I have, months ago. They have not responded. You can't seriously think that makes a difference though? I do it because I need to let them know that WP users are out there, but I'm not stupid enough to think that my email makes a difference in whether they create an app or not. Only market share and/or Microsoft can do that.
Are people missing the point here? This isn't about this one app. It's about the situation overall. This is just one tiny example. I personally could list dozens more, as I'm sure could others.
Pff I mean try phoning them, or send a letter or find the person that lead the development of the app of twitter
Especially since it wouldn't do any good.Go to all of that effort for some free or 1 or 2 dollar app? I would just get a new phone and be done with it.
I fully understand. But jut for your info, I work on a big telecom vendor I can assure you that WiFi calling (VoWiFi) is indeed there on WP and it is just matter of Operator enabling it. The WM OS itself supports it.
So in terms of say, the iPhone, is it just tmobile has enabled it?
The app gap doesn't bother me one bit. I support companies that support Windows Mobile, and I leave companies that don't. I just got the new 950 with AT&T and it's fantastic. I use Wells Fargo for banking, I threw my DropCam in the trash and picked up a Homeboy security camera system. I'm fully committed to Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile, and I go out of my way to support companies that provide apps for these platforms. Don't have an app for Windows 10 Mobile? I just move on.
Hers did it after denim updated even...but it had a slow processor.
This has been my philosophy too, but after a while it really starts to become hard to justify to myself why I'm paying so much for something that constantly makes me have to look for workarounds or feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. I'm not there yet, but I'm pretty close.
maybe she had a defective phone, i got mine used nov '14 w the update installed i assume and never noticed any issues
With a heavy heart I've just made the switch to Android. I bought a 6P last night, my first non-Windows phone. I was conflicted about leaving because I want W10M to grow, not shrink in share. I'm just one person, but if others have the same idea...what will become of W10M? I've had my HTC 8x (still running 8.0! Thanks, T-Mobile!) for nearly three years and enjoyed WP a lot. I wouldn't really say it was (just) the app gap that got me, but the fact that I just couldn't justify paying for a 950XL (that may or may not work fluently on T-Mobile) and an OS that just seems underdone right now. I will definitely be watching to see what happens in the future and will probably return if it gets better.
That's the thing. I have come to terms with the app gap on my Lumia 640 because I like the phone so much, but it's the little things that may not bother the hardliners but begin to grate after a while. A good example was when my wife wanted to print a photo at an automated photo kiosk in Walmart. Whereas in the past you could simply use bluetooth or attach the phone like a storage device, now it won't even let you get anywhere unless you download an app. You can guess which two apps it give you the choice of!This has been my philosophy too, but after a while it really starts to become hard to justify to myself why I'm paying so much for something that constantly makes me have to look for workarounds or feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. I'm not there yet, but I'm pretty close.
My job shouldn't be to make my choice of operating system useable through a lot of work. My phone is supposed to make my life easier. Going through all that trouble is not worth it.
Seriously, someone thinks emailing developers will change the app gap? I'm just happy when I get a response that windows is not in their future plans. Most of the time they just push delete. Of we ask spammed them, they'd probably just setup an filter. They are software developers.
What exactly is preventing you from using WiFi calling on Win10 mobile? Wasn't that even available on WP8.1? The settings are there.(Assuming the phone model itself supports it)
Emailing is the least we can do, even if 1 developer listens out if 10 it's a win.
Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
This is exactly the most frustrating part with MSFT. Let me write about a very bad experience i just had today....I have a Lumia 830 with latest W10M build installed.The app gap problem seems to be getting better slowly. But what will make me leave WP behind is if Microsoft puts no effort into making their own apps just as great or better on W10M than what we find of theirs on iOS/Android. With W10M coming to fruition over the past year, it was understandable why Microsoft's WP apps were sub-standard. But if they don't hit home run with their apps within a few months after W10M's release then it's the end. If they don't care then fans will not care, EOM's will not care, carriers will continue to not care, and developers certainly will not care. Game over.