The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

you never know, maybe GOOGLE is paying them not port the apps, i mean look at google, MSFT apps are available on play store, yet google has not made youtube and gmail app on windows store, there has to be a story behind. LOL
It is a simple story. 80% of mobile users are on android. 3% of mobile users are on windows. Same reason no one developed for blackberry.
The app gap doesn't bother me one bit. I support companies that support Windows Mobile, and I leave companies that don't. I just got the new 950 with AT&T and it's fantastic. I use Wells Fargo for banking, I threw my DropCam in the trash and picked up a Homeboy security camera system. I'm fully committed to Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, and I go out of my way to support companies that provide apps for these platforms. Don't have an app for Windows 10 Mobile? I just move on.

I am with you but it is getting hard to recommand others. My kids and family are using WP also and not one really complains as most of the apps we use are there. Get rid of BOA and moved to Ally and it is much better but still. I would not recommand WP to any one. I will keep using it until it folds.
Agree with you, I was POed when BofA pulled their app, my solution changed the bank. Now I am with Ally and boy I am glad I did cause getting way more interest ;)
Let me tell you other thing, more and more quality apps will only go on iOS not on andoid because android is too much fragmented and usually less revenue for purchasing apps. So, If I am someone moving away from WP, than iOS is the place not android.

not to mention that android is ridden with viruses as much as syphilis is rampant in a strip club...
I am riding WP boat, not buying 950xl (1520 just works great) and might look to surface phone when MSFT release it.
I hope Microsoft understands and release unlocked version of phone which works on all carries so, we don't have to buy international version which comes up in Chinese language.
"App gap finally got me :("

I did not read much replies due to the length of this thread, but anyone buying a Windows Phone or Blackberry 10 phone should be aware that they don't have as much apps as Android and iOS due to lack of developer interest. Windows Phone does seem to be actually trying though, and is slowly improving.
I'm sorry you've done that, I love the Galaxy S6 and it's a good phone but it has the worst battery ever.
The Apps gap really is the problem for me. The apps inside the store almost stuck on WP8.1 version and the developer of the apps does not update it. For example the facebook, Wechat, Line, even they got updated, but still the apps quality, functionality and UI still cannot beat with other OS like in android and IOS. Please dun push apps quantity, but push the quality of WIN10 M quality. I will try to stay in W10M now and waiting something miracle from MS (IOS apps port to W10M).
Ever heard of transferring funds among accounts? I manage my money and the bank apps make that easy. I haven't written a check in over two years as paying bills and personal checks on line is great. Every time someone sends me a personal check guess how I deposit it? Any more questions?

I use my banking app which supports Windows phone and does a damn good job. :)
I'm about to roll back to WM...
After my first traditional Nokia phone in 2003, I bought an HTC with WM 6 or so. Next, iPhone 3S (3G?), iPhone 4s, then Lumia 920, and now Samsung Note 3. None of them have been perfect.
* iPhone: good apps, don't like iOS upgrade policy (deleted songs, bricked iPad 2, etc), lacks file system, how to turn off Siri?
* Android: many apps, in general not good quality, hate the push to install various apps (Samsung, Android, etc), poor battery life ( last 6 months: perhaps 4 hours of intense web browsing), etc.
* WP 8: good Office/Outlook/mail client. Few apps, but most of what I needed. Lumia 920: solid build quality, heavy. My first Lumia: spent half of the first 6 months back and forth between myself and the workshop. After I finally got a new one, the experience was much better. Battery life? Some 4 hours with 4G, 8hr with 3G.

There is an option in Setting for that.

Personally, I find my daily needs are much better after switching to iOS. Like you, I have already most of the apps I needed when I was with Windows Phone. However, after switching over to iOS, there are even much more apps choices and official ones as compared to the ones on Windows store. Is like a totally new experiences for me. Furthermore, apps are much more polished as well on iOS.
W10M is superior to iOS and Android. It has all the apps I need and the OS is better.

I used to have the same thoughts as well, until I got myself a new iPhone. I can find even much more choices other than "those I need". And even the apps supports are so much better and devs are much more responsive with feedback. Is like a whole different world. No more worries about lacking of apps and no more Resuming and Reloading nonsense.
Well, I resisted as long as I could, but the flash on my Nokia 928 died and I needed a new phone as the phone did not perform well with W10m and was hanging on W8.1m randomly. I seriously thought of switching from Verizon to AT&T to get the 950 (which would have cost me more per month and required a phone payoff on another line), but ultimately, the app gap got me. I have lost Chase and Mint and had no availability of quicken, bayweb, Honeywell home control and many others on Windows Mobile. Plus, all of my favorite Microsoft apps are now available on Android including Cortana. So I had to bite the bullet and get the Samsung S6. :(. I hate giving up live tiles and glance, but ultimately the app gap swayed me. I really hope that this is fixed sometime in the future so I can come back.
Well I hear you, for sure. I don't think I will buy another Windows Phone. I had a chance to go back to Android when I switched back to Verizon and I didn't. Now I regret it. I love WP for the most part but even as an avowed non-power user the lack of apps is starting to become a real source of frustration for me. I've had an 822, an 830 and now I'm using a 735. All great and reliable phones. I will probably look for something equivalent to the 735 hardware wise. I don't need (or want) a ginormous flagship with a six in screen. Good luck with the S6.
There is an option in Setting for that.

Personally, I find my daily needs are much better after switching to iOS. Like you, I have already most of the apps I needed when I was with Windows Phone. However, after switching over to iOS, there are even much more apps choices and official ones as compared to the ones on Windows store. Is like a totally new experiences for me. Furthermore, apps are much more polished as well on iOS.

This is really the point. Being in windows phone for years, I don't know what I am missing. And yes, I know some of what I'm missing, but nowhere near the truth.
Consider starting an online petition to Snapchat? Maybe it will get some press.
I am curious why this guy won't let WP make an app for it. He might have a hate on for MS, but he's being a jerk to a bunch of people who have nothing to do with his beef. I could understand if he didn't want to absorb the costs.
But seriously, what's his issue?
I know what you mean... I used to be in IOS then Droid then IOS again then Windows Mobile. There is a lot of quality apps in IOS compare the Droid and Windows Mobile specially for games.
I'm 65% sure there was a petition earlier in the year that they ignored that got thousands of signings ( I think?). I heard Snapchat was doing terrible in 2014 (something like $128M loss $3M profit) so it would be a good thing for investors and consumers to expand their audience but a mind-numbingly stupid decision to not do this out of spite.

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