As far as I am concerned, I feel since switching to Lumia 1520 two years ago, I have had far less headache than when I was on Android... Soooo many apps I've installed that I never ever used.
With Windows Mobile, I do miss some apps... Usually those about practicality... And that is where I wish Microsoft SERIOUSLY steps up its game.
You don't have to woo developers. You can't woo them all. You don't have to seduce them. You don't have to push and pull and compete with other platforms.
It's wayyyy simpler than that. Simply, set up a unit within Microsoft Mobile, let's call it the App Hub. 2, 3 or 5 employees, whatever it is. Monitor the major markets where the competing platforms are dominant. Start with the globally-dominant apps that trespass localization needs such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, the major news channels, etc...
#1: Get a tech counselor or lawyer to negotiate a deal with the publisher or developer. Either pay the developer to create a Windows Mobile version with a commitment for all future updates and releases IN PARALLEL to the iOS/Android updates OR have the Microsoft in-house team develop the Windows 10 Mobile version with the supervision/guidance/agreement of the rights holders.
#2: Pick up the top 100 apps from each competing platform category. Pick up the Top 100 games, Top 100 chat apps, Top 100 mapping apps, Top 100 health-related apps, Top 100 fitness apps, Top 100 advertising industry apps, Top 100 educational apps, Top 100 traffic tickets apps, Top 100 e-books libraries apps, Top 100 music apps, Top 100 photo editing apps, Top 100 video editing apps, Top 100 Instagram editing apps, Top 100 coffee recipes apps, Top 100 cooking apps, Top 100 restaurant locator apps, Top 100 sites apps, Top 100 WHATEVER apps.
I am sure it won't cost more than $500 million IN TOTAL and i am sure Microsoft is throwing way more than that on marketing budgets of current products AND losing the same if not a bigger amount of money on creating great phones that sell poorly because of the app gap issue/stigma.
They should be smart enough to know by now, they cannot coax or seduce people into buying their mobiles and handsets by simply showcasing how great they are. I know they are great, those who use them know they are great, those who are tech savvy know they are great, but no store is going to risk selling a Win OS to someone expecting SnapChat, Tango, and their bank's app to be compatible,
they will return second day to either exchange it or report the sales people if they can't return the device for being sold a "useless" gadget.
The competition between iOS and Android has surpassed the concept of apps and app stores and they have saturated their own markets therefore they have shifted to other routes. Android expansion is based on covering an unlimited number of OEM's from low-end to high-end devices while iOS already has a cult-like following that will buy anything with the Apple logo on it, even if it's an empty box.
Let's be honest, Microsoft is way behind. A great platform doesn't make a great seller which doesn't secure its chances of survival.
No one ever thought Nokia would crash (in disregard to Elop's role) while they were creating far more advanced devices when the first iPhone came out.
Let's be blunt this time, Microsoft, you are way behind in market share. You can't even compete with the other two the same way they compete among each other. It's like 2 black-belt karate masters with a yellow-belt karate pupil. You need to get the apps on your platform, Continuum and all that, we all love, but that doesn't mean I can use a proper Tango app. That doesn't mean I can have that Instagram app where i can create split videos. That doesn't mean I can handle my online banking through my bank's app. That doesn't mean I can check my speeding tickets. That doesn't mean I can do this and that while my friends have far poorer phones in terms of specs and their experience is way smoother.
Until Project Astoria becomes a reality that is completely compatible with Win 10 Mobile, I cannot see any other solution than what I've suggested.
Universal apps is an amazing concept, and I am on Win 10 and Win 10 Mobile, then again, Universal apps are USELESS if the ones that i need are not there to begin with.....