. There are so many apps which are there just for name sake. They are there but practically useless. I recently shifted to android for the first time ever just out of frustration. Windows still has a very long way to catch up and with this pace, it seems impossible. About apps, features and so many things. Hopefully windows 10 closes the gap, atleast some.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Excactly. Same feelings after moving to Android. It seriously is like breaking free of shackles. And Im not talking about custom roms. The apps just function better, my phone is a SMARTphone for the first time after Windows Mobile.

This is Microsoft's own fault, no one else's. The state of WP functionality and lack of basic things is ridiculous considering how old the OS is. Its a joke really.

As an example Excel on Windows Phone is a biggest joke on the planet, and thats MS's own spearhead product... Yes sure, on W10M its finally moving forward, but that is not here yet and seriously, after 5 years the state of it tells every developer to stay away from this platform.

Microsofts biggest mistakes was that they couldnt move forward. they went forward, then back, then forward and then came new beginning and basically starting over once again in some sense. Also W10 is a new beginning in many ways, and Im sure it will lack many functions because iya "fresh". Even though its not fresh, its freaking 6 years old really.

My prediction is the W10M devices wont gain major share and slowly MS will start to bury the whole Mobile OS. the chance was with Nokia coming on board, from there making the right moves and great innovations the gain would have been steadily rising market share, but they dropped the ball with lack of great vision and leadership.

Here is another joke to finish.... Many times you open a picture or a video to share, but wait, you cant do it from that place... the app you want to share it is missing from the menu. You have to exit, go another route to do the worlds most simple and basic thing. On a new OS this would be acceptable, but not after 5 years...
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

After I installed Airbnb.apk on my Lumia I could not think of any other app I was missing.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Yes, I thought this was common knowledge. There is a quality problem within WP's version of these multi-os apps, like UC Browser, Tumblr, Facebook, etc.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

What's is actually holding folks up is too many low ended devices and Microsoft refusal to do a hardware refresh of either 1020 or 1520 or both including the cancellation of Mclaren. Many cases consumers can buy better hardware with Android for the same price. WP is spec wise is just to limited even for Microsoft to do proper updating.

Now, Microsoft has done a major in building tools to make porting easier from the two major app builders and the Universal App is a major plus.

However, developers now need a device with at lease equivalent specs that match Android's to test WP. This is what the developers don't have even if they have a wp it is mostly on older hardware or lower spec device that requires modification. This is a waste of time. This second part of what Microsoft have to fix for the developers.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Absolutely Yes... App Gaps and Broken Apps . Don't Think we have alternative. As per me consumer has to choose the product thats y i have choose win phone

I want to use google drive but we msft fan boys suggest go for one drive but that is not a solution !

I would like to register few points. Comparison is always there exists in the universe! Something is there in Android,iphone Not in Winphone?
I am not a frequent app user so i thought i am not going to face draw backs in Win So i purchased as like as fan boys
Facebook :
Unable to change cover photos and profile photos feeds are synced properly Yep it is absolutely developed by Well trained MS dev team
I have received a notification from a group in fb while clicking the same , at least it has to redirect to customized facebook UI but not happening it is redirected to mobile site of facebook. Is it worse ? API has to handle that right ?

Twitter : Suggestions from twitter in mail, While click the follow button it redirects as usual mobile site and lands the user page without following and redirects to home page ! Application is Developed By Twitter also
I am little bit lazy to ping point all the issues , But Existing apps has great features compared to Android but improper page navigation and landing

Worst of the Worst ? Some exclusive Mobile sites not even recognize the windows phone browser instance as mobile instance. Each httprequest from mobile says as you are trying access a mobile site please connect using phone not from desktop ?

Really Exclusive features are available in Windows Mobile but people will go for that only after there basic needs to be satisfied

Some points why developers are not interested to develop an app :
1. No developer will work the R& D of any company product not only for MSFT ( Twitter slams Iphone 6 launch while their apps perform outrages they soughted to apple because of huge user base)
2. Windows Insider is good program but many company will concentrate on windows phone after RTM only
3. Windows as a Service is a good approach but adapting to the windows approach is takes time bcoz have to write the serialized code which doesn't impact the software such as base controller instead of there controller,packages, dll blah, blah blah blah

Note : It is purely my personal opinion
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re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I want to use google drive but we msft fan boys suggest go for one drive but that is not a solution !
I am not defending anyone, but this argument works both ways. Here is one real-life example: If I wanted to switch away from WP I could not go with Android because that OS is not good for me. It just sucks from my perspective and the only real alternative would then be iOS. But I want to keep my Microsoft services (I don't want to switch to any Apple service) and I want my photos and videos automatically uploaded to OneDrive after I make them. This part does not work properly on iOS - mainly because Apple does not allow 3rd party apps to do automatic things. This is a major problem with iOS and if I ever wanted to switch I would not pay for Apple cloud services because they lack functionality and are extremely expensive.

I don't think that WP ecosystem really needs a high end device in the long run, but for now we need to have something expensive (Lumia 950) because people prefer expensive phones so that they can tell themselves that they made a good choice ;-)

From my point of view if Microsoft would make two types of phones every year (like Apple) it could work well for ecosystem, but before seeing that happen this ecosystem needs another way of getting users+developers on board...
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

The app gap is big for me.

Don't want or need them:

I realize other people use them and that's fine. I hope they all come to WP or if they already are, get better.

I however, am an adult. I use my phone to organize my life and need the boring apps like:
- My bank!! (i'm tired of using a web browser)
- My credit card (i'm tired of using a web browser)
- My local grocer (i'm tired of using a web browser)
- HBO GO (i can't even USE my web browser)
- Xfinity (i can't even USE my web browser efficiently)
.....and much much more.

So for me it's not about what's new and hip and all the kids are using. It's about the everyday apps that are helpful when I'm on the run and living life.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I absolutely LOVE WP. I am a huge fan of the platform however, after years of using WP (since 7) I finally switch to android last year.
I am a big tech freak and too many of the things I use are not available on WP even if it one or two apps exist they are just awful.

The app gap is big for me.

I need:
- Sonos App
- Wink App
- Harmony App
- Amazon Fire TV App
- ADT App
- BOA App
- Chase App

These are apps that I use ALL the time and are missing from WP, not to mention a few other that I use much less.
I would LOVE to go back to WP but I just can't until at least these apps are available.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I gave WP a try on two occassions - first with a 920 and then an Icon. Loved the hardware, especially the cameras, and enjoyed the OS but the app gap was what killed it for me. I could care less about Facebook or Snapchat and I'm not a gamer, as my cell phone is primarily a business tool. I need apps for major banks where my business acounts are held. The lack of a good Google Maps app (the third party apps at time I was on WP were all missing some key functions) was a problem. I tried to use Here maps, but on several occassions, it steered me in completely wrong direction not even close to correct location. I listen to a lot of podcasts, and there was no good app for that at time I was on WP - now the Pocketcasts is there, that should be solved. Same for Audible - it was really poor when I was on WP, but I understand it has been updated now. So there has been some progress.

I think if Google and Microsoft were ever to settle their dispute and all the key Google apps were to come to WP, I may be tempted to give it a third try. But for now - the app gap is what killed my WP experiment.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

App gap is HUGE! Even the apps that exist are far from what Android offers. My 1020 screen broke and I happened to switch to Xperia M4 for a month's time. I couldn't live with the camera of the Xperia so got my 1020 repaired. After switching back, I understood how much it is different. Honestly, Xperia is much faster with almost every task. After switching to my 1020 - I keep regretting it. I could have bought a point and shoot camera for 10000 Rupees (Screen costed me 9600 Rupees) and kept my Xperia.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This is my situation as well, but in my case both my bank and one of my major CC's sites aren't functional via a mobile browser, so I don't even have that option.
Other than the financial type apps that are missing, the biggest one for me is Amazon streaming music and video. I know there are alternatives, and I have tried many. But the simple fact is Amazon is where I have my music and video, and I already pay for Prime so I also have access to what that provides and it's become a service I'm not willing to go without.

The way I see it, my phone should adapt to me, not the other way around, and the current state of apps on Windows phone means too many sacrifices on my side. As you said, if other people find Windows phone meets their needs, that's great. But anyone claiming it can do what I need if I just try harder doesn't understand what is important to me or how I use my phone.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

What's interesting about these recurring app gap post and conversations is that I would bet that a good percentage of us came from Android and IOS where there is no shortage of apps. So if apps are so important what the hell are you doing here anyway? Having a platform to ***** on is more fun than having all those apps?

I think we would all agree that we are missing a app or two. I would also say most of the apps are of the utility nature. For me the apps I miss most are my bank app, a teleprompter app and a timecode slate for video work. All of which are better suited for my Android or apple tablet and not a phone of any kind.

The reason I remain on a windows phone(1520.3) is I love the fluid experience that it offers. After upgrading to the latest version of windows 10 I left my phone bare, with just the included apps that come with every new install. I have to say I am pretty impressed with the standard apps such as the weather app, maps, navigation,Outlook and the rest of the Microsoft suite. It's as if I don't need one other app for everyday use, and the experience is awesome. My phone is quick and fluid, my battery is long lasting. While I could give a **** less what friends think, even they are impressed.

I have many friends with the iPhone 6 plus who constantly come to me and ask me how did I do this or that? And I tell them it's because my phone supports this or that.

On top of all that the camera is awesome on this phone. And the video quality is great and above all the 1520 records audio like no other. I have recorded entire music festivals with my phone and at the end of the day still had juice left to call and order a pizza.

I would think that more everything is coming our way, apps features, new phones etc. And I'm cool with the wait. If you're not cool with the wait you probably would not like what I would suggest you do.

I shot this festival with my phone. And yes I know when it comes to filming all you hear about is the iPhone, Screw the iPhone.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I started with an HTC 8X and then a Lumia 925. I now have a Galaxy S6. I miss the Live tiles and the integrated MS ecosystem. Why did I leave? The apps. No Tivo app. No app for my local bank. There was a Cartwheel web wrapper that someone made but it's no longer available. The app is much easier to use than the web. No app for the drugstore. There is an Insteon app but it does not support (or even let you setup) the HD cameras nor have the all the devices. No local newspaper app. No apps for the major banks of my credit cards. No apps to work with other devices that I have but are available for IOS and Android.

I hoping with Win10 more android apps are ported over for use with the new tools available and that they work as designed. If/when that happens and there is a flagship phone, I more than likely will move back.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

All app opinions below are based on WP 8.1 (Windows 10 Mobile is still not release ready - no project Astoria assumed) -

The following apps need to happen fast (available at Win 10 Mobile launch)-
* New Communication apps like Snapchat, Slack (currently in beta supposedly), HipChat, Jira, etc.
* Bank apps like Chase / BoA / American Express
* Productivity apps like Touch Office and Outlook (at par with iOS apps)
* The built-in messaging differentiator : iOS has iMessage/Facetime, Google has Hangouts, Skype needs to become as ubiquitous and needs Phone numbers as aliases (like whatsapp, snapchat, iMessage) yesterday.

I see nothing but positives from project Astoria. It will get dev communities excited and once apps/marketshare are at a decent level, the dev will re-write those apps as native apps for performance anyway.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This thread and the long responses scare me. A lot of good points have been said here, about the apps. I enjoy Windows Phone and I want to see where it goes. I have only had Windows Phone, and I'm fine with that. All of these responses here about apps, not even social apps, but like bank apps, makes me wonder if my dad would really be okay with his Windows phone that I just introduced him to. He seems to be okay with it now, and being able to read it all but what happens if he wants more apps, like bank ones?
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re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I run 2 phones - an iPhone 5 that I'll upgrade later this year, and a Lumia 930. One for personal, and one for work.

What I find is mainly missing, are app for controlling consumer electronics (my TiVo, my Olympus Camera) and apps for banking. Otherwise, I'm good (although it is about time Microsoft got Facebook to build their own app instead of MS having to write one).

Back in February, there were two news stories within days of each other. Microsoft said 60000 phones were running the Win10 Tech Preview, and AdDuplex said these accounted for 0.2 % of unique devices it saw that month. So 6 months ago there were 30 Million Windows Phones in regular use (and that included a few hundred thousand WP7 devices). In January, Google announced it regularly sees 500 Million Android devices (including all the AOSP devices that don't use the Play Store, and tablets) in use. In May it was announced there are 94 Million iPhones (not iOS devices, just iPhones) in use in the USA alone.

This is why the App Gap exists. There are probably 10 times as many iPhones, and around 15 times as many Android Phones in use as there are Windows Phones. Since development for Windows Phone has been (up until recently) completely different to development on iOS or Android, it involves the same amount of cost but will only reach a fraction of the users.

Now, I am crossing my fingers that the three things Microsoft are doing are going to change those numbers so dramatically that there will be no disincentive to develop for Windows 10

- Microsofts target to have Windows 10 on 1 Billion (in use!) devices in 3 years, by basically giving the OS away. They've made a good start with 50 Million in a month, and that's even before those 30 Million or so WP peeps get their upgrade

- The Universal Windows App platform. Write one app, that targets those 1 Billion devices, and it doesn't matter if it's a Surface, a Lumia or an Xbox, it will run

- Forget Astoria, it's Project Islandwood that is the big news. Devs can take their iOS apps, and with only a partial rewrite, create a Universal Windows App that runs on all 1 Billion of those devices

Someone at Microsoft has been watching the Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams. "Build it, and they will come...".
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I can't believe there is still no proper XMPP/Jabber App like "Conversations" on Android or ChatSecure.
IM+ is no alternative, because it does connections over a helper service of that company.
The only apps that make any kind of a difference to me are games. Namely Clash of Clans and the new Marvel fighting game. My friend chides me about not being able to play games with him because I have a Windows Phone. "Do you have this new game that just came out? No? Oh, that's right, you have a Windows Phone." So yeah, that's annoying.

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