The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Wells Fargo still has a Windows Phone app... receives updates regularly...
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

That is only one banking app, many others are just not available. On iOS, I can use apps to do all my banking including my business account. Windows phone I am missing 3/4th

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re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

The app gap is a problem, both the number and perhaps more importantly the quality. The other day I spent what felt like 20 min trying to get through the stupid 3rd party redbox app while my wife just wizzed on her android in seconds. And the FB app still sucks. Smh

But the problem is also perception. I feel the app gap everytime I go to my bank (chase) and see a sign to download the app I cant get. Same thing for a department store, seeing something on a commercial, sports event, hell....even my church. My point is that you can "feel" the gap all the time. I've thought about leaving several times.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

As for the unique features or exclusives, what does ios and android do unique or exclusive that would set them apart if all 3 had the exact same apps? I ask that in all seriousness. I'm not sure of anything. I think it's the ui in general and hardware that are important. We need a more high end phones...
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This discussion has been around for some time. The app gap is a personal thing and a general perception thing.

Regardless of the quality of apps or if there is third party apps the main issues are those two items above.

The reason for the first point is obvious. If you want a specific app and it's not on the WP Store then you're going to be disappointed. With many developers restricting 3rd party apps you may have issues using one if there is one available. This can be bothersome to a lot of people. It's also questionable if you really want to give your personal data to a 3rd party.

The second issue of general perception is a bit more difficult to pin point but I'll try. When services are advertised with apps, they always have iOS apps. Second is Android. Third might be WP and fourth possibly Blackberry.

When you're looking at a sign that says 'app available' when you're at some place you then realise it's only for iOS 100% of the time and Android 90% of the time. It's not hard to think WP is lacking in apps. Not many really care about Blackberry these days.

So this creates the perception that WP is lacking apps to the general public. Instagram doesn't advertise it's WP app. HERE has done the same if you go to their website. So you can see that even if they have a WP app it may not be obvious.

Then you have the issue of 3rd party apps. I have no issue with 3rd party apps but it creates a perception of why only 3rd party and not the 'real' app, even if the 3rd party is better. This means that WP is a third class OS in many people's view.

This is the real reason for the app gap. This is the real perception people have. Regardless of how many apps is required for an OS or how many apps people use.
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re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

App Gap refers three things

1) The number of apps available

2) The quality of the apps
a) The frequency of the update
b) The delay update behind iOS and Android

3) Localization of apps

The first one for WP is barely passes. Still, the number of apps is still left behind iOS and Andorid. This is a relative not so important for the gap.

The second one is important WP have most popular apps in the store but the update of the apps is HIGHLY left behind. I am not saying the bug fixing but talking about the new feature of the apps update. The delay of the update creates a disparity of apps ecosystem. When my friends have already the new feature of the apps and sharing how awesome it is, I am still stuck using the old one.

The third one is localization.. This is important as each region have its apps ecosystem. Most local apps are upload to the IOS and Android market while there is limited apps in WP market. The lacking localized apps hinders my incentive to turn back WP.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Of course there's an app gap.
I have a bunch of friends that love my Lumia, but they won't join the gang because of the joke apps called Facebook [lacks TON of features] and Facebook Messenger [lacks some features and is slow], among others.
Even if they make WM10 the best OS ever ever ever, as long as the Facebook app sucks, nothing will really change.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Never really felt the app gap when I moved to WP, but then again I was never the typical user to begin with.

However certain circumstances (not apps) have forced me back to using Android and iPhone daily along my WP.

Although I still prefer WP, I do in comparison feel that some apps I am starting to need more often are either absent totally, have some issue with the store each time an update is being pushed, or the third party suppliers have a a version that is so sub-par, that it makes it a pain to use.

It makes me rethink whether I have really done a good thing, or just compromised too much due to love of the platform.

And if I am starting to re-consider the fact, that there is more than this, what can you say for people already extremely used to using these apps in their lives.

It's long since the hardware was the reason people got the phones.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

There are many business related apps that are either missing or do not function that force me to carry an android tablet with me for work.

1. Workday
2. Runzheimer (not functional)
3. Cisco VPN (not fully functional)

A few personal apps not available that I miss but are not deal breakers

1. Fallout Shelter
2. GameStop

Otherwise its very frustrating to see ads on tv for new apps and know that 9 times out of 10 they won't be available.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Yeah the app gap is a big game breaker for Windows Phone, while it is keep getting better there are still a lot of apps missing, but i think most people that buy a Windows phone know about the lack of apps and dont care about it

I find that a lot of apps that are missing have great mobile sites and I just pin those sites to the start screen and bam, I have the app! :) ClassDoJo for my kids school is one of them.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This is boiling down to the success of Windows 10. I have personally decided to hold off on upgrading my Lumia Icon to one of the new Lumias due out this fall while I watch how well Windows 10 is received by developers. If it's not I will have to move to a different operating system.

I love Windows Phone and Windows 10 (Go Cortana!) and do not want to, but really the main reason for these smartphones is their usefulness as an everyday tool. Without many of the localized apps and on par high profile apps my phone is just an expensive pretty toy.

Fingers crossed that Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile become successes and viable alternatives to iOS and Android.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

As for the unique features or exclusives, what does ios and android do unique or exclusive that would set them apart if all 3 had the exact same apps? I ask that in all seriousness. I'm not sure of anything. I think it's the ui in general and hardware that are important. We need a more high end phones...
True. that's the only reason why im still with WP. The hardware and its design is second to none (I have a 1520). Lumia cameras are the best hands down. And the OS, though still somewhat immature, is more of a true OS as opposed to a massive launcher, which is what IOS really is. Its features are very unique like Cortana. And even though she is going to the other platforms she still won't operate the same as on WP.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

You really are mistaken about that. I have wanted to switch over to the WP since they first came out, but the app gap prevents me from doing so. The lack of apps I use every day would cause too much of an inconvenience which is unfortunate since in my opinion it is the most superior operating system of all options. Unfortunately I am stuck with Android and dealing with Google until the app gap is narrowed. I know many others who have the same view. But how great would it be to seamlessly sync all of my info between my phone and computer via my windows account. ... some day!
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

But how great would it be to seamlessly sync all of my info between my phone and computer via my windows account. ... some day!

You already can with Android. Don't you use Microsoft's apps?
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

For me, it's my bank apps. They are used so frequently that my daily driver has to have them. Luckily I am blessed enough to be able to have multiple devices. For those who can't, Windows phone is sorely lacking in some necessary applications. It's unfortunate.
Sent from my Lumia 640 =]

I used to think that was a problem but the banks I use have very mobile aware websites and are just as functional from the browser, if not more, as they would be from an app.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Chase bank once had a very nice WP app. A few months ago they announced they were no longer supporting WP. No matter how I complained, they've never restored the app. It did seem irrational to cut off an entire group of customers after years of supporting them, even if it is a relatively small group. The lack of this vital app didn't exactly drive me to iPhone or Android; but it makes me think that I might have to eventually despite my loyalty to WP. I hope that WP-10 and its ability to use Android apps will solve this problem once I have it installed.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This is boiling down to the success of Windows 10. I have personally decided to hold off on upgrading my Lumia Icon to one of the new Lumias due out this fall while I watch how well Windows 10 is received by developers. If it's not I will have to move to a different operating system.

I love Windows Phone and Windows 10 (Go Cortana!) and do not want to, but really the main reason for these smartphones is their usefulness as an everyday tool. Without many of the localized apps and on par high profile apps my phone is just an expensive pretty toy.

Fingers crossed that Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile become successes and viable alternatives to iOS and Android.
I'm in the same boat. I've been using Windows Phone since the HD7 launched on T Mobile back in 2010. There are a number of apps that I really want that are not available in any form on Windows Phone. After the Windows 10 phones come out later this year, I'm going to hold off on upgrading to them to see if the app situation changes. If a few of the apps I'm looking for come over to Windows 10, I'll upgrade to that platform and hope the rest follow. If none of them do or look like they will, I'm not sure what I'll do. I don't like iPhones and I hate Google (as a company).

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