I feel like the main reason for most people to not get WP or switchto another OS is the absence of applications and I understand it. I myself am frustrated by the absence of (what else than) Snapchat. While all my friends are snapchatting all I can do is look at my screen hoping that one day I will be able to join them. But that's not what I wanted to talk about.
Few days back there was a leak of information about project Astoria and people talking about getting their desired Android applications to work on W10M. I was excited about the news, so I decided to join the crowd and try some Android apps on my own. I did some research before and found out that Snapchat does't work (I might be wrong), so I went to all my friends with android phones and asked about apps I should try on my W10M.
After about an hour of disscussion no one could suggest a reasonable app for me to install. The reason is simple, I already had them. I already had native apps ( like Uber, Instagram, Shazam), unofficial clients (6tag, 6tin, Telescope) or good alternatives.
For sure there is plenty of apps missing (I can't see any Couchsurfing app, etc.) and there are people needing those apps, but I think we have fairly good base.
I think the reason for people thinking we don't have apps is that they heard it somewhere and/or they just don't know. For most of the users I'm sure there is more than plenty of apps.
So, is there really that huge app gap everyone is talking about?