re: Is there really an app gap on WP?
What's interesting about these recurring app gap post and conversations is that I would bet that a good percentage of us came from Android and IOS where there is no shortage of apps. So if apps are so important what the hell are you doing here anyway? Having a platform to ***** on is more fun than having all those apps?
I think we would all agree that we are missing a app or two. I would also say most of the apps are of the utility nature. For me the apps I miss most are my bank app, a teleprompter app and a timecode slate for video work. All of which are better suited for my Android or apple tablet and not a phone of any kind.
The reason I remain on a windows phone(1520.3) is I love the fluid experience that it offers. After upgrading to the latest version of windows 10 I left my phone bare, with just the included apps that come with every new install. I have to say I am pretty impressed with the standard apps such as the weather app, maps, navigation,Outlook and the rest of the Microsoft suite. It's as if I don't need one other app for everyday use, and the experience is awesome. My phone is quick and fluid, my battery is long lasting. While I could give a **** less what friends think, even they are impressed.
I have many friends with the iPhone 6 plus who constantly come to me and ask me how did I do this or that? And I tell them it's because my phone supports this or that.
On top of all that the camera is awesome on this phone. And the video quality is great and above all the 1520 records audio like no other. I have recorded entire music festivals with my phone and at the end of the day still had juice left to call and order a pizza.
I would think that more everything is coming our way, apps features, new phones etc. And I'm cool with the wait. If you're not cool with the wait you probably would not like what I would suggest you do.
I shot this festival with my phone. And yes I know when it comes to filming all you hear about is the iPhone, Screw the iPhone.