The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

P.S.: Just as a single example of this, I went to a party/event recently in Venice where parking is limited. The host of the event was providing valet parking through a company called Luxe. I showed up, and it turns out that Luxe valet only works through their apps on Android and iOS. I couldn't even pay them $20 cash to park my car. The valets and I were both sorry about the situation, and the real cost of the app-gap struck me pretty hard at the moment, as I hunted around crowded streets looking for a parking spot.

This is a perfect example of what I was suggesting with my router/Target/TV comment.

For me, and I expect most users, it isn't that one or a few big apps are missing - its that you are excluded from the vast and growing app ecosystem that is EVERYWHERE.

Want to order Chipotle or Taco Bell from your phone and pick it up? Not on Windows Phone. Want to pay at Dunkin Donuts? Nope! Watch live TV or set your DVR if you have Fios? Not gonna happen. Use half of the big US banks? Not on Windows Phone you don't! Uber is there, but not Lyft. Airbnb? Not there. Want to order some GrubHub? Want to get an Amazon Echo? Not on Windows Phone. My university accepts tap to pay via Google Wallet and Apple Pay at all of the dining places, the bookstore, and on campus Starbucks. Wallet on Windows Phone? Maybe if it was supported in the US.

It isn't so much an "app gap" as a services and ecosystems gap.

When you reach a point where you can walk into most businesses and they have apps for Android and iOS - but not Windows Phone - you have a huge problem.

When most connected products (toys like Skylanders, home automation items like August Smart Lock, connected thermostats and so on) have Android and iOS apps, and not Windows Phone apps - you have a huge problem.

And it has reached a saturation of services, apps and connected products that support Android and iOS and NOT Windows Phone that I don't think anything Microsoft does can fix it at this point.

That doesn't mean that the actual design of Windows Phone isn't great.

Take into consideration the tight integration between Cortana on the two platforms.

There are games and apps that are unique to each platform. Microsoft is taking care of that themselves. They don't want to wait for what may never come.

Cortana is admittedly great. But will be on iOS and Android by years end, and Google Now and Siri will have similar functionality by then as well. But, yeah, it was (yet another) great function from the WP team.

Windows Phone isn't the problem... if that makes sense.

Regarding unique apps on each platform... eh. It is more like EVERYTHING is on iOS and Android, and nothing is exclusive to WP.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

The app gap is real, mainly games but also when windows phone gets them many of the features are missing. If you mainly use the big name ones then not so much. I'm big on apps and roms so that's why I stick to Android and use this 640 as a back up.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I understand what you're saying Tsukai Kurai, but I completely agree with c0wb0ycliche on this. It's not about the few major apps that we don't have, it's about the plethora of products and services that we can't properly use because they choose not to support WP. Games don't matter at all to me because I don't spend that much time on the phone, and there are enough to keep me entertained.

It's no fault of Windows Phone, which is a great OS and why I've been using it since WP7 (since WM 6.1, actually). I don't know what else to say; I'm simply getting burned out by being continuously locked out of things I want to use, even if I'd absolutely hate using Android or *shudder* iTunes.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I understand what you're saying Tsukai Kurai, but I completely agree with c0wb0ycliche on this. It's not about the few major apps that we don't have, it's about the plethora of products and services that we can't properly use because they choose not to support WP. Games don't matter at all to me because I don't spend that much time on the phone, and there are enough to keep me entertained.

It's no fault of Windows Phone, which is a great OS and why I've been using it since WP7 (since WM 6.1, actually). I don't know what else to say; I'm simply getting burned out by being continuously locked out of things I want to use, even if I'd absolutely hate using Android or *shudder* iTunes.

Indeed. Agree with your points. The platform itself is good. But it is still no use to the users if the apps they looking for are not available on that platform. One of the reasons why the users on iPhone are as "die-hard" is not because the platform is amazing. But because of the quality and abundance of apps.

The app gaps is real. If things are not improving with W10M, its Universal apps, or even with the porting of apps, I'm leaving windows phone for good. Just like you, I have already given lots of patience for the platform since I started with WP7. If the apps situations are not improving, perhaps is time for me to move to iPhone (not Android because its power hungry OS).
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

This is something I never understood:

  • MS: Look we have Windows Phone, we have very few apps,
  • Customer: "Wow, this is awesome. I will buy one thanks."
Then this happens:
  • Customer: "We need more apps!"
  • Developer: "WP is not a large enough market, so no."
  • Customer: "Back to Android/iPhone!"
  • Developer never makes app.
  • Indie developer makes 3rd party app then gets sued.
  • Developer never makes app.
Then repeats over and over again. I'm blaming the developers for this one.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Wait sec ok i see you guys say there is no app gap.I don't care about app gap but app quality.It's been years since instagram is beta,all other apps which are present are just nothing compared to the design and quality on IOS or Andy.This shows No dev cares about Windows Phone.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Eliminating the app gap tomorrow would not convince a notable number of people to switch. Why would people switch to WP for apps they already have on iOS or Android? They wouldn't. The app gap is a problem, as it is driving people away from WP. Closing that gap won't draw people towards WP however.

I can't say I agree with that. I have an iPhone 6 and a Galaxy S6 edge, and just got done ordering the Note 5 ( selling the S6 edge)
But, IF windows had a phone that had the specs like the Note 5 (fast, killer cam, 2k screen etc.) AND I could get ALL my same apps I use on those phones with the SAME quality as iOS apps, I would be all over Windows Phone.
Windows Phone (the operating system) is AWESOME. it's the app gap that kills me. and the garbage apps (quality).

I actually Have a Nokia 1520 but it just sits around collecting dust.
someone said that most people only use a few apps out of those billion apps iOS and Android have, and that is absolutely correct.
I run around 25 apps on my phone (aside from preinstalled apps) and that is a really Low number compared to a LOT of people I know who have 60-80 apps. So Yes, those other 1.4 billion apps are just junk to me.
But I want to have the apps I WANT. I don't want many, but out of the 25 I install, windows has 2-3, and those apps are terrible when compared to the iOS/Android version.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I made the switch from WP to Android (in fact, from all Microsoft to all Google) a few months back.

If you want to read about it you can check it out at
I don't really talk about the app gap there, but here is what I would say:

After using Android for a bit, it becomes really clear how unusable Windows Phone is and why I think it really is past the point of no return.

It isn't so much about "missing" key apps, it is more about the combination of missing key apps, out of date apps compared with Android/iOS, and a lack of ecosystem.

Want to use the app for your router? Chances are it isn't on WP. How about when your shopping? Target Cartwheel for example? Nope. How about all the premium TV apps? HBO Go, Starz, Showtime, etc.? Nope. Does your college have an app? Probably not on Windows Phone.

The "big" apps that are there- Facebook, Twitter, etc. are also way behind on WP. Really. Try Twitter on Android and then go back to WP. It is jarring.

And on.

And on.

And on.

It isn't just that Snapchat is missing. It's that with Windows Phone you are a second... well, third... class citizen when it comes to mobile tech.

And for a couple years, the great UI was worth it. But in 2015? Nope.

It sucks, but it is what it is.

In many ways you hit the nail on the head. Both in your words here and in what others are saying, the real problem goes beyond "app gap" or even quality of apps (the latter still be very important). The real problem is that MS ecosystem is immature, thus not allowing us to take full advantage of a plethora of services.

Now, in my view, the only card MS has left to play is build off of its strengths i.e. Windows desktop and the cloud, hence W10. This is the only way to do a quantum leap in terms of the "app gap," while addressing the quality at the same time (assuming that more official universal apps come along). This in turn would mature the ecosystem and give faithful WP users access to the services we crave. In some ways we're already seeing this (not the universal apps but the sense of a unified ecosystem). This is the only way (I can see) for us to get more than apps but services. In that vain, Nadella is on the right track!

I just hope he moves quickly :)
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Here in Italy a large part of banks have their official app for windows phone.
For me personally, i miss only 3-4 apps, especially VSCO Cam but i have a nexus 7 so it's less dramatic :grin: . Unfortunately i have to admit that the quality of some apps is lower, for example Evernote is way worse than the counterparty on Android even if the developers support it.

In general i think that 95% of smartphone buyers in my country will be happy in terms of number of apps.

Sorry for my english, i hope you can understand what i'm trying to say:smile:
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Yes namely face book, like certain features, it's shocking its' like they left it for dead and it's no 1 app...... The other thing those tiles need rounded of so more modern, few GUI improvements . I miss a template App to like i had on Android.. I do like the new 10 however Messaging improvements like quick reply. I dont want a zillion updates on apps, but least once a month isnt much to ask... I don't want an android O/S but i do miss many features apps have on it..I'm waiting patiently though.....I think they are worth it
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I can't say I agree with that. I have an iPhone 6 and a Galaxy S6 edge, and just got done ordering the Note 5 ( selling the S6 edge)
But, IF windows had a phone that had the specs like the Note 5 (fast, killer cam, 2k screen etc.) AND I could get ALL my same apps I use on those phones with the SAME quality as iOS apps, I would be all over Windows Phone.
Windows Phone (the operating system) is AWESOME. it's the app gap that kills me. and the garbage apps (quality).

I actually Have a Nokia 1520 but it just sits around collecting dust.
someone said that most people only use a few apps out of those billion apps iOS and Android have, and that is absolutely correct.
I run around 25 apps on my phone (aside from preinstalled apps) and that is a really Low number compared to a LOT of people I know who have 60-80 apps. So Yes, those other 1.4 billion apps are just junk to me.
But I want to have the apps I WANT. I don't want many, but out of the 25 I install, windows has 2-3, and those apps are terrible when compared to the iOS/Android version.

If i had S6 and New Note lots of $$$$ I prob would stick to S6 lol..they are flagship, Wish i could afford one past $100. Reason i went WP is cheap and i get the IOS experience. Try an android at budget price, all you get is hang hang !! lag!! I'm sure I'm not the only one one on budget.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I can't say I agree with that. I have an iPhone 6 and a Galaxy S6 edge, and just got done ordering the Note 5 ( selling the S6 edge)
But, IF windows had a phone that had the specs like the Note 5 (fast, killer cam, 2k screen etc.) AND I could get ALL my same apps I use on those phones with the SAME quality as iOS apps, I would be all over Windows Phone.

I didn't say closing the app gap couldn't convince you to switch. I said closing the app gap would not convince a notable number of people to switch. I very deliberately avoided saying doing so wouldn't convince anybody to switch.

You're assuming that you, and the majority of the smartphone buying public, are swayed by the same features/arguments. That is unfortunately wrong.

Just moving to something a person is unfamiliar with will deter many. Realizing they may want to rethink some of the services they use (iTunes, Hangouts, GoogleDrive, etc) will deter most from even considering WP without being given at least one very compelling reason to do so. For 95% of people, the ability to use the same apps they already use is not a compelling reason.

Without that compelling reason, for the overwhelming majority of people, whether WP has an app gap or not doesn't matter.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I didn't say closing the app gap couldn't convince you to switch. I said closing the app gap would not convince a notable number of people to switch. I very deliberately avoided saying doing so wouldn't convince anybody to switch.

You're assuming that you, and the majority of the smartphone buying public, are swayed by the same features/arguments. That is unfortunately wrong.

Just moving to something a person is unfamiliar with will deter many. Realizing they may want to rethink some of the services they use (iTunes, Hangouts, GoogleDrive, etc) will deter most from even considering WP without being given at least one very compelling reason to do so. For 95% of people, the ability to use the same apps they already use is not a compelling reason.

Without that compelling reason, for the overwhelming majority of people, whether WP has an app gap or not doesn't matter.

Well never know till windows closes the gap!
We can all say it will or it wouldn't but at the end till it happens no one can say! Closing the gap will definitely will get more on board than how it is now!
It will do more good than bad! No we wont get the all the user on to windows closing the gap but well get more than we have now!
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

As someone who just switched from WP to Android, the app gap is as follows: You see an ad for, say, an American Airlines app with several cool features. You look for the link for WP and.... it's not there, only Google and iPhone.

Or my friends all track their bicycle rides with Strava, and compete with each other on King of the Mountain segments, but there isn't a Strava app for WP.

So in those two examples you see two classifications of apps that are frequently missing from WP: official corporate apps, and popular social apps. After trying WP for 2 years (as my first smartphone), I got tired of getting left out.

A month into my Android experience, all that bitterness is melting away.

Until last night. Last night I discovered my Android phone is not capable of supporting SMS messaging over my car's Bluetooth device; my WP was. All I can do is take and receive calls, no texting.

So when I look at the tradeoff, there's one minus for Android, but so far virtually everything else, especially app availability, is plus.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Well never know till windows closes the gap!
We can all say it will or it wouldn't but at the end till it happens no one can say! Closing the gap will definitely will get more on board than how it is now!
It will do more good than bad! No we wont get the all the user on to windows closing the gap but well get more than we have now!

True, we can't predict the future. That doesn't mean things like history, trajectories and probabilities are completely meaningless though. :-/

You might as well ask, why go to school? Why learn a job? Why put money in the bank? Why invest in anything? The future is unknowable so expectations of the future are meaningless... that's ridiculous. It's okay to have expectations of the future, particularly if those expectations have been verified over and over again in the past.

Nobody said closing the app gap will do any harm. If the future is anything like the past however, MS can play as much catch-up as they want, it won't change the market share situation. Closing the app gap, at its core, is just another catch-up feature. It will stem some of the losses, but it can't notably contribute to market share gain. Don't confuse that with me saying it's not a worthwhile goal however. It is. It's just not what will help WP out of the muck.

We can't say this with 100% certainty, but it's extremely unlikely to be otherwise for the reasons mentioned.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

True, we can't predict the future. That doesn't mean things like history, trajectories and probabilities are completely meaningless though. :-/

You might as well ask, why go to school? Why learn a job? Why put money in the bank? Why invest in anything? The future is unknowable so expectations of the future are meaningless... that's ridiculous. It's okay to have expectations of the future, particularly if those expectations have been verified over and over again in the past.

Nobody said closing the app gap will do any harm. If the future is anything like the past however, MS can play as much catch-up as they want, it won't change the market share situation. Closing the app gap, at its core, is just another catch-up feature. It will stem some of the losses, but it can't notably contribute to market share gain. Don't confuse that with me saying it's not a worthwhile goal however. It is. It's just not what will help WP out of the muck.

We can't say this with 100% certainty, but it's extremely unlikely to be otherwise for the reasons mentioned.
yes true as well but history shows that the majority of user will go were the apps,features,and premium phones. Not all but the majority. At least 96% of the majority. But you have to not rule out anything! Throw all idea on the table. Close the app gap see what it does. If I doesn't work no worries they tried . We will have all the apps and critics will have something else to crab at WP about . Maybe all the apps will be game changer maybe not even ms is trying to close the gap for apps . What game changer beside app will help gain shares? Better cameras? history will show you that you can have strapped the Hubble telescope to a Nokia ......and they wont sell well. Features ......i can call and text no problem. My conversation with every one I've talked to know WP has " no apps". I know different but something has to give . If I go to school...i might learn something.......if I got to work....i might get never till you try
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Personally my wife and i are leaving windows and not because we didn't love windows phone, we love the UI and smoothness of the OS and our customizability, but our problem is we are heavily invested into Amazon and most of amazons services aren't available and the few that are they are very buggy and sometimes haven't been updated for a year, and for my wife she is a physician and every single major medical application and electronic medical records system work with IOS and some are slowly moving into android...but for windows phone ....NONE all you have are hundreds of menstrual cycle apps or fertility apps. neither of us use any social apps other than facebook to keep up with family, and we don't use trendy flavor of the month stuff, but lack of any real Amazon support and lack or medical professional support, we are forced to ditch our Icons and get either an android phone or iphone as disappointing as it is. im disappointed that microsoft hasn't done everything to ensure they would have real amazon support after these last few years or a few of the major medical app for the medical industry.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

I feel like the main reason for most people to not get WP or switchto another OS is the absence of applications and I understand it. I myself am frustrated by the absence of (what else than) Snapchat. While all my friends are snapchatting all I can do is look at my screen hoping that one day I will be able to join them. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.

Few days back there was a leak of information about project Astoria and people talking about getting their desired Android applications to work on W10M. I was excited about the news, so I decided to join the crowd and try some Android apps on my own. I did some research before and found out that Snapchat does't work (I might be wrong), so I went to all my friends with android phones and asked about apps I should try on my W10M.

After about an hour of disscussion no one could suggest a reasonable app for me to install. The reason is simple, I already had them. I already had native apps ( like Uber, Instagram, Shazam), unofficial clients (6tag, 6tin, Telescope) or good alternatives.

For sure there is plenty of apps missing (I can't see any Couchsurfing app, etc.) and there are people needing those apps, but I think we have fairly good base.

I think the reason for people thinking we don't have apps is that they heard it somewhere and/or they just don't know. For most of the users I'm sure there is more than plenty of apps.

So, is there really that huge app gap everyone is talking about?

I can't believe this thread actually exists. Is the OP for REAL???!!!!

I was on WP since day ONE, and finally this year I switched over to iPhone because I was sick of being a second class mobile citizen using third party apps because the original developers have no interest in WP (that WP even needs to have third party apps is humiliating in itself).

Every time I look in the newspaper, there's App Store and Google Play. Windows Store? Nowhere to be seen.

Every time I see an advertisement at a bus stop, there's App Store and Google Play. Windows Store? Nowhere to be seen.

Every time go the cinema and see advertisements before the movie, there's App Store and Google Play. Windows Store? Nowhere to be seen.

The list goes on and on and on. The app gap for WP is incredibly HUGE. And it's not about having one hundred apps on your phone or a million available in the store, but it's about having specific services available that you want, and knowing that your mobile with those available services can work seamlessly with the requirements of todays modern life. While these services exist for iOS and Android, pretty much all those developers have turned their backs on WP / W10M.

I left WP very very angry. I still feel angry, because I didn't want to go. I absolutely LOVE WP / W10M with all my heart, and am very excited about the new Lumias coming this year. I miss Lumia Camera, I miss my Live Tiles, I miss the speed, the rock solid stability, and ease of use and light years ahead feel of WP.

On iOS I feel like I've stepped back in time to old technology. BUT... I have SERVICES to integrate with the real world, I have access to a TRUE ECOSYSTEM. Services for EVERYTHING I can imagine. WP does NOT. Flat out and simply, it does NOT. And a brilliant OS with good hardware is not enough to cut it in the mobile world of today. You need SERVICES to be able to be effective, whether your personal preference is for apps or not, it's simply the truth of it.

And sadly, this app gap looks no closer to be getting positive momentum than it did 5 years ago. In fact, I would say the picture was better about 2 years ago than it is now. Now the market just isn't interested at a Windows mobile solution, they've moved on and are ignoring it entirely. And it's MS itself which is to blame.

I feel pained every time I read of WP users who spend month after month, year after year, HOPING for things to change, and being given constant broken promises by MSFT, one after the next. And then becoming so desperate that they claim in resignation "oh, well I don't need apps after all". Trust me, if you had access to ecosystem which was active and filled with services, you wouldn't imagine your mobile life without it, it brings your phone to LIFE.

For all of the brilliance WP has, it's an awfully painful stream of failures and potential that was never met. And now, being reinvented for the THIRD time in 5 years, a Windows mobile solution just doesn't look like it's going to gain traction any more.

It's exhausting seeing threads like this, seeing constant news articles implying a glimmer of hope. I feel sorry for the remaining people on WP / W10M hanging on for dear life for things to pickup, and they just don't. And even I keep on eye on things, hoping too that I finally get a reason to switch back to a Lumia, but the truth is, Windows has no mobile ecosystem to offer, no one out there wants to contribute to delivering services through it.

So, I waltz on with iOS. At least I know its ecosystem is thriving, vibrant, and constantly growing all the time.
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

But I want to keep my Microsoft services (I don't want to switch to any Apple service) and I want my photos and videos automatically uploaded to OneDrive after I make them. This part does not work properly on iOS - mainly because Apple does not allow 3rd party apps to do automatic things.

This is offt topic, but OneDrive automatically uploads photos and videos from my iPhone, sometimes faster than my Lumia does it (and sometimes much slower than the Lumia, no idea what's going on behind the scenes with OneDrive). Always works though, maybe I'm just lucky, but no other iPhone users in my family has had any problems with the automatic OneDrive upload either.

(Only time OneDrive has failed to upload photos for me through the years has been on the desktop.)
re: Is there really an app gap on WP?

Mindy, that was a very real and cathartic post, for me to read and probably for you to get out as well.

Thank you.

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