The Windows Phone App Gap Thread

I been complaining about the app gap, more and more new apps are coming out for only iPhone
and Android, but not available for Windows phones. A banker at chase told me I could go to
the web and do somethings, but there are some things I can't do. The TV channels are pushing
their apps, not available for Windows phones, security systems are not available for Windows
phones.I don't know why Chase and Bank of America pulled their apps, if Microsoft charge them
for allowing apps, they screwed them selves. With the big app gap, the Windows phone should
be a lot cheaper then the other phones, they look at new hardware, instead of trying to close the
app gap.
I held on as long as could stand but there is no defined reason to stay with a WP device. I've had many WP to include the 925, 1520, 930, 640 and I was really looking forward to the new 950/XL. Sadly functionality and APP choices IE software that I can use in an Aerial photography business are not available for WP, I jumped ship back to Android. I'm currently using a Motorola Pure Edition which for the money and features I doubt you can find a better phone.
Shazam does that.
There is no karaoke function in Shazam, it only shows the lyrics (unless you play the song on the phone, if I remember correctly). At least when I used it last. It's the equivalent of googling the lyrics. Also it can't handle the jukebox queue, naturally.

Yes, there are apps on WP where you can get a worse approximation of the original functionality from an Android app. We all know that.
Contact the company that makes the app

I have, months ago. They have not responded. You can't seriously think that makes a difference though? I do it because I need to let them know that WP users are out there, but I'm not stupid enough to think that my email makes a difference in whether they create an app or not. Only market share and/or Microsoft can do that.

Are people missing the point here? This isn't about this one app. It's about the situation overall. This is just one tiny example. I personally could list dozens more, as I'm sure could others.
With a heavy heart I've just made the switch to Android. I bought a 6P last night, my first non-Windows phone. I was conflicted about leaving because I want W10M to grow, not shrink in share. I'm just one person, but if others have the same idea...what will become of W10M? I've had my HTC 8x (still running 8.0! Thanks, T-Mobile!) for nearly three years and enjoyed WP a lot. I wouldn't really say it was (just) the app gap that got me, but the fact that I just couldn't justify paying for a 950XL (that may or may not work fluently on T-Mobile) and an OS that just seems underdone right now. I will definitely be watching to see what happens in the future and will probably return if it gets better.
With a heavy heart I've just made the switch to Android. I bought a 6P last night, my first non-Windows phone. I was conflicted about leaving because I want W10M to grow, not shrink in share. I'm just one person, but if others have the same idea...what will become of W10M? I've had my HTC 8x (still running 8.0! Thanks, T-Mobile!) for nearly three years and enjoyed WP a lot. I wouldn't really say it was (just) the app gap that got me, but the fact that I just couldn't justify paying for a 950XL (that may or may not work fluently on T-Mobile) and an OS that just seems underdone right now. I will definitely be watching to see what happens in the future and will probably return if it gets better.

How is the 6p? That's what I'm thinking of switching to.
App gap didn't get me per se. I got a new job where I have zero reception so I needed a phone with wifi calling. That's what got me.

However, while I really don't care for Android or ios that much I have found the app situation to be much more convenient as well as I find it galling how much better MS apps are on other platforms. I understand putting the most time and effort on the leading platforms but man, apps, Onedrive for example, are so much better on ios and Android. It makes me not want to use any MS apps. Just out of principle..
The Chase app got me, I've been sim swapping a Nexus 5 and a 640 for the last 2 months, its getting to be a chore.
How often do you swap the SIM? I still have my LG Optimus F3 as well as my 640, but never swap the SIM to it since I'd have to keep cracking open the cases on both phones! ie Not only tedious but wear & tear. One alternative way if I ever need to use the F3 is to just use the hotspot feature of the 640.
With a heavy heart I've just made the switch to Android. I bought a 6P last night, my first non-Windows phone. I was conflicted about leaving because I want W10M to grow, not shrink in share. I'm just one person, but if others have the same idea...what will become of W10M? I've had my HTC 8x (still running 8.0! Thanks, T-Mobile!) for nearly three years and enjoyed WP a lot. I wouldn't really say it was (just) the app gap that got me, but the fact that I just couldn't justify paying for a 950XL (that may or may not work fluently on T-Mobile) and an OS that just seems underdone right now. I will definitely be watching to see what happens in the future and will probably return if it gets better.

That's funny, I kinda had a heavy hard when I brought my Note home the other day. I actually have found myself not looking at my phone as much as I used to. I enjoyed WM/WP that much. But I have to be pragmatic and use what works for me and if I could magically get wifi calling or reception in my office I would put up with the app gap and everything else and stay on WM. Shoot, even if Gabe would say wifi calling will be native to the OS(like the iphone) I would stay but I can't even get him to respond despite numerous tweets.

Oh well, I'm still a fan and will be following the scene biding my time for the opportunity to jump back in.
I have, months ago. They have not responded. You can't seriously think that makes a difference though? I do it because I need to let them know that WP users are out there, but I'm not stupid enough to think that my email makes a difference in whether they create an app or not. Only market share and/or Microsoft can do that.

Are people missing the point here? This isn't about this one app. It's about the situation overall. This is just one tiny example. I personally could list dozens more, as I'm sure could others.

One email from one guy surely doesn't help but if many windows fan unite and suggest we can see it happening!
Windows 10 mobile, new Lumias, Xiaomi Mi4 and many Japanese companies adapting windows 10 mobile.
It's the best time to send emails to developers because they might just consider it.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
The Chase app got me, I've been sim swapping a Nexus 5 and a 640 for the last 2 months, its getting to be a chore.
Is it really better to juggle two different phones than to just pin the Chase's mobile site as a tile on your 640? I don't get it......

I use more than just my WP but only because I'm required to do so for work. I chose the 1520 as my daily driver. If I didn't have that I would choose my iPhone over the Android. The app gap isn't doom and gloom. Ok, I don't give two ***** about snapchat so there's that. I have no problem with Outlook, facebook, Instagram or other apps compared to the other two platforms. There are many apps with fit and finish better than their WP counterparts, but it isn't enough of a crutch for me to move. I do wish for the love of God that my Android game Life is Crime would come to WP, but then again it doesn't exist on iOS either. And for that one poster's wife who stated 6tag is worse than the official iPhone Instagram, I disagree.

The app gap problem seems to be getting better slowly. But what will make me leave WP behind is if Microsoft puts no effort into making their own apps just as great or better on W10M than what we find of theirs on iOS/Android. With W10M coming to fruition over the past year, it was understandable why Microsoft's WP apps were sub-standard. But if they don't hit home run with their apps within a few months after W10M's release then it's the end. If they don't care then fans will not care, EOM's will not care, carriers will continue to not care, and developers certainly will not care. Game over.
One email from one guy surely doesn't help but if many windows fan unite and suggest we can see it happening!

Keep on dreaming. The only thing is marketshare or deals with Microsoft. They won't care about emails. I'll keep writing them because I'm weird like that, but other than to get their attention and voice my complaint I have no illusions it will do anything.
That's funny, I kinda had a heavy hard when I brought my Note home the other day. I actually have found myself not looking at my phone as much as I used to. I enjoyed WM/WP that much. But I have to be pragmatic and use what works for me and if I could magically get wifi calling or reception in my office I would put up with the app gap and everything else and stay on WM. Shoot, even if Gabe would say wifi calling will be native to the OS(like the iphone) I would stay but I can't even get him to respond despite numerous tweets.

Oh well, I'm still a fan and will be following the scene biding my time for the opportunity to jump back in.
I fully understand. But jut for your info, I work on a big telecom vendor I can assure you that WiFi calling (VoWiFi) is indeed there on WP and it is just matter of Operator enabling it. The WM OS itself supports it.
For me it was Google Maps that made me switch. I*bought a new LG G3. I decided to install*Cyanogenmod &*Cortana to get close to the smoothness of WP OS.

I won't talk about the difference between apps on WP vs Android. We all know how it is. My only surprises were:

1) Microsoft & Nokia Apps are better on Android.*
2) Cortana is rubbish on Android / Cyanogenmod.
3) LG Build quality is too delicate.

My screen smashed on the LG, so now I am using my Lumia 735 once again and loving it. I'm almost considering keeping an Android Tablet for the Apps I want in the car and at home (Amazon Music, Google Maps, Banking Apps etc) and getting a Lumia 950 again. But I shouldn't have to make that choice. Which leaves just one question left....:

When are Microsoft going to release a workable solution or toolkit that will allow developers to easily create Apps for W10 using their existing Android or iOS code?? All I heard is that they seem to have switched attention to porting iOS apps across instead of Android...*
Scratching my head at you folks picking Galaxy S6 as phones.

Galaxy phones have such crap software, skins, and bloat on them. The phones are laggy, slow, not great battery life, sealed batteries, no micro sd, etc....

So many great Android choices out there Galaxy phones would be last on the list.

If you have to have a subsidized phone the LG G4 would be a great choice otherwise there are tons of great un-subsidized phones out there.
Scratching my head at you folks picking Galaxy S6 as phones.

Galaxy phones have such crap software, skins, and bloat on them. The phones are laggy, slow, not great battery life, sealed batteries, no micro sd, etc....

So many great Android choices out there Galaxy phones would be last on the list.

If you have to have a subsidized phone the LG G4 would be a great choice otherwise there are tons of great un-subsidized phones out there.

You have clearly never used S6.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
You have clearly never used S6.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Wife and I played with all the phones when buying her LG G4 in September.

When the Galaxy S6 has laggy slow response in the store with nothing on it that is an easy indication not to buy it.
We had the same experience with both the ATT and Sprint versions of the phone too.

Combine the lagginess with the sealed battery and no micro sd and the choice for the LG was easy to make.

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